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// ==UserScript== // @name xHamster Enhancement - XE // @namespace farami // @version 0.1.2 // @description Adds endless scroll and increases the default player size. // @author Farami // @require // @match *://* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== /* jshint -W097 */ 'use strict'; var xes = function() { var currentPage = 1; var totalPages = -1; var currentPageName = location.href; var endlessScrollRunning = false; var settingsMenuOpened = false; var config = { resizePlayer: true, removeAds: true, endlessScroll: { enabled: true, triggerAtPercent: 80 } }; var init = function() { if (config.resizePlayer) { adjustPlayerSize(); } if (config.removeAds) { hideElements(); } if (config.endlessScroll.enabled) { enableEndlessScroll(); } }; var hideElements = function() { if (location.href.indexOf('movies') === -1) { return; } $('.aspt,.sponsorBottom,.avdo.adVideo2,#supportAds,').remove(); }; var adjustPlayerSize = function() { if (getCurrentPage() !== 'movies') { return; } $('#playerBox').width(1000); document.getElementById('playerSwf').style.height = '777px'; document.getElementById('player').style.height = '777px'; document.getElementById('commentBox').style.width = 'auto'; $('video').height(777).width(980); $('#player').width(980); }; var enableEndlessScroll = function() { var pager = $('.pager > table > tbody > tr > td > div'); totalPages = pager.find(':nth-last-child(2)').html(); if (!getCurrentPage().contains("movies") && totalPages !== undefined) { $('.box.boxTL > .head,.box >').append('<span style="float: right">Total Pages: ' + totalPages + '</span>'); } currentPageName = pager.find('a').attr('href'); if (!getCurrentPage().contains("user")) { $('.pager').remove(); } var videoList = $(".boxC.videoList.clearfix"); $(".fl").children().not(".clear").addClass("no-padding").prependTo(videoList); $(".related-categories").prependTo(videoList); $(".video").not(".no-padding").addClass("no-padding"); $(".fl,.boxC > .clear,.category-description,.vDate").remove(); document.addEventListener('scroll', triggerEndlessScroll); }; var triggerEndlessScroll = function() { if (getScrollPercent() >= config.endlessScroll.triggerAtPercent) { if (endlessScrollRunning || currentPage >= totalPages) { return; } endlessScrollRunning = true; // load next page $.get(currentPageName.replace(currentPage, currentPage + 1), function(page) { var page; // for some reason xhamster displays search results differently to everything else if (currentPageName.contains('search.php')) { page = $(page).find('.boxC > table > tbody > tr > td > *').not(''); page.appendTo('.boxC > table > tbody > tr > td'); } else { page = $(page).find('.boxC.videoList.clearfix > *').not('.fl,.vDate,.clear,.pager,.category-description'); page.appendTo('.boxC.videoList.clearfix'); } $(".fl,.boxC > .clear,.category-description,.vDate").remove(); $(".video").not(".no-padding").addClass("no-padding"); endlessScrollRunning = false; currentPageName = currentPageName.replace(currentPage, currentPage + 1); currentPage++; }); } }; var getCurrentPage = function() { return /\/(\w+)/i.exec(location.href)[1]; } Element.prototype.remove = function() { this.parentElement.removeChild(this); }; NodeList.prototype.remove = HTMLCollection.prototype.remove = function() { for(var i = this.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if(this[i] && this[i].parentElement) { this[i].parentElement.removeChild(this[i]); } } }; String.prototype.contains = function(text) { return this.toLowerCase().indexOf(text.toLowerCase()) > -1; }; var getScrollPercent = function() { var h = document.documentElement, b = document.body, st = 'scrollTop', sh = 'scrollHeight'; return h[st]||b[st] / ((h[sh]||b[sh]) - h.clientHeight) * 100; }; return { init: init, config: config }; }(); $(document).ready(function() { xes.init(); });