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// ==UserScript== // @name The Order logtime counter // @version 1.0.3 // @include // @run-at document-idle // @license GPL-3.0-or-later // @author aseo // @updateURL // @downloadURL // ==/UserScript== updateLogtime(); setInterval(updateLogtime, 60000); function updateLogtime() { let logs = document.getElementById("user-locations"); let index = logs.children.length, counter = 0, elem; if (index == 0) { setTimeout(updateLogtime, 500); return ; } if (updateLogtime.logtime === undefined) { updateLogtime.logtime = [0, 0]; index--; while (counter != 7 && index > 0) { elem = logs.children[index]; if (elem.tagName == 'g') { counter++; elem.dataset.originalTitle.split('h').forEach((elm, i) => {updateLogtime.logtime[i] += Number(elm)}); } index--; } } else if (document.getElementsByClassName("user-poste-status")[0].innerText != "Unavailable") updateLogtime.logtime[1]++; while (updateLogtime.logtime[1] >= 60) { updateLogtime.logtime[1] -= 60; updateLogtime.logtime[0]++; } logs.parentElement.children[0].innerHTML = "LOGTIME: " + updateLogtime.logtime[0] + "h" + ("0" + updateLogtime.logtime[1]).slice(-2); }