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// ==UserScript== // @name Eroshare Downloader // @namespace cryonicwraith.erosharedownloader // @description A script to add a nifty little button to download Eroshare albums. // @version 1.3 // @author CryonicWraith // @copyright 2017, CryonicWraith // @license Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License // @updateURL // @downloadURL // @match *://* // @require // @require // @require // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // ==/UserScript== (function() { "use strict"; var debug = false; var Promise = window.Promise; if (!Promise) { Promise = JSZip.external.Promise; } function AddZip(url) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "GET", url: url, responseType: "arraybuffer", onload: function(response) { resolve(response.response); }, onerror: function(err){ reject(err); } }); }); } var zip = new JSZip(); $("div.album-info").append($("<a>").addClass("btn grey-cog-link download").css("width","125px").append($("<i>").addClass("fa fa-download fa-fw fa-lg")).append($("<span>").addClass("download-label").text("Download"))); $("").click(function (){ $("div.item-container").each(function() { switch ($(this).attr("data-type")) { case "Image": zip.file(($(this).attr("id") + ".jpg"), AddZip(("https:" + $(this).find("img").attr("src")))); if(debug === true) {console.log("DL - Added IMAGE - URL: " + "http:" +($(this).find("img").attr("src")) + "FN: " + ($(this).attr("id") + ".jpg"));} break; case "Video": zip.file(($(this).attr("id") + ".mp4"), AddZip(($(this).find("video>source[data-quality='HD']").attr("src")))); if(debug === true) {console.log("DL - Added VIDEO - URL: " + ($(this).find("video>source[data-quality='HD']").attr("src")) + " - FN: " + ($(this).attr("id") + ".jpg"));} break; } }); zip.generateAsync({type:"blob"}, function updateCallback(metadata) { if ($(".download-label").text() != (metadata.percent.toFixed(0) + "%")){ $(".download-label").text(metadata.percent.toFixed(0) + "%"); } }).then(function (content) { // see FileSaver.js saveAs(content, "Eroshare - " + ($("#album-data").attr("data-album-slug")) + ".zip"); }); }).fail(function (err) { console.log("ERROR: " + err); }); })();