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// ==UserScript== // @name Youtube plus plus // @description Very small CSS tweaks to youtube // @include *://** // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @run-at document-load // @version 1 // ==/UserScript== var defaultcolor = "hsla(3, 60%, 47%, 1)"; var customcolor = GM_getValue("yt-custom-color", defaultcolor); GM_setValue('yt-custom-color', customcolor); GM_addStyle ( "body {\ /* --yt-custom-color: " + customcolor + "; */\ }"); GM_addStyle ( "#player-ads { display: none; }\ body, ytd-app {\ --yt-brand-paper-button-color: var(--yt-custom-color) !important;\ --yt-brand-color: var(--yt-custom-color) !important;\ }\ paper-button.ytd-subscribe-button-renderer {\ background: var(--yt-custom-color);\ }\ {\ color: var(--yt-custom-color);\ }\ #progress.ytd-thumbnail-overlay-resume-playback-renderer, .ytp-red2 .ytp-swatch-background-color, .ytp-red2 .ytp-swatch-background-color-secondary, .ytp-play-progress.ytp-swatch-background-color, .ytp-swatch-background-color-secondary {\ background-color: var(--yt-custom-color);\ }\ path#lozenge-path, #logo {\ fill: var(--yt-custom-color);\ }\ div#top div#player {\ max-height: calc(100vh - var(--ytd-masthead-height, 56px));\ }"); unsafeWindow.setcustomcolor = function (colorinput) { customcolor = colorinput; = "--yt-custom-color: " + customcolor + ";"; GM_setValue('yt-custom-color', customcolor); console.log("Changed color theme to : " + customcolor); } var customcolorpicker = document.createElement('input'); customcolorpicker.type = "color"; customcolorpicker.onchange = "setcustomcolor(this.value);"; = "display: none;"; customcolorpicker.addEventListener("change", function() { unsafeWindow.setcustomcolor(this.value); }); unsafeWindow.pickcustomcolor = function () {; } unsafeWindow.resetcustomcolor = function () { unsafeWindow.setcustomcolor(defaultcolor); } unsafeWindow.setcustomcolor(customcolor); console.log("Youtube++ loaded!");