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// ==UserScript== // @name TORN: Item Favorite // @version 1.0.0 // @author DeKleineKobini // @description Favorite items and put them at the top // @namespace dekleinekobini.itemvalue // @match // @grant none // @license MIT // @updateURL // ==/UserScript== var logging = { enabled: { regular: true, debug: true }, prefix: { regular: "[IF] ", debug: "[IF DEBUG] " } } logging.log = logging.enabled.regular ? function(message) { console.log(logging.prefix.regular + message); } : function(){}; logging.debug = logging.enabled.debug ? function(message) { console.log(logging.prefix.debug + message); } : function(){}; logging.debugObj = logging.enabled.debug ? function(message, obj) { logging.debug(message); console.log(obj); } : function(){}; var favorites = localStorage.getItem("itemfavorite_favorites"); if (favorites) favorites = favorites.split(","); else favorites = []; (function(scope) { "use strict"; Number.prototype.format = function(n, x) { var re = '\\d(?=(\\d{' + (x || 3) + '})+' + (n > 0 ? '\\.' : '$') + ')'; return this.toFixed(Math.max(0, ~~n)).replace(new RegExp(re, 'g'), '$&,'); }; setupCss(scope); new MutationObserver(function(mutations, me) { var last = document.getElementsByClassName("last-row")[0]; if (last) { loadData(); me.disconnect(); } }).observe(document, { childList: true, subtree: true }); })(window); (function(open) { = function() { this.addEventListener("readystatechange", function() { if (this.readyState > 3 && this.status == 200) { var page = this.responseURL.substring(this.responseURL.indexOf("") + "".length, this.responseURL.indexOf(".php")); if (page !== "item" || !isJsonString(this.response)) return; var res = JSON.parse(this.response); var stripped = stripHtml(res.text); setTimeout(loadData, 250) } }, false); open.apply(this, arguments); }; })(; function loadData() { logging.log("loadData()"); var list = $("ul[aria-hidden=false]").find("li[data-item]"); list.each(function() { var favorite = $(this).find(".actions-wrap > .left").last(); favorite.html("<span class='icon-h' title='Favorite this Item'>" + "<button aria-label='Favorite Combat Boots' class='favorite-icon-off'></button>" + "<span class='opt-name'>Favorite <span class='t-hide'>this Item</span></span>"); var favButton = favorite.find("button"); favButton.addClass(isFavorited($(this)) ? "favorite-icon-on" : "favorite-icon-off");{ var favorite = $(this); var item = favorite.parents("li").eq(1); var wasFavorited = isFavorited(item); favorite.toggleClass("favorite-icon-on", !wasFavorited); favorite.toggleClass("favorite-icon-off", wasFavorited); setFavorited(item, !wasFavorited); }); }); list.not(".favorite") .filter(function() { return isFavorited($(this)); }) .each(function(index){ $(this).detach().prependTo("ul[aria-hidden=false]") $(this).addClass("favorite"); }); } function setupCss(scope) { var style = document.createElement('style'); document.head.appendChild(style); style.type = "text/css"; = "tes"; var stylesheet = style.sheet; scope.css = function(selector, property, value) { // Append the rule (Major browsers) try { stylesheet.insertRule(selector + ' {' + property + ':' + value + '}', stylesheet.cssRules.length); } catch (err) { try { stylesheet.addRule(selector, property + ':' + value); // (pre IE9) } catch (err) { console.log("Couldn't add style"); } } // (alien browsers) } css("button[class^=favorite-icon-]", "background", "url(/images/v2/items/icons_dark_bg.png) left top no-repeat"); css("button[class^=favorite-icon-]", "width", "28px"); css("button[class^=favorite-icon-]", "height", "32px"); css("button[class^=favorite-icon-]", "display", "block"); css("button[class^=favorite-icon-]", "margin-left", "-1px"); css("button[class^=favorite-icon-]", "vertical-align", "middle"); css("button[class^=favorite-icon-]", "border", "0px solid transparent"); css(".favorite-icon-off", "background-position", "-36px -783px !important"); css(".favorite-icon-on", "background-position", "-2px -783px !important"); } function isFavorited(element) { return favorites.includes(element.attr("data-rowkey")); } function setFavorited(element, val) { let armoryId = element.attr("data-armoryid"); if (armoryId) { _setFavorited("u" + armoryId, val); _setFavorited("g" + element.attr("data-item"), val); } else { _setFavorited(element.attr("data-rowkey"), val); } } function _setFavorited(key, val) { logging.debugObj("old: " , favorites) logging.debug("set: " + key + " = " + val) if (val) { favorites.push(key); } else { let index = favorites.indexOf(key); if (index > -1) favorites.splice(index, 1) } localStorage.setItem("itemfavorite_favorites", favorites); } function formatCurrency(value, decimals, currency) { if (!decimals) decimals = 0; if (!currency) currency = "$"; return currency + value.format(decimals); } function isJsonString(str) { try { JSON.parse(str); } catch (e) { return false; } return true; } function stripHtml(html) { var tmp = document.createElement("div"); tmp.innerHTML = html; var stripped = tmp.textContent || tmp.innerText || ""; stripped = replaceAll(stripped, "\n", ""); stripped = replaceAll(stripped, "\t", ""); stripped = replaceAll(stripped, " ", " "); return stripped; } function replaceAll(str, text, replace) { while (contains(str, text)) { str = str.replace(text, replace); } return str; } function contains(str, text) { return str.indexOf(text) >= 0; }