CryptalEquine / HorseLinkFixer

// ==UserScript==
// @name          HorseLinkFixer
// @namespace     cryptal
// @description   For Howrse: Changes the links to a horses parents to the personal pages, with links to the public pages
// @author        CryptalEquine
// @include       */elevage/chevaux/cheval?id=*
// @include       */elevage/fiche/?id=*
// @version       1.2
// @run-at        document-start
// @noframes      true
// @grant         GM_log
// @require
// @require
// ==/UserScript==

waitForKeyElements("strong:contains('Producer:')", ChangeHorseLink, false);
waitForKeyElements("#origins-body-content a.horsename[href*='fiche/?id']", ChangeParentLinks, false);

function ChangeHorseLink(e)
   var s = '';
   if (location.href.contains('/elevage/chevaux/cheval?id='))
      s = '<strong><a href="' + toFiche(location.href) + '">Public view</a></strong>';
   if (location.href.contains('/elevage/fiche/?id='))
      s = '<strong><a href="' + fromFiche(location.href) + '">Owner view</a></strong>';

function ChangeParentLinks(e)
   var url = e.attr('href');
   e.attr('href', fromFiche(url));
   e.parent().append(' <a href="' + url + '">(public view)</a>');

function toFiche(u) { return u.replace('chevaux/cheval', 'fiche/'); }
function fromFiche(u) { return u.replace('fiche/', 'chevaux/cheval'); }
String.prototype.contains = function(e) { return this.indexOf(e) > -1; };