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// ==UserScript== // @name Derpibooru Image Flip Rotate Buttons // @namespace Derpibooru Image Flip Rotate Buttons // @description Adds buttons to enable image flipping and rotating // @author DanielTepesKraus || // @include* // @include* // @include* // @include* // @version 1.0 // @grant none // ==/UserScript== var FlipValue = 0; var FlippedHoriz = 0; var FlippedVert = 0; var setHoriz = 1; var setVert = 1; var IsRotated = 0; var timervar = 0; var spinny = 0; var RotateLink = document.createElement("span"); = "AddNewLinks"; RotateLink.innerHTML = '<a id="RotatePic" href="javascript:return_false;"><span class="hide-mobile"><i class="fa fa-rotate-right"></i> Rotate</span></a><a id="FlipHPic" href="javascript:return_false;"><span class="hide-mobile"><i class="fa fa-arrows-h"></i> Flip</span></a><a id="FlipVPic" href="javascript:return_false;"><span class="hide-mobile"><i class="fa fa-arrows-v"></i> Flip</span></a>'; document.getElementById("extrameta").appendChild(RotateLink); RotatePic.addEventListener('click',doRotate,false); FlipHPic.addEventListener('click',doFH,false); FlipVPic.addEventListener('click',doFV,false); function doRotate(){ FlipValue += 90; if (FlipValue > 359){ FlipValue = 0; } IsRotated += 1; if (IsRotated > 3){ IsRotated = 0; } setFlip(); spinny += 1; if (spinny > 15){ ohGod(); } } function doFH(){ if (setHoriz == 1){ setHoriz = -1; }else{ setHoriz = 1; } setFlip(); } function doFV(){ if (setVert == 1){ setVert = -1; }else{ setVert = 1; } setFlip(); } function setFlip(){ var offset = [0, (document.getElementById("image-display").width - document.getElementById("image-display").height) / 2, 0, (document.getElementById("image-display").height - document.getElementById("image-display").width) / 2]; var offsetx = offset[IsRotated]; var offsety = offset[IsRotated]; if (setHoriz == -1){ offsety = -offsety; } if (setVert == -1){ offsetx = -offsetx; } document.getElementById("image-display").style = "border:0;display:inline-block;transform:scale(" + setHoriz + "," + setVert + ") rotate(" + FlipValue + "deg) translate(" + offsetx + "px," + offsety + "px);-webkit-transform:scale(" + setHoriz + "," + setVert + ") rotate(" + FlipValue + "deg) translate(" + offsetx + "px," + offsety + "px);-moz-transform:scale(" + setHoriz + "," + setVert + ") rotate(" + FlipValue + "deg) translate(" + offsetx + "px," + offsety + "px);-o-transform:scale(" + setHoriz + "," + setVert + ") rotate(" + FlipValue + "deg) translate(" + offsetx + "px," + offsety + "px)"; if ((offset[IsRotated] < 0 && offset[1] > 0) || (offset[IsRotated] > 0 && offset[1] < 0)){ offset[IsRotated] = -offset[IsRotated]; } document.getElementById("image-display") = "padding-bottom:" + (offset[IsRotated] * 2) + "px"; } function ohGod(){ spinny = 0; document.getElementById("q").value = "OH GOD WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!"; FlipValue += 10; if (FlipValue > 359){ FlipValue = 0; } setFlip(); clearTimeout(timervar); timervar = window.setTimeout(ohGod,10); }