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// ==UserScript== // @name Gelbooru Additions // @description Common tag button; Try to show deleted posts; Auto-select wiki entries // @namespace Crazycatz00 // @match *://* // addTagButton-only support for: // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @version 2.1.0 // @icon // @grant none // ==/UserScript== (function(){'use strict'; var TAG_BUTTON_ADD = JSON.parse(localStorage.gm_ga_tags || '[]'), _addNotice = (function(){ var prev; return function(d){ var notice = document.createElement('div'), i; notice.className = 'status-notice'; if({ =;} if(d.brand !== false){notice.textContent = 'Gelbooru Additions: ';} if(!(d.c instanceof Array)){d.c = [d.c];} for(i = 0; i < d.c.length; ++i){ if(d.c[i] instanceof HTMLElement){notice.appendChild(d.c[i]);} else{notice.appendChild(document.createTextNode(d.c[i]));} } if(!prev){ if((i = document.getElementsByClassName('status-notice')).length > 0){ prev = i[i.length - 1]; } else if(((i = document.getElementById('content')) && (i = i.previousSibling)) || (i = document.getElementById('header'))){ prev = i; } else{prev = document.body.firstChild;} } return (prev = prev.parentNode.insertBefore(notice, prev.nextSibling)); }; }()), _makeLink = function(t, u, c){ var a = document.createElement('a'); a.textContent = t; a.href = u || '#'; if(typeof c === 'function'){a.addEventListener('click', c, false);} return a; }, // Add a button to add user-defined "default" tags to the search. // Does not add duplicates, and can detect tag negates (cat vs -cat). addTagButton = function(){ var tgt = document.getElementById('tags'); if(tgt){ if(window.location.hostname === ''){ document.head.appendChild(document.createElement('style')).textContent = 'input.secondary_search.gm_txtbtn{font:bold 11px verdana,sans-serif;color:#fff;background:#3a5ae4;}input.secondary_search.gm_txtbtn:hover{background:#e49f1e;}'; } var inp = document.createElement('input'); inp.type = 'button'; inp.className = 'secondary_search gm_txtbtn'; inp.value = 'Add User Tags'; inp.title = TAG_BUTTON_ADD.join(' ') || '[None]'; inp.addEventListener('click', function(e){ if((e || window.event).ctrlKey || TAG_BUTTON_ADD.length === 0){ e = prompt('User Tags', TAG_BUTTON_ADD.join(' ')); if(typeof e === 'string'){ inp.title = e || '[None]'; TAG_BUTTON_ADD = e.split(' ').filter(function(t){return t.length !== 0;}); if(TAG_BUTTON_ADD.length > 0){ localStorage.gm_ga_tags = JSON.stringify(TAG_BUTTON_ADD); }else{ localStorage.removeItem('gm_ga_tags'); } } }else{ TAG_BUTTON_ADD.forEach(function(t){ var tag = t[0] === '-' ? t.substr(1) : t; if(typeof tag === 'string' && tag.length > 0 && RegExp('(?:^|\\s)[-~]?' + tag + '(?:\\s|$)', 'i')) === -1){ this.value += ' ' + t; } }, tgt); } }, false); tgt.parentNode.insertBefore(inp, tgt.nextSibling); } }, // Try to show deleted posts as transparently as possible. Can handle resize preferences. postView_deletedViewer = function(){ var deleted ='#post-view>.status-notice'), function(e){ e.innerHTML = e.innerHTML.replace(/(http:\/\/\S+)/, '<a href="$1">$1</a>'); return\s+post\s+was\s+deleted/i) !== -1; }), tgt; if(deleted.length > 0 && (tgt = document.querySelector('#right-col>div:nth-child(2)'))){ var img = document.createElement('img'), dat = window.image || {}; = 'image'; if(dat.domain && dat.base_dir && dat.dir && dat.img){ img.src = dat.domain + '/' + dat.base_dir + '/' + dat.dir + '/' + dat.img; } else if(!'.sidebar3 a[href]'), function(e){ if(\s+image/i) !== -1){ img.src = e.href; _addNotice({c: ['Fallback "original" image URL used.']}); return true; } })){ _addNotice({c: ['Failed to find an image URL.']}); return; } if(dat.sample_width > 0 && dat.sample_height > 0 && window.Cookie.get('resize-original') != 1){ img.width = dat.sample_width * 1; img.height = dat.sample_height * 1; console.log(dat); if(window.Note){window.Note.sample = true;} if(window.Cookie.get('resize-notification') != 1){ window.Post.highres = function(){ img.width = img.naturalWidth || 'auto'; img.height = img.naturalHeight || 'auto'; if(window.Note){ window.Note.sample = false; window.Note.all.invoke('adjustScale'); } document.getElementById('resized_notice').style.display = 'none'; }; _addNotice({ brand: false, id: 'resized_notice', c: [ 'This image has been resized. Click ', _makeLink('here', 0, window.Post.highres), ' to view the original image. ', _makeLink('Always view original', 0, function(){ window.Cookie.create('resize-original', 1); window.Cookie.create('resize-notification', 1); window.Post.highres(); }), '. ', _makeLink('Do not show this message', 0, function(){ window.Cookie.create('resize-notification', 1); document.getElementById('resized_notice').style.display = 'none'; }), '.' ] }); } } if((window.tags instanceof Array && (dat = window.tags.join(' '))) || ((dat = document.getElementById('tags')) && (dat = dat.value))){img.alt = dat;} if(window.Note && typeof window.Note.toggle === 'function'){img.addEventListener('click', window.Note.toggle, false);} tgt.insertBefore(img, tgt.firstChild); } }, // On a wiki list page, click: 1) the only entry [len == 1] 2) the entry matching what was searched [len > 1] wikiList_autoSelect = function(){ var list = document.querySelectorAll('.content table td:nth-child(2)>a[href*="page=wiki"][href*="s=view"]'); if(list.length > 1 &&[?&]search=([^&]+)(?:&|$)/) !== -1){ list =, function(e){return e.textContent === this;}.bind(decodeURIComponent(RegExp.$1).toLowerCase())); } if(list.length === 1){list[0].click();} }; addTagButton(); var page =[?&]page=([^&]+)(?:&|$)/) !== -1 ? RegExp.$1 : '', action =[?&]s=([^&]+)(?:&|$)/) !== -1 ? RegExp.$1 : ''; switch(page){ case 'wiki': switch(action){ case 'list': wikiList_autoSelect();break; } break; case 'post': switch(action){ case 'view': postView_deletedViewer();break; } break; } }());