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// ==UserScript== // @name VK big stickers // @description Increases emoji window and sticker size to 128px in VK social network // @version 5 // @grant GM_addStyle // @license MIT // @updateURL // @copyright 2019, Drath ( // @include* // @run-at document-start // ==/UserScript== window.addEventListener('afterscriptexecute', function (e) { let src ='src'); console.log(src); if (src && src.match("https://.+?*")) { document.head .appendChild(document.createElement('script')) .innerHTML = `(function(){ Emoji.stickerSize=128; Emoji.render.stickerRs=function (e, i, t) { var o = { optId: e, selId: i, stickerId: t[0], size: 128, stickerSize: 128, stickerUrl: t[2].replace(/(\\/sticker\\/\\d+\\-\\d+)(\\-\\d+)/,'$1-128'), fav: t[4] || '', favHash: t[5] || '', referrer: Emoji.getStickerReferrer(i), favClass: t[4] ? 'faved' : '' }, r = ''; if (browser.msie && !browser.msie_edge || !t[3]) r = Emoji.stickerItem(); else { r = Emoji.stickerItemAnimation(); var s = rand(1, 100000); o.animationUrl = t[3], o.uniqId = s } return rs(r, o) } Emoji.render.stickerHintRs=function (e, i, t) { var o = i, r = ''; r = i < 0 ? window.promotedStickerUrls && window.promotedStickerUrls[ - o] : t ? t[2] : ''; var s = t ? t[3] : '', n = { optId: e, selId: 0, stickerId: o, stickerUrl: r.replace(/(\\/sticker\\/\\d+\\-\\d+)(\\-\\d+)/,'$1-128'), class: o < 0 ? 'promo' : '', onclick: 'Emoji.stickerHintClick(' + e + ', ' + o + ', \\'' + r + '\\', this)', stickerSize: Emoji.stickerSize }, a = ''; return (!browser.msie || browser.msie_edge) && s && r ? (a = Emoji.hintsStickerItemAnimation(), n.animationUrl = s, n.class += ' sticker_animation') : r && (a = Emoji.hintsStickerItem()), rs(a, n) } })()`; document.head .appendChild(document.createElement('style')) .innerHTML = ` .bigStickers .emoji_sticker_item .emoji_sticker_image { width: 128px; height: 128px; max-width: 128px; max-height: 128px; filter: drop-shadow(0 0 3px white); } .bigStickers .emoji_scroll_stickers .emoji_sticker_item { width: 128px; height: 128px; padding: 4px; } .bigStickers ._emoji_wrap .emoji_tt_wrap { width: 570px; } .bigStickers .emoji_list { width:545px !important; height: 400px !important; } .bigStickers .emoji_tabs .emoji_tabs_wrap{ width: 485px; } .bigStickers .emoji_tabs .emoji_tabs_r_s { right: 40px; margin-left: unset; } .bigStickers .emoji_smiles_row { display: inline; } .bigStickers ._sticker_hints.sticker_hints_tt { top: -150px !important; } .bigStickers .sticker_hints_tt .emoji_sticker_item { height: 128px !important; width: 128px !important; padding: 4px !important; } .bigStickers .sticker_hints_arrow { display: none !important; } .bigStickers .sticker_hints_inner { overflow-x: scroll !important; } .bigStickers .ui_scroll_inner { min-height: 110%; } ` } document.body.classList.add("bigStickers"); }, true);