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// ==UserScript== // @name Reddit fade seen links // @namespace // @description Fades links that you have already seen // @include /https?:\/\/[a-z]+\.reddit\.com\// // @include* // @include* // @include* // @include http*://* // @include* // @include // @version 1.1.3 // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_deleteValue // @grant GM_listValues // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // ==/UserScript== 'use strict'; /* changelog: 2017-07-08 - 1.1.3 - fixed reddit parent selector 2015-09-16 - 1.1.2 - fixed hacker news selector (authored by Poorchop) 2015-08-08 - 1.1.1 - fixed issue where the userscript wouldn't work if there were no previous stored data 2015-05-23 - 1.1.0 - added support for,, 2015-05-22 - 1.0.9 - fixed hacker news issue 2014-11-14 - 1.0.8 - fixed issue where you had to click twice to open a link with fade_mode = 3 2014-11-04 - 1.0.7 - hide seen button now displays the amount of seen/faded links - hide seen button and menu entries are now only created if links are found - right clicks and modifier keys will now prevent links being marked as seen when hovering over links 2014-10-01 - 1.0.6 - duplicate links are now marked on hover/click - seen links are now saved properly - hide seen button is only added if links are found - custom styles are only applied once - the transition effect now only applies to new links - improved support for 2014-09-19 - 1.0.5 - added live feedback on hover/click - added clear all on this page command - added fade_mode option - improved hiding non-script links on - removed opacity option 2014-09-14 - 1.0.4 - added a hide seen button - improved support for hacker news 2014-09-13 - 1.0.3 - added support for - added support for styling new links - moved some options to css style to allow easier styling - added remove styles command - clear last now only works for the links that you saw on your last page, not all the links that you have seen once 2014-09-06 - 1.0.2 - added support for and - old links are now removed from storage depending on their last visit time, not first visit time 2014-09-02 - 1.0.1 - no longer fades links or comments on a profile page 2014-09-02 - 1.0.0 - initial release */ let fade_mode = 2, /* 1: automatically fade all links, 2: fade hovered links, 3: fade clicked links */ hide_after = 0, /* times seen a link before hiding it (0 to never hide links) */ expiration = 14, /* time after which to remove old links from storage, in days */ style = '.fade { opacity: 0.5; }' + '.hide { display: none; }' + '.new { box-shadow: -2px 0px 0px 0px hsl(210, 100%, 75%); }' + '.new.fade { box-shadow: none; transition: all 1s ease-in; }' + '.new.dupe { box-shadow: -2px 0px 0px 0px hsl(0, 100%, 75%); }' ; window.addEventListener('load', init); /* compatibility with scripts that modify links */ window.addEventListener('unload', save_new); let new_links = [ ], old_links = 0, site, hide_button, rules = { '': { 'links': function () { /* exclude 'more' and comment pages */ return []'td.title > a'), 0, -1); }, 'parents': function (link) { return [ link.parentElement.parentElement, link.parentElement.parentElement.nextElementSibling, link.parentElement.parentElement.nextElementSibling.nextElementSibling ]; }, 'hide_button': function () { let a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = '#'; a.textContent = 'hide seen'; document.getElementsByClassName('pagetop')[0].innerHTML += ' | '; return ['.pagetop', a]; }, 'hide_button_set_amount': function (button, amount) { button.textContent = 'hide seen (' + amount + ')'; }, }, '': { 'include': function () { return document.body.classList.contains('listing-page'); }, 'exclude': function () { return document.body.classList.contains('profile-page'); }, 'links': ' > .entry a.title', 'parents': function (link) { return [ link.closest('.thing') ]; }, 'style': '.fade, .dupe { overflow: hidden; }', 'hide_button': function () { let li = document.createElement('li'), a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = '#'; a.textContent = 'hide seen'; a.classList.add('choice'); li.appendChild(a); return [ '.tabmenu', li ]; }, 'hide_button_set_amount': function (button, amount) { button.children[0].textContent = 'hide seen (' + amount + ')'; }, }, '': { 'exclude': function () { return document.querySelector('.comments'); }, 'links': '.link a', 'parents': function (link) { return [ link.