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// ==UserScript== // @name Radiopaedia Stack Downloader // @namespace rsd // @license MIT // @description Adds a button on studies to download all slides from a stack // @author CryptalEquine // @include ** // @version 1.0.4 // @run-at document-start // @noframes true // @grant GM_download // @downloadURL // @updateURL // @require // @require // ==/UserScript== var iconURL = ''; var currentDownloads = 0; waitForKeyElements('[data-name="download"]', function(d) { (async function() { try { var e = $(d).parents('[data-study-id]'); var studyAPI = e.attr('data-study-stacks-url'); var studyData = await $.ajax({url: '' + studyAPI}); var id = "dlstack_" + getModalityData(e, studyData).type; $(d).parent().append(`<style>.icon.dlstack { background: transparent url(` + iconURL + `) top left no-repeat; }</style> <div class="js-tooltip icon dlstack" data-placement="top" data-theme="grey" data-size="small" data-original-title="Download Stack" id="` + id + `" style="padding-left: 5px;"></div>`); (function(_e, _studyData) { $('#' + id).click(async function() { var queue = []; var modality = getModalityData(_e, _studyData);, index) { queue.push({index: value.position, image: value.fullscreen_filename}); }); while (queue.length > 0) { if (currentDownloads > 5) { await sleep(1800); continue; } var item = queue.shift(); (function(_item) { GM_download({ url: _item.image + '?', name: [modality.type,, _item.index].join('_'), saveAs: false, onerror: function(error) { queue.unshift(_item); currentDownloads--; }, onload: function() { currentDownloads--; } }); currentDownloads++; })(item); } }); })(e, studyData); } catch(error) { console.log(error); } })(); }, false); function getModalityData(e, studyData) { var currentModality = e.find('li.jcarousel-item.current'); var multiModalities = currentModality.length > 0; var modalityName = !multiModalities ? e.find('div.title').html() : currentModality.find('span').eq(0).html(); var modalityIndex = !multiModalities ? 0 : e.find('li.jcarousel-item').index(currentModality); return { name: modalityName, index: modalityIndex, type: studyData[modalityIndex].modality, data: studyData[modalityIndex].images }; } function sleep(ms) { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); }