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// ==UserScript== // @name SmartQuotes // @namespace CrazyJeux/Daring-Do // @author CrazyJeux/Daring-Do // @match *://* // @match *://* // @description Améliore les citations en ne gardant que l'essentiel. // @version 4 // @grant none // ==/UserScript== //Topic dédié : var hideNestedQuotes = true; var maxNumberOfNestedQuotes = 2; var infoShow = "Cliquez pour afficher plus de citations"; var infoHide = "Cliquez pour afficher moins de citations"; var removeMyNestedQuotes = true; var onlyQuotePermalink = true; var quotePermalinkInfo = "Citer le permalien"; var useShortQuotes = true; function toCall() { function handleNestedQuotes(element, nestedNb) { var children = element.childNodes; var listOfQuotes = []; for (var child in children) { var tag = children[child].tagName; if (tag === "BLOCKQUOTE") { listOfQuotes.push(children[child]); } } for (var i = 0; i < listOfQuotes.length; i++) { var quote = listOfQuotes[i]; var nextNumber = nestedNb + 1; if (nestedNb > maxNumberOfNestedQuotes) { var p = document.createElement("p"); p.innerHTML = "<b><u>" + infoShow + "</u></b>"; p.title = infoShow; = "pointer"; p.addEventListener('click', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); var quoteToShow = this.nextSibling; = "block"; = "none"; }); = "pointer"; quote.title = infoHide; quote.addEventListener('click', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); var spanToShow = this.previousSibling; = "block"; = "none"; }); quote.parentNode.insertBefore(p, quote); = "none"; nextNumber = maxNumberOfNestedQuotes; } handleNestedQuotes(quote, nextNumber); } } function handleTextareaQuotes() { textarea.value = textarea.value.replace(/> *> *>.*\n*/g, ""); } function handleQuotePermalink(e) { e.stopImmediatePropagation(); var curPos = textarea.selectionStart; var permalink = this.parentNode.parentNode.querySelector('.bloc-date-msg a').href; var textBeforeCurPos = textarea.value.substring(0, curPos); var textAfterCurPos = textarea.value.substring(curPos); var carriageReturns = ""; if (curPos > 0) { carriageReturns = "\n\n"; } var add = carriageReturns + "> ''Message cité : " + permalink + " ''\n\n"; var newValue = textBeforeCurPos + add + textAfterCurPos; textarea.value = newValue; textarea.focus(); textarea.selectionStart = textarea.selectionEnd = curPos + add.length; } function handleShorterQuote() { var previousValue = textarea.value; var timer = setInterval(function () { if (textarea.value !== previousValue) { clearInterval(timer); } else { return; } var previousResult = "", result = textarea.value; while (result !== previousResult) { previousResult = result; result = result.replace(/((?:> *)+)Le +(\d+) +([^ ]+) +(\d+) +à +(\d\d:\d\d:\d\d) +([^ +]+) +a\s+écrit +:\n(((?:> *)+)[^\n]*)(\n((?:> *)+)[^\n]*)?/g, function (all, firstQuotes, day, month, year, hms, nickname, firstLine, firstLineQuotes, secondLine, secondLineQuotes) { /*console.log("all='" + all + "' (length=" + all.length + ")"); console.log("firstQuotes='" + firstQuotes + "' (length=" + firstQuotes.length + ")");*/ /*console.log("day='" + day + "' (length=" + day.length + ")"); console.log("month='" + month + "' (length=" + month.length + ")"); console.log("year='" + year + "' (length=" + year.length + ")"); console.log("hms='" + hms + "' (length=" + hms.length + ")"); console.log("nickname='" + nickname + "' (length=" + nickname.length + ")");*/ /*console.log("firstLine='" + firstLine + "' (length=" + firstLine.length + ")"); console.log("firstLineQuotes='" + firstLineQuotes + "' (length=" + firstLineQuotes.length + ")");*/ var nbOfQuotes0 = (firstQuotes.split(">").length - 1); var nbOfQuotes1 = (firstLineQuotes.split(">").length - 1); //console.log("nbOfQuotes0=" + nbOfQuotes0 + ", nbOfQuotes1=" + nbOfQuotes1); if (nbOfQuotes0 !