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// ==UserScript== // @name Behash Helper 哈希宝界面辅助脚本 // @icon // @namespace // @license MIT // @version 0.1.3 // @description 哈希宝用户界面辅助脚本,用当前哈希价格计算并显示估计人民币收入。Show money in current currency value when you are using // @author Dizy // @updateURL哈希宝界面辅助脚本.meta.js // @downloadURL // @copyright 2021, Dizy ( // @require tampermonkey://vendor/jquery.js // @match http*://** // @grant unsafeWindow // ==/UserScript== /*global $*/ /*jshint esversion: 6 */ (function () { 'use strict'; function modUserPage() { let priceStr = $("div:contains('哈希单价'):not(:has(> div)):not(:has(> ul))").next().next().text(); let price = Number(priceStr.match(/\d+\.\d+/)[0]); let $hashSizeCol = $("div:contains('可提现数量'):not(:has(> div)):not(:has(> ul))").next().next(); let hashSize = Number($hashSizeCol.text().match(/\d+\.\d+/)[0]); let money = price * hashSize; $hashSizeCol.html($hashSizeCol.text() + `<br> ≈ ${money.toFixed(2)} 元`); let $incomeTodayCol = $("div:contains('今日收益'):not(:has(> div)):not(:has(> ul))").next().next(); let incomeTodayMatches = $incomeTodayCol.text().match(/\d+\.\d+/g); let incomeHashSizeToday = Number(incomeTodayMatches[0]); let incomeRMBToday = Number(incomeTodayMatches[1]); let moneyToday = price * incomeHashSizeToday + incomeRMBToday; $incomeTodayCol.html($incomeTodayCol.text() + `<br> ≈ 共 ${moneyToday.toFixed(2)} 元`); let $incomeYesterdayCol = $("div:contains('昨日收益'):not(:has(> div)):not(:has(> ul))").next().next(); let incomeYesterdayMatches = $incomeYesterdayCol.text().match(/\d+\.\d+/g); let incomeHashSizeYesterday = Number(incomeYesterdayMatches[0]); let incomeRMBYesterday = Number(incomeYesterdayMatches[1]); let moneyYesterday = price * incomeHashSizeYesterday + incomeRMBYesterday; $incomeYesterdayCol.html($incomeYesterdayCol.text() + `<br> ≈ 共 ${moneyYesterday.toFixed(2)} 元`); } function registerHooks() { if (window.location.pathname === '/user') { modUserPage(); } } registerHooks(); })();