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode ]; }, 'hide_button': function () { let a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = '#'; a.textContent = 'Hide seen'; return ['.headerlinks', a]; }, 'hide_button_set_amount': function (button, amount) { button.textContent = 'hide seen (' + amount + ')'; }, }, '': { 'links': '', 'parents': function(link) { if (link.parentNode.tagName === 'B') { link = link.parentNode; } return [ link.parentNode.parentNode ]; }, 'hide_button': function (){ let li = document.createElement('li'), a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = '#'; a.textContent = 'Hide seen'; li.appendChild(a); return ['ul.navbar-right', li, document.getElementsByClassName('navbar-right')[0].lastElementChild.previousElementSibling]; }, 'hide_button_set_amount': function (button, amount) { button.children[0].textContent = 'hide seen (' + amount + ')'; }, 'style': '.table-responsive { overflow-x: visible; }', }, '': { 'links': '.post-url', 'parents': function (link) { return [ link.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement ]; }, 'hide_button': function () { let a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = '#'; a.textContent = 'hide seen'; a.classList.add('header--secondary--link'); return ['.v-links > .container', a]; }, 'hide_button_set_amount': function (button, amount) { button.textContent = 'hide seen (' + amount + ')'; }, 'style': '.new { border-radius: 0; }', }, '': { 'links': '.entry .title', 'parents': function (link) { return [ link.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement ]; }, }, '': { 'links': '.StoryUrl', 'parents': function (link) { return [ link.parentElement ]; }, 'style': '.fade { opacity: 1; } .fade .StoryUrl { opacity: 0.5; }', }, } ; function init() { for (site in rules) { let site_tokens = site.split('.'), domain_tokens = location.hostname.split('.').slice(-site_tokens.length); if (equal_arrays(site_tokens, domain_tokens)) { site = rules[site]; break; } } if (site === undefined) { return; } if (site.hasOwnProperty('include') && !site.include()) { return; } if (site.hasOwnProperty('exclude') && site.exclude()) { return; } if (!site.hasOwnProperty('remove_default_styles')) { GM_addStyle(style); } if (site.hasOwnProperty('style')) { GM_addStyle(; } let found = check_links(site); if (found) { if (site.hasOwnProperty('hide_button')) { let [where, button, insert_before] = site.hide_button(); let element = document.querySelector(where); if (element) { if (insert_before) { element.insertBefore(button, insert_before); } else { element.appendChild(button); } button.addEventListener('click', function (event) { check_links(site, 1); event.preventDefault(); }); hide_button = button; update_hide_button(); } } GM_registerMenuCommand('Fade links: clear all', clear.bind(undefined, 0, site)); GM_registerMenuCommand('Fade links: clear all on this page', clear.bind(undefined, 1, site)); GM_registerMenuCommand('Fade links: clear last', clear.bind(undefined, 2, site)); GM_registerMenuCommand('Fade links: remove styles', remove_styles.bind(undefined, site)); GM_registerMenuCommand('Fade links: hide seen', check_links.bind(undefined, site, 1)); } remove_old(); } function check_links(site, on_demand_hide) { let old = get_links_in_storage(), links = get_links_in_page(site); links.forEach(function (element) { let url = element.href; if (on_demand_hide) { if (get_parents(site, element)[0].classList.contains('fade')) { fade(site, element, 0, 0, 1); /* force */ } old_links = 0; update_hide_button(); return; } if (!old.hasOwnProperty(url)) { /* mark new */ let parents = get_parents(site, element); for (let i = 0; i < parents.length; i++) { parents[i].classList.add('new'); } /* automatically add to history */ if (fade_mode === 1) { new_links.push(url); if (!old.hasOwnProperty(url)) { old[url] = { seen: 0, last: 1, when:, accessed: 1, }; } } /* add to history on hover/click */ else { let capture_event = fade_mode === 2 ? 