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// ==UserScript== // @name Previsualizer // @namespace JVScript // @grant none // @include* // @version 0.1.3 // @copyright MIT // ==/UserScript== (function() { "use strict"; function ajax() { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest()'get', this.url, true) var _this = this xhr.send() xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { if(xhr.readyState == 4) } } function Icon(node) { this.a = document.createElement('a') this.div = document.createElement('div') this.img = document.createElement('img') this.url = node.getElementsByTagName('a')[0].href this.arw = document.createElement('div') this.text = '' this.initialize() this.arw.innerHTML = '<img src="" alt="" />' this.arw.setAttribute('class', 'prarw') node.getElementsByTagName('a')[0].setAttribute('style', 'display: inline') node.setAttribute('style', 'text-align: left'); this.a.appendChild(this.arw) node.appendChild(this.a) } Icon.prototype = { initialize: function() { this.a.setAttribute('class', 'prnode') this.div.setAttribute('class', 'msg msg2 prediv') this.img.src = '' this.img.alt = 'P' this.img.setAttribute('width', '80%') var _this = this this.img.addEventListener('mouseover', function() { _this.div.innerHTML = '<img style="margin: auto; display: block" src="" alt="Loading" width="35%" />' }, false) this.a.appendChild(this.img) this.a.appendChild(this.div) }, run: function(data) { var prems = data.split(/<div id="message_[0-9]+" class="msg msg(1|2)">/) this.text = prems[2] if(this.text.split('<li').length < 4) this.text = prems[4] this.text = this.text.split('</div>')[0] this.div.innerHTML = this.text var post = this.div.getElementsByClassName('post')[0] } } var script = { run: function() { var nodes = document.evaluate('//a[@class="ltopic"]/..', document, null, 7, null) for ( var i = 0 ; i < nodes.snapshotLength; i++ ) new Icon(nodes.snapshotItem(i)) this.addStyle('.prediv{position: absolute; z-index: 1000; width: 500px; max-height: 400px; overflow-y: scroll; display: none; margin-left: 18px; margin-top: -17px}' + '.prarw {position: absolute; display: none; z-index: 1001; margin-left: 13px; margin-top: -10px}' + '.prediv .post, .prediv .pseudo{text-align: left; color: black; font-weight: normal; font-family: Arial} ' + '.prediv a {display: inline !important} ' + '.prediv .date {color: black}' + '.prnode {display: none !important; float: right} ' + '.tr1:hover .prnode, .tr2:hover .prnode {display: inline !important} ' + '.prnode:hover .prediv, .prnode:hover .prarw{display: block}' ) }, addStyle: function(css) { var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] var node = document.createElement("style") node.setAttribute('type', 'text/css') node.appendChild(document.createTextNode(css)) head.appendChild(node) } } })()