DominikStyp / Facebook Hide Posts


Version: 1+b489c73 updated

Summary: Script provides buttons for quick hiding multiple posts on facebook groups. You can hide posts up to certain publish date, and remember them in storage object, so after page reload they will stay hidden.


Copyright: 2015, DominikStyp

License: MIT;

License: GPL-3.0

Can I quickly hide posts that aren't interesting on facebook group ?
Can I hide posts up to certain publish date ?
Can I hide posts on facebook group without noticing administrator, or marking it as spam ?
Can I hide multiple posts on facebook group ?
If you have same or similar needs, this is script for you!

If installed - script provides following buttons in the top of every post on facebook group:
Hide - if clicked it simply removes post from the HTML (hides it to user)
Hide&Save - if clicked it hides post on the site, and remebers it in a browser's storage object, so if you reload site, hidden posts should still be hidden.
Clear-Hidden - if clicked it clears all the hidden posts, and reloads the site, so that you'll see them again
Hide-To-Date - if clicked allows you to open the mini-panel where you can choose a date in a past to which you want to hide posts,
for example if you saw posts up to month ago, put this date to the field and click Hide newer posts!,
so newer posts will start hiding.
NOTE: If you pick up distant date in a past, hiding posts may take a while (up to couple of minutes), because facebook dynamically load posts with AJAX
so it has to load all the posts in a realtime, and script has to hide them all in a realtime too.
Hide-Visible - hides every currently visible post on the page (included those that are below window scrolled position)

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