'mouseover' : 'mouseup'; element.addEventListener(capture_event, function (e) { /* avoid right click and modifier buttons */ if (e.button === 2 || e.ctrlKey || e.shiftKey || e.altKey || e.metaKey) { return; } new_links.push(e.currentTarget.href); mark_dupes(site, links, e.currentTarget); fade(site, element, 1); old_links++; update_hide_button(); /* clone hack to remove event listener */ window.setTimeout(function (target) { let clone = target.cloneNode(1); target.parentNode.replaceChild(clone, target); }, 0, e.currentTarget); }); } } else { old[url].when =; old_links++; if (old[url].accessed) { fade(site, element, old[url].seen, 1); return; } old[url].accessed = 1; old[url].seen++; if (old[url].last == 1) { old[url].last++; } else if (old[url].last) { old[url].last = 0; } fade(site, element, old[url].seen); } }); save_links(old); return links.length; } function clear(clear_type, site) { /* clear all */ if (!clear_type) { save_links({}); return; } let links = get_links_in_storage(); /* clear all on this page */ if (clear_type === 1) { let new_links = get_links_in_page(site); new_links.forEach(function (element) { let url = element.href; if (links.hasOwnProperty(url)) { delete links[url]; } }); } /* clear last */ else if (clear_type === 2) { for (let url in links) { if (links[url].last == 2) { delete links[url]; } } } save_links(links); return; } function fade(site, link, seen, is_dupe, force_hide) { let parents = get_parents(site, link); if (force_hide || (hide_after !== 0 && seen > hide_after - 1)) { for (let i = 0; i < parents.length; i++) { parents[i].classList.add('hide'); } return; } for (let i = 0; i < parents.length; i++) { if (seen) { parents[i].classList.add('fade'); } else if (is_dupe) { parents[i].classList.add('dupe'); } } } function update_hide_button() { if (site.hasOwnProperty('hide_button_set_amount')) { site.hide_button_set_amount(hide_button, old_links); } } function mark_dupes(site, links, exception) { /* already marked as a dupe */ if (get_parents(site, exception)[0].classList.contains('dupe')) { return; } links.forEach(function (link) { if (link === exception) { return; } if (link.href === exception.href) { fade(site, link, 0, 1); /* add dupe class */ } }); } function save_new() { let old = get_links_in_storage(); new_links.forEach(function (url) { if (!old.hasOwnProperty(url)) { old[url] = { seen: 1, last: 1, when:, accessed: 1, }; } }); save_links(old); } function remove_styles(site) { let links = get_links_in_page(site); links.forEach(function (element) { let parents = get_parents(site, element); for (let i = 0; i < parents.length; i++) { parents[i].classList.remove('fade', 'dupe', 'hide', 'new'); } }); } function remove_old() { let links = get_links_in_storage(), diff = - expiration * 86400000, /* expiration * 1 day */ count = 0; for (let url in links) { if (links[url].when < diff) { delete links[url]; count++; } } if (count) { save_links(links); } } function get_links_in_page(site) { if (typeof site.links == 'function') { return site.links(); } return []; } function get_links_in_storage() { let links = GM_getValue('links'); if (!links) { return { }; } return JSON.parse(links); } function get_parents(site, link) { if (site.hasOwnProperty('parents')) { return site.parents(link); } return link; } function save_links(links) { for (let url in links) { if (links[url].accessed) { delete links[url].accessed; } else if (links[url].last == 2) { links[url].last = 0; } } GM_setValue('links', JSON.stringify(links)); } function equal_arrays(a, b) { if (a === b) { return true; } if (!a || !b || a.length != b.length) { return false; } for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { if (a[i] !== b[i]) { return false; } } return true; }