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// ==UserScript== // @name VirusTotal Linkify Edited // @namespace // @version 1.0.0 // @description Changes SHA-256 hash on VirusTotal result pages to VTi search links and always displays menu. // @author fwosar - edited by Bropezka to work with the old VT as well // @match https://**/file/* // @grant none // @require // @require // @updateURL // ==/UserScript== function linkifyHash() { function getElementByXpath(path) { return document.evaluate(path, document, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue; } function searchUrl(h) { return '' + h.trim(); } var xpath = '//*[@id="file-summary"]/tbody/tr[1]/td'; var xpath2 = '//*[@id="basic-info"]//table//tbody/tr[1]/td[2]'; var hashElement = getElementByXpath(xpath); var hashElement2 = getElementByXpath(xpath2); if (hashElement) { var hash = hashElement.textContent; hashElement.innerHTML = '<a href="' + searchUrl(hash) + '">' + hash + '</a>'; } else if (hashElement2) { var hash2 = hashElement2.textContent; hashElement2.innerHTML = '<a href="' + searchUrl(hash2) + '">' + hash2 + '</a>'; } } function adjustMenu() { if(!$('#itemActionsMenu').hasClass('opened')){ $('#itemActionsMenu').addClass('opened'); } } waitForKeyElements("#itemActionsMenu", adjustMenu); waitForKeyElements("#file-summary", linkifyHash); waitForKeyElements("#basic-info", linkifyHash);