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"use strict"; // ==UserScript== // @name Proxer Essentials // @version 6.3.2 // @description Nützlicher Erweiterungen für Proxer die jeder braucht // @author Blue.Reaper // @namespace // @homepage // @supportURL // @icon // @updateURL // @downloadURL // @license MIT // @copyright 2019, Blue.Reaper ( // @include* // @require // @run-at document-start // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // @grant unsafeWindow // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant GM_getResourceText // @grant GM_getResourceURL // Konsolenausgabe für Debugging // @grant GM_log // @resource framework_CSS // @resource modules_CSS // @resource design_CSS // smallWonders // @resource smallWonders_CSS // Theatermodus // @include* // @resource theater_CSS // ==/UserScript== // ==OpenUserJS== // @author Blue.Reaper // ==/OpenUserJS== GM_addStyle(GM_getResourceText("framework_CSS")); GM_addStyle(GM_getResourceText("modules_CSS")); // Liste aller Module var pefModulList = []; //Main Methode des Frameworks $(document).ready(function () { supportDesign(); initStatusMemory(); addPefMenu(); createPefSettings(); actionControl(0 /* on */); monitorAjax(); }); var ajaxEvent = false; // Setzt für jede Änderung an der Oberfläche die Prüfvariable auf true document.addEventListener("DOMSubtreeModified", function () { ajaxEvent = true; }); // Prüft alle 700ms, ob es Ajax Aufrufe gab und ruft ggf. die Module mit "Ajax Aufruf" auf function monitorAjax() { setInterval(function () { if (ajaxEvent) { supportDesign(); createPefSettings(); actionControl(2 /* ajax */); ajaxEvent = false; } }, 700); } // Theme can't be activatet with modules, because it must be loaded before the content is shown // Init Memory if (GM_getValue("DesignStatus") == null) { resetDesign(); } // add Theme if (GM_getValue("DesignStatus") == "on") { // Add colors for design GM_addStyle(":root {\n /* accent color */\n --accent-color:" + GM_getValue("AccentColor") + ";\n /* background color */\n --bg1-color:" + GM_getValue("Bg1Color") + ";\n --bg2-color:" + GM_getValue("Bg2Color") + ";\n /* Button */\n --button-color:" + GM_getValue("ButtonColor") + ";\n /* Text */\n --text-color:" + GM_getValue("TextColor") + ";\n --link-color:" + GM_getValue("LinkColor") + ";\n --highlight-text-color:" + GM_getValue("TextHighlightColor") + ";\n }"); // Add Style after <head> to override css of side (and dont need !important everywhere) // But add Before sth is shown to the user $("html").append($('<style type="text/css">' + GM_getResourceText("design_CSS") + '</style>')); } function resetDesign() { GM_setValue("DesignStatus", "on"); GM_setValue("AccentColor", "#ef394a"); GM_setValue("Bg1Color", "#232428"); GM_setValue("Bg2Color", "#2d2f33"); GM_setValue("ButtonColor", "#3e3e3e"); GM_setValue("TextColor", "#909090"); GM_setValue("LinkColor", "#bdbdbd"); GM_setValue("TextHighlightColor", "#fff"); } // Wird benötigt, da z.B Firefox nicht alle CSS Funktionen unterstützt function supportDesign() { if (GM_getValue("DesignStatus") == "on") { // Set Proxer-Style to gray, needed for Design setCookie("style", "gray"); // remove gray.css $('link[href*="gray.css"]').remove(); // Bilder ersetzen $('[src~="//"]').attr('src', ''); $('[src~="//"]').attr('src', ''); $('[src~="//"]').attr('src', ''); $('[src~="//"]').attr('src', ''); $('[src~=""]').attr('src', ''); $('[src~="/images/misc/proxerdonate.png"]').attr('src', ''); $('[src~="/images/misc/proxeramazon.png"]').attr('src', ''); // Bilder