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// ==UserScript== // @name TORN: Museum Market // @description Show inventory amount, meant for museum items. // @version 1.1.1 // @author DeKleineKobini // @updateURL // @downloadURL // @match* // @license MIT // @require // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // ==/UserScript== var settings = { types: ["flowers", "plushies"], cache: 15 * 60 * 1000 // default: 15 minutes } setDebug(false); /* -------------------- CODE - EDIT ON OWN RISK -------------------- */ setPrefixEasy("MM"); requireAPI(); var inventory = []; var jsonLast; getCache("museummarket-inventory").then(result => { if (result) inventory = result; else refreshInventory(); }); refreshInventory(); observeMutations(document, ".content-title-links", true, (mut, obs) => { $(".content-title-links").append("<a role='button' id='refreshInventory' class='dd-important t-clear h c-pointer m-icon line-h24 right'><span>Refresh Inventory</span></a>") $("#refreshInventory").click(() => refreshInventory()); }, { childList: true, subtree: true }); xhrIntercept((page, json, uri) => { if (page != "imarket" || !json) return; jsonLast = json; showAmounts(); }); function refreshInventory(onFinish) { log("Refresh the inventory."); sendAPIRequest("user", null, "inventory").then(resultApi => { if (resultApi.inventory) { inventory = resultApi.inventory; setCache("museummarket-inventory", resultApi.inventory, settings.cache); if (onFinish) onFinish(); } }); } function showAmounts() { if (!jsonLast) return let category = $(".market-tabs li[aria-selected='true']").attr("data-cat"); if (!settings.types.includes(category)) return; debug("json", jsonLast) let items = {}; jsonLast.forEach(item => { let apiItems = inventory.filter(it => { return it.ID == item.itemID }); let id = item.itemID; let amount = apiItems.length ? apiItems[0].quantity : 0; items[id] = amount; }); observeMutations($("#" + category + " .m-items-list")[0], ".m-item-wrap", true, (mut, obs) => Object.keys(items).forEach(i => $(".m-item-wrap:has(div[itemid=" + i + "]) .qty").html(items[i])), { attributes: true, childList: true }); }