CryptalEquine / Lecturio Video File Downloader

// ==UserScript==
// @name          Lecturio Video File Downloader
// @namespace     ld
// @description   Creates a download link for direct video files. Right click and Save As to save the video file itself.
// @include       **
// @require
// @require
// @version       1.0.2
// @run-at 		   document-end
// @noframes	   true
// @grant         unsafeWindow
// @grant    	   GM_log
// @license       MIT
// @updateURL
// ==/UserScript==

// Helper functions
String.prototype.contains = function(e) { return this.indexOf(e) > -1; };

// Video page
waitForKeyElements("#lecturio_player_media video", function(e)
   var videoID = e.attr('src') || null;
   var title = $('').contents().not($('').children()).text().trim();
   if (videoID)
      var downloadLinkElement = '<a download="' + title + '.mp4" id="downloadVideoFile">Direct video file link</a>';
      var videoLink = videoID.replace('500.mp4', '700.mp4'); //.match(/[A-Za-z0-9\-\:\\\/\.\_]+/g)[0] to get the non tokenised URL
      $("#downloadVideoFile").attr('href', videoLink);
}, true);

// Course outline page
waitForKeyElements("ul#course-content", function(e)
   var subjectField = location.href.replace('.course#tab/videos', '').split('/').slice(-1)[0];
   var videoFileLinks = [], jsonRequests = [];
   var videoLinks = $(e).find('li');
   function getNumber(n, l)
      n = n + 1;
      return n < 10 && l > 9 ? (l > 99 ? '00' : '0') + n : n;

   for (var i = 0; i < videoLinks.length; i++)
      var v = videoLinks.eq( i ).attr( 'data-url' ).split( '/' ).slice( -1 )[ 0 ].replace( '.lecture', '' ).replace( '?autostart=1', '' );
      videoFileLinks.push({ name: videoLinks.eq(i).find('a span').eq(0).text() });
      (function(index) {
               url: '' 
                     + subjectField + '/lecture/' + v.replace( '.lecture', '' ) + '.json'
               ,method: 'GET'
               ,contentType: 'application/json'
            }).done( function(data)
               videoFileLinks[index].url =[1].file;

   $.when.apply(undefined, jsonRequests).then(function()
      for (var i = 0; i < videoFileLinks.length; i++)
         var fsName = getNumber(i, videoFileLinks.length) + '. ' + videoFileLinks[i].name.replace(/\:/g, ' -');
         videoFileLinks[i].filesafeName = fsName;
         var dl = '<a download="' + fsName + '.mp4" id="dlvf' + i + '">Download video file</a>';
         $("#dlvf" + i).attr('href', videoFileLinks[i].url);
}, true);