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// ==UserScript== // @name Show Rottentomatoes meter // @description Show Rotten Tomatoes score on video archive pages // @namespace ElLutzo // @updateURL // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // @grant unsafeWindow // @grant GM.xmlHttpRequest // @grant GM.setValue // @grant GM.getValue // @require // @require // @license GPL-3.0-or-later; // @version 1 // @connect // @include* // ==/UserScript== var baseURL = "" var baseURL_search = baseURL + "/api/private/v2.0/search/?limit=100&q={query}&t={type}"; var baseURL_openTab = baseURL + "/search/?search={query}"; const cacheExpireAfterHours = 4; const emoji_tomato = 0x1F345; const emoji_green_apple = 0x1F34F; const emoji_strawberry = 0x1F353; function minutesSince(time) { let seconds = ((new Date()).getTime() - time.getTime()) / 1000; return seconds>60?parseInt(seconds/60)+" min ago":"now"; } var parseLDJSON_cache = {} function parseLDJSON(keys, condition) { if(document.querySelector('script[type="application/ld+json"]')) { var data = []; var scripts = document.querySelectorAll('script[type="application/ld+json"]'); for(let i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) { var jsonld; if (scripts[i].innerText in parseLDJSON_cache) { jsonld = parseLDJSON_cache[scripts[i].innerText] } else { try { jsonld = JSON.parse(scripts[i].innerText); parseLDJSON_cache[scripts[i].innerText] = jsonld } catch(e) { parseLDJSON_cache[scripts[i].innerText] = null continue; } } if(jsonld) { if(Array.isArray(jsonld)) { data.push(...jsonld) } else { data.push(jsonld); } } } for(let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { try { if(data[i] && data[i] && (typeof condition != 'function' || condition(data[i]))) { if(Array.isArray(keys)) { let r = []; for(let j = 0; j < keys.length; j++) { r.push(data[i][keys[j]]); } return r; } else if(keys) { return data[i][keys]; } else if(typeof condition === 'function') { return data[i]; // Return whole object } } } catch(e) { continue; } } return data; } return null; } function meterBar(data) { // Create the "progress" bar with the meter score let barColor = "grey"; let bgColor = "#ECE4B5"; let color = "black"; let width = 0; let textInside = ""; let textAfter = ""; if (data.meterClass == "certified_fresh") { barColor = "#C91B22"; color = "yellow"; textInside = String.fromCodePoint(emoji_strawberry) + " " + data.meterScore + "%" width = data.meterScore; } else if (data.meterClass == "fresh") { barColor = "#C91B22"; color = "white"; textInside = String.fromCodePoint(emoji_tomato) + " " + data.meterScore + "%" width = data.meterScore; } else if(data.meterClass == "rotten") { color = "gray"; barColor = "#94B13C"; if(data.meterScore > 30) { textAfter = data.meterScore + "% "; textInside = '<span style="font-size:13px">' + String.fromCodePoint(emoji_green_apple) + "</span>"; } else { textAfter = data.meterScore + '% <span style="font-size:13px">' + String.fromCodePoint(emoji_green_apple) + "</span>"; } width = data.meterScore; } else { bgColor = barColor = "#787878"; color = "silver"; textInside = "N/A"; width = 100 } return '<div style="width:100px; overflow: hidden;height: 20px;background-color: '+bgColor+';color: ' + color + ';text-align:center; border-radius: 4px;box-shadow: inset 0 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.1);">' + '<div style="width:'+ data.meterScore +'%; background-color: ' + barColor + '; color: ' + color + '; font-size:14px; font-weight:bold; text-align:center; float:left; height: 100%;line-height: 20px;box-shadow: inset 0 -1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.15);transition: width 0.6s ease;">' + textInside + '</div>' + textAfter +'</div>'; } var current = { type : null, query : null, year : null }; async function loadMeter(query, type, year) { // Load data from rotten tomatoes search API or from cache current.type = type; current.query = query; current.year = year; let rottenType = type==="movie"?"movie":"tvSeries" let url = baseURL_search.replace("{query}", encodeURIComponent(query)).replace("{type}", encodeURIComponent(rottenType)); let cache = JSON.parse(await GM.getValue("cache","{}")); // Delete cached values, that are expired for(var prop in cache) { if((new Date()).getTime() - (new Date(cache[prop].time)).getTime() > cacheExpireAfterHours*60*60*1000) { delete cache[prop]; } } // Check cache or request new content if(url in cache) { // Use cached response handleResponse(cache[url]); } else { GM.xmlHttpRequest({ method: "GET", url: url, onload: function(response) { // Save to chache response.time = (new Date()).toJSON(); // Chrome fix: Otherwise JSON.stringify(cache) omits responseText var newobj = {}; for(var key in response) { newobj[key] = response[key]; } newobj.responseText = response.responseText; cache[url] = newobj; GM.setValue("cache",JSON.stringify(cache)); handleResponse(response); }, onerror: function(response) { console.log("Rottentomatoes GM.xmlHttpRequest Error: "+response.status+"\nURL: "+requestURL+"\nResponse:\n"+response.responseText); }, }); } } function handleResponse(response) { // Handle GM.xmlHttpRequest response let data = JSON.parse(response.responseText); // Adapt type name from original metacritic type to rotten tomatoes type let prop; if(current.type == "movie") { prop = "movies"; } else { prop = "tvSeries"; // Align series info with movie info for(let i = 0; i < data[prop].length; i++) { data[prop][i]["name"] = data[prop][i]["title"]; data[prop][i]["year"] = data[prop][i]["startYear"]; } } if(data[prop] && data[prop].length) { // Sort results by closest match function matchQuality(title, year) { if(title == current.query && year == current.year) { return 102 + year; } if(title == current.query && current.year) { return 101 - Math.abs(year - current.year); } if(title.replace(/\(.