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// ==UserScript== // @name Derpibooru Reverse Image Search // @namespace Derpibooru Reverse Image Search // @description Adds a dropdown menu to reverse-search images on various websites // @author DanielTepesKraus || // @include https://** // @include ** // @include https://** // @include ** // @version 2.0 // @grant none // ==/UserScript== var FirstHalfLinks = ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""]; var ReverseDrop = document.createElement("select"); ReverseDrop.className = 'input header__input'; = "ReverseButtons" ReverseDrop.innerHTML = '<option title="Reverse Search" selected="selected" value="0">Reverse Search</option><option title="Global search using Google. Useful for Deviantart, Tumblr, etc." value="1">Google</option><option title="Global search using Bing. Useful when Google fails." value="2">Bing</option><option title="14.6 billion images indexed and growing." value="3">TinEye</option><option title="Similar to TinEye. Mostly useful for finding Pixiv posts." value="4">SauceNao</option><option title="Searches anime and manga boorus." value="5">iqdb (NSFW)</option><option title="Provides details for doujinshi. Only useful for doujinshi covers." value="6"> (NSFW)</option><option title="Russian reverse image search (Русский обратный поиск изображений)." value="7">Yandex / Яндекс</option>' if (document.getElementById("comments")){ document.getElementById("content").childNodes[0].childNodes[0].appendChild(ReverseDrop); ReverseButtons.addEventListener('change',callSearch,false); } function callSearch(){ for (var i = 0; i < document.getElementsByTagName("a").length; i++){ if (document.getElementsByTagName("a")[i].title == "View this image at full res with a short filename"){ var LinkGoes = document.getElementsByTagName("a")[i].href; } } if (ReverseDrop.value == 7){ window.location = FirstHalfLinks[ReverseDrop.value] + LinkGoes + "&rpt=imageview" }else{ window.location = FirstHalfLinks[ReverseDrop.value] + LinkGoes } }