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// ==UserScript== // @name Reddit highlight new comments // @namespace // @description Highlights new comments since your last visit // @include /https?:\/\/[a-z]+\.reddit\.com\/r\/[\w:+-]+\/comments\/[\da-z]/ // @version 2.0.2 // @require // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_addStyle // @homepageURL // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== 'use strict'; /* changelog: 2020-03-14 - 2.0.2 - fixed exception on comments with no live timestamps 2019-02-12 - 2.0.1 - fixed issue with media threads 2016-02-16 - 2.0.0 - removed better/worse comments - removed option to use reddit's new comment highlighting, it is now removed - added support for Chromium - all visits within the past 7 days are show in a dropdown (similar to reddit's highlighting), you can still choose a custom time - added UI for settings with a preview, settings won't be reset on every update - you can now select which part of the comment is highlighted available options: whole comment, text and time 2015-02-20 - 1.0.2 - added option to use either this script's or reddit's comment highlighting 2014-09-10 - 1.0.1 - no longer highlights your own comments 2014-08-31 - 1.0.0 - initial release */ let HNC = { init: function () { if (!document.getElementById('siteTable')) { return; } let thread = document.getElementsByClassName('thing link')[0].className.match(/id-(t3_[^ ]+)/)[1], now = ; this.config = this.cfg.load(); this.clear_history(); if (!this.config.history[thread]) { this.config.history[thread] = [ ]; } this.config.history[thread].unshift(now); /* check for comments */ if (!document.getElementById('noresults')) { /* highlight */ if (this.config.history[thread].length > 1) { this.highlight(this.config.history[thread][1]); } /* add UI */ this.ui.create_comment_highlighter(this.config.history[thread]); this.ui.create_config_dialog(); GM_addStyle('config_style')); }; }, highlight: function (since) { let comments = document.getElementsByClassName('comment'), username ; if (document.body.classList.contains('loggedin')) { username = document.getElementsByClassName('user')[0].firstElementChild.textContent; } for (let comment of comments) { /* skip removed or deleted comments */ if (comment.classList.contains('deleted') || comment.classList.contains('spam')) { continue; } /* skip our own comments */ let author = comment.getElementsByClassName('author')[0].textContent; if (username && username == author) { continue; } /* select original or edited comment time */ let times = comment.getElementsByClassName('tagline')[0].getElementsByTagName('time'), time = Date.parse(times[this.config.prefer_edited_time ? times.length - 1 : 0].getAttribute('datetime')) ; /* add styles */ if (time > since) { comment.classList.add('hnc_new'); let elements = { 'comment': comment, 'text': comment.getElementsByClassName('usertext-body')[0].firstElementChild, 'time': comment.getElementsByClassName('live-timestamp')[0], }; elements[this.config.apply_on].setAttribute('style', this.generate_comment_style(time, since)); } } }, reset_highlighting: function () { let comments = document.getElementsByClassName('hnc_new'); for (let i = comments.length; i > 0; i--) { let comment = comments[i - 1]; comment.classList.remove('hnc_new'); let elements = { 'comment': comment, 'text': comment.getElementsByClassName('usertext-body')[0].firstElementChild, 'time': comment.getElementsByTagName('time')[0], }; for (let element in elements) { elements[element].removeAttribute('style'); } } }, clear_history: function () { let now =; let expiration = this.config.history_expiration * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; for (let thread in this.config.history) { let visits = this.config.history[thread]; for (let i = 0; i < visits.length; i++) { if (now - visits[i] > expiration) { this.config.history[thread].splice(i); if (!this.config.history[thread].length) { delete this.config.history[thread]; } } } } }, generate_comment_style: function (comment_time, since) { let style = this.config.comment_style; style = style.replace(/\s+/g, ' '); style = style.replace(/%color/g, this.get_color( - comment_time, - since)); return style; }, get_color: function (comment_age, highlighting_since) { if (!this.config.use_color_gradient) { return this.config.color_newer; } if (comment_age > highlighting_since - 1) { return this.config.color_older; } let time_diff = 1 - comment_age / highlighting_since, color_newer = tinycolor(this.config.color_newer).toHsl(), color_older = tinycolor(this.config.color_older).toHsl() ; let color_final = tinycolor({ h: color_older.h + (color_newer.h - color_older.h) * time_diff, s: color_older.s + (color_newer.s - color_older.s) * time_diff, l: color_older.l + (color_newer.l - color_older.l) * time_diff, }); return color_final.toHslString(); }, }; HNC.ui = { create_comment_highlighter: function (visits) { /* create element */ let highlighter = document.createElement('div'); highlighter.innerHTML ='comment_highlighter'); highlighter.classList.add('rounded', 'gold-accent', 'comment-visits-box'); let commentarea = document.getElementsByClassName('commentarea')[0], sitetable = commentarea.getElementsByClassName('sitetable')[0], comment_margin = window.getComputedStyle(sitetable.firstChild).getPropertyValue('margin-left'), gold_highlighter = document.getElementsByClassName('comment-visits-box')[0] ; /* remove default comment highlighter */ if (gold_highlighter) { gold_highlighter.parentNode.removeChild(gold_highlighter); } /* properly place */'margin-left', comment_margin); commentarea.insertBefore(highlighter, sitetable); /* generate visits */ let select = document.getElementById('comment-visits'); for (let visit of visits) { let option = document.createElement('option'); option.textContent = time_ago(visit); option.value = visit; select.appendChild(option); } if (visits.length > 1) { select.children[3].setAttribute('selected', ''); } /* add listeners */ select.addEventListener('change', this.update_highlighting); let custom = document.getElementById('hnc_custom_visit');'width', (select.getBoundingClientRect().width) + 'px'); custom.addEventListener('keydown', this.custom_visit_key_monitor); custom.addEventListener('blur', this.set_custom_visit); this.custom_pos = 0; /* config button */ let config_button = document.getElementById('hnc_config_icon');'background-image','config_icon').replace(/\s/g, '')); config_button.addEventListener('click', this.show_config_dialog); }, update_highlighting: function (event) { /* no highlighting */ if ( == '') { HNC.reset_highlighting(); } /* custom */ else if ( == 'custom') { document.getElementById('comment-visits').style.setProperty('display', 'none'); let custom = document.getElementById('hnc_custom_visit');'display'); custom.focus(); custom.setSelectionRange(0, 2); } /* previous visit */ else { HNC.reset_highlighting(); HNC.highlight(parseInt(, 10)); } }, custom_visit_key_monitor: function (event) { if (event.altKey || event.ctrlKey || (event.shiftKey && event.key != 'Tab')) { return; } if (event.key == 'Tab') { let match =^(\d+?:)\d+?$/); if (match) { if (event.shiftKey) { HNC.ui.custom_pos--; } else { HNC.ui.custom_pos++; } if (HNC.ui.custom_pos % 2 == 0) {, match[1].length - 1); } else {[1].length, match[0].length); } event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); } } else if (event.key == 'Enter') {; event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); } }, set_custom_visit: function (event) { let select = document.getElementById('comment-visits'), match =^(\d+?):(\d+?)