We recommend to use now the Firefox Extension or the Google Chrome Extension.
- New tab : nearby inactive players
- New tab : active neighbours
- New tab : account-wise statistics (like the Empire view, but better)
- Adds a link to speedsim
- Remove ad banner on the right
- Adds the time remaining before each storage will be full
- Adds the total storage below resources on a planet in terms of production time
- Adds the points harvested each day above resources & the number of GT required to export 1 day of production
- Converts resources to time below the price of an unit
- Circles the limiting reagent in terms of time of production while viewing an unit price
- Adds the remaining time before being able to construct an unit when viewing it
- Adds maximum buildable units for an unit when viewing it
- Adds rentability time when viewing details of a mine and plasma technology
Firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/fr/firefox/addon/ogame-ui-extension/
Google: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ogame-ui/nhbgpipnadhelnecpcjcikbnedilhddf