+\)/, "").trim() == current.query && current.year) { return 100 - Math.abs(year - current.year); } if(title == current.query) { return 7; } if(title.replace(/\(.+\)/, "").trim() == current.query) { return 6; } if(title.startsWith(current.query)) { return 5; } if(current.query.indexOf(title) != -1) { return 4; } if(title.indexOf(current.query) != -1) { return 3; } if(current.query.toLowerCase().indexOf(title.toLowerCase()) != -1) { return 2; } if(title.toLowerCase().indexOf(current.query.toLowerCase()) != -1) { return 1; } return 0; } data[prop].sort(function(a,b) { if(!a.hasOwnProperty('matchQuality')) { a.matchQuality = matchQuality(, a.year); } if(!b.hasOwnProperty('matchQuality')) { b.matchQuality = matchQuality(, b.year); } return b.matchQuality - a.matchQuality; }); showMeter(data[prop], new Date(response.time)); } else { console.log("Rottentomatoes: No results for "+current.query); } } function showMeter(arr, time) { // Show a small box in the right lower corner $("#mcdiv321rotten").remove(); let main,div; div = main = $('<div id="mcdiv321rotten"></div>').appendTo(document.body); div.css({ position:"fixed", bottom :0, right: 0, minWidth: 100, maxWidth: 400, maxHeight: "95%", overflow: "auto", backgroundColor: "#fff", border: "2px solid #bbb", borderRadius:" 6px", boxShadow: "0 0 3px 3px rgba(100, 100, 100, 0.2)", color: "#000", padding:" 3px", zIndex: "5010001", fontFamily : "Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif" }); // First result $('<div class="firstResult"><a style="font-size:small; color:#136CB2; " href="' + baseURL + arr[0].url + '">' + arr[0].name + " (" + arr[0].year + ")</a>" + meterBar(arr[0]) + '</div>').appendTo(main); // Shall the following results be collapsed by default? if((arr.length > 1 && arr[0].matchQuality > 10) || arr.length > 10) { let a = $('<span style="color:gray;font-size: x-small">More results...</span>').appendTo(main).click(function() { more.css("display", "block"); this.parentNode.removeChild(this); }); let more = div = $("<div style=\"display:none\"></div>").appendTo(main); } // More results for(let i = 1; i < arr.length; i++) { $('<div><a style="font-size:small; color:#136CB2; " href="' + baseURL + arr[i].url + '">' +arr[i].name + " (" + arr[i].year + ")</a>" + meterBar(arr[i]) + '</div>').appendTo(div); } // Footer let sub = $("<div></div>").appendTo(main); $('<time style="color:#b6b6b6; font-size: 11px;" datetime="'+time+'" title="'+time.toLocaleTimeString()+" "+time.toLocaleDateString()+'">'+minutesSince(time)+'</time>').appendTo(sub); $('<a style="color:#b6b6b6; font-size: 11px;" target="_blank" href="' + baseURL_openTab.replace("{query}", encodeURIComponent(current.query)) + '" title="Open Rotten Tomatoes"></a>').appendTo(sub); $('<span title="Hide me" style="cursor:pointer; float:right; color:#b6b6b6; font-size: 11px; padding-left:5px;padding-top:3px">❎</span>').appendTo(sub).click(function() { document.body.removeChild(this.parentNode.parentNode); }); } var Always = () => true; var sites = { '' : { host : [''], condition : () => document.location.pathname.startsWith("/STV/M/obj/archive/"), products : [ { condition : () => document.location.pathname.startsWith("/STV/M/obj/archive/"), type : 'movie', data : () => document.querySelector("span[data-bind='text:OrigTitle']").textContent }] }, }; function main() { var dataFound = false; for(var name in sites) { var site = sites[name]; if( {return ~this.indexOf(e)}, document.location.hostname) && site.condition()) { for(var i = 0; i < site.products.length; i++) { if(site.products[i].condition()) { // Try to retrieve item name from page var data; try { data = site.products[i].data(); } catch(e) { data = false; console.log("Rottentomatoes Error:") console.log(e); } if(data) { if(Array.isArray(data) && data[1]) { loadMeter(data[0].trim(), site.products[i].type, parseInt(data[1])); } else { loadMeter(data.trim(), site.products[i].type); } dataFound = true } break; } } break; } } return dataFound; } (function() { const firstRunResult = main(); var lastLoc = document.location.href; var lastContent = document.body.innerText; var lastCounter = 0; function newpage() { if(lastContent == document.body.innerText && lastCounter < 15) { window.setTimeout(newpage, 500); lastCounter++; } else { lastCounter = 0; let re = main(); if(!re) { // No page matched or no data found window.setTimeout(newpage, 1000); } } } window.setInterval(function() { if(document.location.href != lastLoc) { lastLoc = document.location.href; $("#mcdiv321rotten").remove(); window.setTimeout(newpage,1000); } },500); if (!firstRunResult) { // Initial run had no match, let's try again there may be new content window.setTimeout(main, 2000); } })();