Cpt_mathix / Youtube Play Next Queue


Version: 2.4.5+73553a5 updated

Summary: Don't like the youtube autoplay suggestion? This script can create a queue with videos you want to play after your current video has finished!


License: GPL-2.0-or-later; http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt

Update 2.3.0: Fixed the script so that it works again with the new youtube layout

I'm still testing the script, if you find any bugs please send me a message.
Also don't use my queue functionality together with youtube's native functionality, unexpected things might happen.

When you are watching a video, you can add any suggestion to the queue by hovering over said video and clicking the thumbnail "Queue" overlay button.


  • Create a queue with videos that you want to play next (instead of the autoplay suggestion)
  • Add suggested videos to the queue
  • Search videos without interrupting the player (Script with only this feature)
  • Add searched videos to the queue
  • Remove videos from the queue
  • Decide which video in the queue you want to play next
  • Remove queue
  • Autoplay will be used when the queue is empty (When turned on)
  • Restore suggestion when queue is empty
  • Enable the miniplayer and you'll be able to add any video to the queue


  • Tested with Tampermonkey in Chrome but should work in other (modern) browsers
  • My script and youtube are heavily linked, any changes to youtube might break the script. Conflicts with other scripts are also possible. Please report any problems.
  • Found a bug? I'll try to fix it ASAP!

GIF (Classic Youtube)


Rating: 3

3 Votes