$/) ; if (match) { let option = document.createElement('option'), hours = parseInt(match[1], 10), minutes = parseInt(match[2], 10), visit = - (hours * 60 + minutes) * 60 * 1000 ; option.value = visit; option.textContent = time_ago(visit); select.add(option, 2); select.selectedIndex = 2; } else { select.selectedIndex = 0; } let change = new Event('change'); select.dispatchEvent(change); = '00:00';'display', 'none');'display'); }, create_config_dialog: function () { /* create wrapper */ let wrapper = document.createElement('div'); document.body.appendChild(wrapper); = 'hnc_dialog_wrapper'; wrapper.innerHTML ='config_dialog'); /* add preview */ let comment_preview = document.getElementById('hnc_comment_preview'); let first_comment = document.getElementsByClassName('comment')[0].cloneNode(true); first_comment.removeChild(first_comment.getElementsByClassName('child')[0]);'margin-left', '0'); comment_preview.appendChild(first_comment);'display', 'none'); wrapper.addEventListener('click', this.hide_config_dialog); this.load_config_values(); this.add_listeners(); }, show_config_dialog: function () { document.getElementById('hnc_dialog_wrapper').style.removeProperty('display'); /* disable scrolling */ //'top', -document.documentElement.scrollTop + 'px'); //'position', 'fixed'); //'overflow-y', 'scroll'); //'width', '100%'); }, hide_config_dialog: function (event) { if ( != 'hnc_dialog_wrapper' && != 'hnc_close_button') { return; } let wrapper = document.getElementById('hnc_dialog_wrapper');'display', 'none'); /* enable scrolling */ //let scroll = -parseInt(, 10); //'overflow-y'); //'position'); //document.documentElement.scrollTop = scroll; HNC.reset_highlighting(); HNC.highlight(parseInt(document.getElementById('comment-visits').value, 10));; }, load_config_values: function () { let dialog_settings = document.getElementsByClassName('hnc_setting'); for (let element of dialog_settings) { let name =; if (element.tagName == 'INPUT' && element.type == 'checkbox') { element.checked = HNC.config[name]; if (element.dataset.disable) { document.getElementById(element.dataset.disable).disabled = !element.checked; } } else { element.value = HNC.config[name]; } } this.update_preview(); }, add_listeners: function () { let dialog_settings = document.getElementsByClassName('hnc_setting'); for (let element of dialog_settings) { element.addEventListener('change', this.setting_change); } document.getElementById('hnc_clear_history_button').addEventListener('click', this.clear_all_history); document.getElementById('hnc_reset_button').addEventListener('click', this.reset_config); document.getElementById('hnc_close_button').addEventListener('click', this.hide_config_dialog); }, setting_change: function (event) { let name =; if ( == 'INPUT' && == 'text' && ! { = HNC.config[name]; return; } if ( == 'INPUT' && == 'checkbox') { HNC.config[name] =; if ( { document.getElementById( = !; } } else { HNC.config[name] =; } HNC.ui.update_preview(); }, reset_config: function (event) { /* keep history */ let history = HNC.config.history; /* reset */ HNC.config = HNC.cfg.default(); HNC.config.history = history; HNC.ui.load_config_values(); }, clear_all_history: function (event) { HNC.config.history = { }; }, update_preview: function () { let preview = document.getElementById('hnc_comment_preview').firstElementChild; let elements = { 'comment': preview, 'text': preview.getElementsByClassName('usertext-body')[0].firstElementChild, 'time': preview.getElementsByClassName('live-timestamp')[0], }; for (let element in elements) { elements[element].removeAttribute('style'); } let comment_age = Date.parse(elements.time.getAttribute('dateTime')), double_comment_age = comment_age - ( - comment_age) * 2 ; elements[HNC.config.apply_on].setAttribute('style', HNC.generate_comment_style(comment_age, double_comment_age)); }, }; = { comment_highlighter: function () {/* <div class="title" style="line-height: 20px;">Highlight comments since: <select id="comment-visits"> <option value="">no highlighting</option> <option value="custom">custom</option> </select> <input id="hnc_custom_visit" type="text" value="00:00" pattern="\d+?:\d+?" style="display: none;" /> <span id="hnc_config_icon"></span> </div> */}, config_dialog: function () {/* <div id="hnc_dialog"> <div> <label><input id="hnc_prefer_edited_time" class="hnc_setting" type="checkbox">Highlight edited comments</label> </div> <hr /> <div> <label><input type="checkbox" id="hnc_use_color_gradient" class="hnc_setting" data-disable="hnc_color_older">Use time based color gradient</label> </div> <div> <label class="hnc_fixed_width" for="hnc_color_newer">Newer comments color</label><input type="text" id="hnc_color_newer" class="hnc_setting" title="Supported formats: #80bfff rgba(128, 191, 255, 1) hsla(210, 100%, 75%, 1)" pattern="(#(?:[\da-fA-F]{3}){1,2}|rgb\((?:\d{1,3},\s*){2}\d{1,3}\)|rgba\((?:\d{1,3},\s*){3}\d*\.?\d+\)|hsl\(\d{1,3}(?:,\s*\d{1,3}%){2}\)|hsla\(\d{1,3}(?:,\s*\d{1,3}%){2},\s*\d*\.?\d+\))"> </div> <div> <label class="hnc_fixed_width" for="hnc_color_older">Older comments color</label><input type="text" id="hnc_color_older" class="hnc_setting" title="Supported formats: #cce5ff rgba(204, 229, 255, 1) hsla(210, 100%, 90%, 1)" pattern="(#(?:[\da-fA-F]{3}){1,2}|rgb\((?:\d{1,3},\s*){2}\d{1,3}\)|rgba\((?:\d{1,3},\s*){3}\d*\.?\d+\)|hsl\(\d{1,3}(?:,\s*\d{1,3}%){2}\)|hsla\(\d{1,3}(?:,\s*\d{1,3}%){2},\s*\d*\.?\d+\))"> </div> <hr /> <div> <label class="hnc_fixed_width" for="hnc_apply_on">Apply styles on</label><select id="hnc_apply_on" class="hnc_setting"><option>text</option><option>comment</option><option>time</option></select> </div> <div> <label for="hnc_comment_style">Comment style</label> <textarea id="hnc_comment_style" class="hnc_setting"></textarea> </div> <hr /> <div> <label for="hnc_comment_preview">Preview</label> <div id="hnc_comment_preview"></div> </div> <hr /> <div style="float: right"> <button id="hnc_clear_history_button">Clear history</button> <button id="hnc_reset_button">Reset</button> <button id="hnc_close_button">Close</button> <div> </div> */}, config_style: function () {/* input.hnc_setting[pattern]:invalid, #hnc_custom_visit:invalid { box-shadow: 0 0 5px 0 #FF4060; background-color: #FF4060; } #hnc_config_icon { display: inline-block; width: 20px; height: 20px; vertical-align: top; } #hnc_dialog_wrapper { display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; position: fixed; top: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; z-index: 2147483647; background-color: rgba(192, 192, 192, 0.7); font-size: 12px; } #hnc_dialog { align-self: flex-start; margin-top: 80px; padding: 5px 0; width: 900px; max-height: 95%; overflow-y: auto; box-shadow: 0 0 20px 5px rgb(64, 64, 64); background-color: #F5F5F5; } #hnc_dialog > div { margin: 5px 10px; } #hnc_dialog > hr { margin: 0; height: 1px; border: none; background-color: grey; } label.hnc_fixed_width { width: 148px; } #hnc_dialog label { display: inline-block; } #hnc_dialog label > input:not([type=checkbox]) { margin-left: 5px; } #hnc_dialog label > input[type=checkbox] { margin-right: 5px; vertical-align: top; } #hnc_comment_style { box-sizing: border-box; width: 100% !important; height: 50px; max-height: 400px; font-family: monospace; } */}, config_icon: function () {/* url(data:image/png;base64, iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABQAAAAUCAYAAACNiR0NAAAAAXNSR0IArs4c6QAAAARnQU1BAACxjwv8YQUAAAAJcEhZcwAACxIAAAsSAdLdfvwA