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// ==UserScript== // @name ShikiCSSComments // @namespace // @version 2024-08-28 // @description Comment your css code! // @author Dedonych // @match* // @updateURL // @downloadURL // @icon // @license MIT // @grant none // ==/UserScript== addEventListener("keydown", (e) => { if (e.ctrlKey && e.code == "Slash") { const cmtmp = document.querySelector(".p-profiles-edit .CodeMirror"); // if not CodeMirror = return if (!cmtmp) return; const cm = cmtmp.CodeMirror; // get value of textarea const value = cm.getValue().split("\n"); // get selected ranges const selectedArray = cm.listSelections(); for (const r of selectedArray) { //get lines const { anchor, head } = r; // sort lines number; const [x, y] = [anchor.line, head.line].sort((a, b) => a - b); // defime has a comments if (value[x].startsWith("/*") && value[y].endsWith("*/")) { // define spaces; const [s_x, s_y] = [ value[x][2] == " " ? 3 : 2, value[y][(value[y].length -= 3)] == " " ? -3 : -2, ]; value[x] = value[x].slice(s_x); value[y] = value[y].slice(0, s_y); } else { value[x] = "/* " + value[x]; value[y] = value[y] + " */"; } cm.setValue(value.join("\n")); // wait for load setTimeout(() => { cm.setCursor(head); cm.setSelection(anchor, head); }, 0); } } });