== nbOfQuotes1) { //console.log("Multiple lines (different number of quotes for meta line and first line)"); return firstQuotes + " '''" + nickname + " :'''\n" + firstLine + secondLine; } if (typeof secondLine === "undefined" || secondLine === "") { //console.log("secondLine is undefined"); } else { /*console.log("secondLine='" + secondLine + "' (length=" + secondLine.length + ")"); console.log("secondLineQuotes='" + secondLineQuotes + "' (length=" + secondLineQuotes.length + ")");*/ } if (typeof secondLine !== "undefined" && secondLine !== "") { var nbOfQuotes2 = (secondLineQuotes.split(">").length - 1); //console.log("nbOfQuotes1=" + nbOfQuotes1 + ", nbOfQuotes2=" + nbOfQuotes2); if (nbOfQuotes1 !== nbOfQuotes2) { //console.log("Single line (quote 1) and second line (quote 2): different number of quotes for first line and second line"); return firstQuotes + " '''" + nickname + " :''' " + firstLine.replace(/>/g, "") + secondLine; } else { //console.log("Multiple lines for the same quote: same number of quotes for first line and second line"); return firstQuotes + " '''" + nickname + " :'''\n" + firstLine + secondLine; } } else { //console.log("Single line, no second line found"); return firstQuotes + " '''" + nickname + " :''' " + firstLine.replace(/>/g, ""); } }); } textarea.value = result; textarea.focus(); textarea.selectionStart = textarea.selectionEnd = textarea.value.length; if (removeMyNestedQuotes === true) { handleTextareaQuotes(); } }, 50); } var body = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]; var attr = body.getAttribute("data-shortquotes"); if (attr === null || attr === "") { body.setAttribute("data-shortquotes", "true"); } else { return; } var textarea = document.getElementById('message_topic'); if (hideNestedQuotes === true) { var messages = document.getElementsByClassName("txt-msg"); for (var i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) { handleNestedQuotes(messages[i], 1); } } if (removeMyNestedQuotes === true) { var sendButton = document.getElementsByClassName("btn-poster-msg")[0]; sendButton.addEventListener('click', handleTextareaQuotes, true); textarea.addEventListener('keyup', handleTextareaQuotes, true); } if (onlyQuotePermalink === true) { //Prevent infinite loop var quoteButtons ='picto-msg-quote')); for (var i = 0; i < quoteButtons.length; i++) { var element = quoteButtons[i]; var span1 = document.createElement("span"); span1.className = "picto-msg-quote"; span1.title = quotePermalinkInfo; = "1.0"; //Dat pyramid = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) url("data:image/png;base64,' + 'iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABAAAAAQBAMAAADt3eJSAAAABGdBTUEAAK/INwWK' + '6QAAAAFzUkdCAK7OHOkAAAAgY0hSTQAAeiYAAICEAAD6AAAAgOgAAHUwAADqYAAAO' + 'pgAABdwnLpRPAAAABJQTFRF////teYd////4+PjsbGxysrKr9YbKAAAAAF0Uk5TAED' + 'm2GYAAAABYktHRACIBR1IAAAACXBIWXMAAA7EAAAOxAGVKw4bAAAAOElEQVQI12NgEA' + 'QDBgZGCEMAKgAUQmIoKQopEWIIKgoqgxlCikKKEClHpUAIAwhRDYQy4JbCnAEAwXsJ38' + 'NAIVQAAAAldEVYdGRhdGU6Y3JlYXRlADIwMTUtMDUtMTRUMDE6MDY6MzQrMDI6MDBcrOD' + 'IAAAAJXRFWHRkYXRlOm1vZGlmeQAyMDE1LTA1LTE0VDAxOjA2OjM0KzAyOjAwLfFYdAAAA' + 'Ep0RVh0c2lnbmF0dXJlAGE0NWQyMmVkOGJlNjljMTMzNWQyNjBjMTEzNGZkMzdmMzJhMWE3' + 'OThmMmRmNDhkYTI0Y2E3NzllYTFjMmM2YWJ6WDGHAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC") no-repeat scroll'; var span2 = document.createElement("span"); span2.innerHTML = quotePermalinkInfo; span1.appendChild(span2); span1.addEventListener('click', handleQuotePermalink, true); element.parentNode.insertBefore(span1, element); if (useShortQuotes === true) { element.addEventListener('click', handleShorterQuote, true); } } } } toCall(); //Respeed addEventListener('instantclick:newpage', toCall);