AAAYdEVYdFNvZnR3YXJlAHBhaW50Lm5ldCA0LjAuNvyMY98AAAIfSURBVDhPnZQ9SBxRFIXHaIgg2Agm2GhhofiDsCAYiwV1ZQnM/rIGUmStFtLY hkjCdoKKtU1S2PmDyGLAThAEC8HKQhsFFSwFE0yCuua7b+9bXtbZoB44zLxzzr3z3ps34/0P+Xz+WSKRKMAbYTKZXFXraYjH48M0KcI7ZTGVSg2q /XAwmyY4C/84zSx/on+ORCINGg8GoQEYomACXjgNqvGEFbzj2k1dv7YpAWEMw12aIfoVLHA/BWe43+R6bX2HshVvTbNoNPqC4GlAaD2TybwyIQfp dLqL/F5lHu1MeplAgFmgWa32uAcKG8nsV9Yxyw7xaxgsWZHgD67NphLIU9krH74Jh8N1KssJeE2uvE3ULSDXGJPBB2vAZSOCUCj0HG/bKdpALhWV JnLoeCnVTcNP1oBfVBY97OiGzKxPbfEXHe+9yp7HYNIahPIqS4Eco3IzWPR9v11tqVu2HtmsysaQs2eNgsoCWdY8LKLfwmnVzWeJfmzrysdG3ibB 79aAvzBbjamIxWItzOylDg2oGXVqZCIr5mSwJz2uoeZWNput19p7kPNJrjw7p67Ty+Vy8iaPAswdeZj2sJAtGArKwyPpZVIs0Sckv6d/Qmi3XHfh N+4XuB5Yz6XWxkwzC76YXoxOjI/w0oarkew5ExlnFW2Mu7VNMGSPKPhKMOhH8BvOyeen8YeDp/sVzeSvMqL246FnbV32SPdpTa0q8Ly/60amOe0Z Tw0AAAAASUVORK5CYII=) */}, get: function (name) { return this.function_to_string(this[name]); }, /* original authored by lavoiesl, at*/ function_to_string: function (func, strip_leading_whitespace) { if (strip_leading_whitespace === undefined) { strip_leading_whitespace = 1; } let matches = func.toString().match(/function[\s\w]*?\(\)\s*?\{[\S\s]*?\/\*\!?\s*?\n([\s\S]+?)\s*?\*\/\s*\}/); if (!matches) { return false; } if (strip_leading_whitespace) { matches[1] = matches[1].replace(/^(\t| {4})/gm, ''); } return matches[1]; } }; HNC.cfg = { load: function () { let config = GM_getValue('config'); if (!config) { return this.default(); } return JSON.parse(config); }, save: function () { GM_setValue('config', JSON.stringify(HNC.config)); }, default: function () { return { 'prefer_edited_time': 1, 'use_color_gradient': 1, 'color_newer': 'hsl(210, 100%, 65%)', 'color_older': 'hsl(210, 100%, 90%)', 'apply_on': 'text', 'comment_style': 'background-color: %color !important;\npadding: 0 5px;', 'history': { }, 'history_expiration': 7, /* in days */ }; }, } /* original authored by TheBrain, at */ function time_ago(time, precision) { if (precision == undefined) { precision = 2; } switch (typeof time) { case 'number': break; case 'string': time = +new Date(time); break; case 'object': if (time.constructor === Date) time = time.getTime(); break; default: time = +new Date(); } let time_formats = [ [ 60, 'seconds', 1], // 60 [ 120, '1 minute', '1 minute from now'], // 60*2 [ 3600, 'minutes', 60], // 60*60, 60 [ 7200, '1 hour', '1 hour from now'], // 60*60*2 [ 86400, 'hours', 3600], // 60*60*24, 60*60 [ 172800, '1 day', 'Tomorrow'], // 60*60*24*2 [ 604800, 'days', 86400], // 60*60*24*7, 60*60*24 [ 1209600, '1 week', 'Next week'], // 60*60*24*7*4*2 [ 2419200, 'weeks', 604800], // 60*60*24*7*4, 60*60*24*7 [ 4838400, '1 month', 'Next month'], // 60*60*24*7*4*2 [ 29030400, 'months', 2419200], // 60*60*24*7*4*12, 60*60*24*7*4 [ 58060800, '1 year', 'Next year'], // 60*60*24*7*4*12*2 [ 2903040000, 'years', 29030400], // 60*60*24*7*4*12*100, 60*60*24*7*4*12 ]; let seconds = (+new Date() - time) / 1000; if (seconds < 2) { return 'just now'; } let durations = [ ]; while (1) { let i = 0, format; while (format = time_formats[i++]) { if (seconds < format[0]) { if (typeof format[2] == 'string') { durations.push(format[1]); break; } else { durations.push(Math.floor(seconds / format[2]) + ' ' + format[1]); break; } } } if (i > time_formats.length) { return 'a very long time ago'; } if (typeof time_formats[i - 1][2] == 'string') { seconds -= time_formats[i][2]; } else { seconds -= Math.floor(seconds / time_formats[i - 1][2]) * time_formats[i - 1][2]; } if (precision > i && durations.length > 1) { durations.pop(); break; } if (seconds == 0) { break; } } let result; result = durations.slice(-2).join(' and ') + ' ago'; durations = durations.slice(0, -2); if (durations.length) { durations.push(result); result = durations.join(', '); } return result; } try { HNC.init(); } catch (error) { console.log(error); }