durch FontAwesome ersetzen $('#miscNav').addClass('fa fa-bell'); $('#requestNav').addClass('fa fa-users'); $('#messageNav').addClass('fa fa-envelope-o'); $('#newsNav').addClass('fa fa-newspaper-o'); $('#searchNav').addClass('fa fa-search'); $('[src~="/images/misc/stern.png"]').replaceWith('<i class="fa fa-star yellow smallImg"/>'); $('[src~="/images/misc/stern_grau.png"]').replaceWith('<i class="fa fa-star-o grey smallImg"/>'); $('[src~="/images/misc/offlineicon.png"]').replaceWith('<i class="fa fa-circle red normalImg"/>'); $('[src~="/images/misc/onlineicon.png"]').replaceWith('<i class="fa fa-circle green normalImg"/>'); $('[src~="/images/status/abgeschlossen.png"]').replaceWith('<i class="fa fa-circle green smallImg"/>'); $('[src~="/images/status/airing.png"]').replaceWith('<i class="fa fa-circle orange smallImg"/>'); $('[src~="/images/status/abgebrochen.png"]').replaceWith('<i class="fa fa-circle red smallImg"/>'); $('[src~="/images/misc/upload.png"]').replaceWith('<i class="fa fa-arrow-circle-o-up bigImg"/>'); $('[src~="/images/misc/play.png"]').replaceWith('<i class="fa fa-play-circle-o green bigImg"/>'); $('[src~="/images/misc/info-icon.png"]').replaceWith('<i class="fa fa-info-circle blue bigImg"/>'); $('[src~="/images/misc/manga.png"]').replaceWith('<i class="fa fa-book orange bigImg"/>'); $('[src~="/images/social/facebook.png"]').replaceWith('<i class="fa fa-facebook-square"/>'); $('[src~="/images/social/twitter.png"]').replaceWith('<i class="fa fa-twitter-square"/>'); $('[src~="/images/social/youtube2.png"]').replaceWith('<i class="fa fa-youtube-square"/>'); $('[src~="/images/social/google-plus.png"]').replaceWith('<i class="fa fa-google-plus-square"/>'); $('[src~="/images/social/amazon.png"]').replaceWith('<i class="fa fa-amazon"/>'); // user better font FontAwesome $('.fa-list').removeClass('fa-list').addClass('fa-bars'); $('.fa-th-large').removeClass('fa-th-large').addClass('fa-th'); } } // Adds Essentials Menu function addPefMenu() { // add Essentials to Navigation $('#leftNav').append($('<li class="topmenu"><a data-ajax="true" href="/pef">Essentials ▾</a><ul id="pef_menu"></ul></li>')); // add Menu Entries // Einstellungen $('#pef_menu').append($('<li><a href="/pef?s=settings#top">Einstellungen</a></li>')); // Module $('#pef_menu').append($('<li><a href="/pef?s=modules#top">Module</a></li>')); // Design $('#pef_menu').append($('<li><a href="/pef?s=design#top">Design</a></li>')); } // Zeigt die Settings des PEF an // Erzeugt die Einstellungs-Seite für PEF // Da es nicht gibt, wird die Startseite angezeigt function createPefSettings() { if (window.location.pathname.split('/')[1] === 'pef' && !$('#pef_Settings').length) { // // Lösche alle Tabs der Startseite aus Navigations-Leiste $('#simple-navi').empty(); // Lösche den Inhalt der Seite $('div.inner').empty(); // Setze den Titel des Tabs im Browser document.title = 'Proxer Essentials'; // Erzeuge Tabs // Einstellungen $('#simple-navi').append($('<li id ="pef_Settings"><a data-ajax="true" href="/pef?s=settings#top">Einstellungen</a></li>')); // Module $('#simple-navi').append($('<li id ="pef_Modules"><a data-ajax="true" href="/pef?s=modules#top">Module</a></li>')); // Design $('#simple-navi').append($('<li id ="pef_Design"><a data-ajax="true" href="/pef?s=design#top">Design</a></li>')); setActivePefTab(); } } function setActivePefTab() { if ( === '' || === '?s=settings') { $('#pef_Settings').addClass('active'); tabPefSettings(); } else if ( === '?s=modules') { $('#pef_Modules').addClass('active'); tabPefModules(); } else if ( === '?s=design') { $('#pef_Design').addClass('active'); tabPefDesign(); } } // Content of tab 'Einstellungen' function tabPefSettings() { var inhalt = $('div.inner'); // Header inhalt.append($('<h3 class="floatLeft">Proxer Essentials</h3>')); inhalt.append($('<div class="floatLeft creator">by Blue.Reaper</div>')); inhalt.append($('<div class="clear">Version: ' + GM_info.script.version + '</div>')); inhalt.append($('<h4><a href="">Info-Seite mit detaillierter Beschreibung</a></h4>')); inhalt.append($('<h4>Einstellungen</h4>')); inhalt.append($('<a data-ajax="true" href="/pef?s=modules#top" class="menu">Module</a>')); inhalt.append($('<a data-ajax="true" href="/pef?s=design#top" class="menu marginLeft05">Design</a>')); inhalt.append($('<h4>Kontakt für neue Ideen, Wünsche oder Bugs</h4>')); inhalt.append($('<div><a href="">auf GitHub</a></div>')); inhalt.append($('<div><a href="">oder per privater Nachricht</a></div>')); } // Content of tab 'Module' function tabPefModules() { var inhalt = $('div.inner'); // Header inhalt.append($('<h3>Module</h3>')); inhalt.append($('<div>Für mehr Details auf den Modulnamen klicken.</div>')); // Inhalt für Modulanzeige var pef_module = $('<div class="clear"/>'); inhalt.append(pef_module); showModules(pef_module); // Footer inhalt.append($('<div class ="clear"></div>')); } // Content of tab 'Design' function tabPefDesign() { var inhalt = $('div.inner'); // Header inhalt.append($('<h3 class="floatLeft">Design</h3>')); inhalt.append($('<div class="floatLeft creator">by xYata</div>')); inhalt.append($('<div class="clear">Essentials Design verwenden <i class="fa fa-2x pointer designStatus"/></div>')); if (GM_getValue('DesignStatus') === 'on') { $('.designStatus').addClass('active'); } $('.designStatus').click(function () { if (GM_getValue('DesignStatus') === 'off') { GM_setValue('DesignStatus', 'on'); $('.designStatus').addClass('active'); } else { GM_setValue('DesignStatus', 'off'); $('.designStatus').removeClass('active'); } location.reload(); }); inhalt.append($('<h4>Farbwahl</h4>')); inhalt.append($('<div>Hier können die Farben des Designs eingestellt werden, dazu einfach den gewünschten Hexwert eingeben.</div>')); inhalt.append($('<div>Den Hexwert einer Farbe kann man z.B. <a href="">hier</a> herausfinden.</div>')); var colorpick = $('<div class="colorpick"/>'); colorpick.append($('<div class="clear">Akzent: <input id="pefAccentColor" type="text" class="floatRight" value="' + GM_getValue("AccentColor") + '"/></div>')); colorpick.append($('<div class="clear">Hintergrund 1: <input id="pefBg1Color" type="text" class="floatRight" value="' + GM_getValue("Bg1Color") + '"/></div>')); colorpick.append($('<div class="clear">Hintergrund 2: <input id="pefBg2Color" type="text" class="floatRight" value="' + GM_getValue("Bg2Color") + '"/></div>')); colorpick.append($('<div class="clear">Schaltflächen: <input id="pefButtonColor" type="text" class="floatRight" value="' + GM_getValue("ButtonColor") + '"/></div>')); colorpick.append($('<div class="clear">Text: <input id="pefTextColor" type="text" class="floatRight" value="' + GM_getValue("TextColor") + '"/></div>')); colorpick.append($('<div class="clear">Links: <input id="pefLinkColor" type="text" class="floatRight" value="' + GM_getValue("LinkColor") + '"/></div>')); colorpick.append($('<div class="clear">hervorgehobener Text: <input id="pefTextHighlightColor" type="text" class="floatRight" value="' + GM_getValue("TextHighlightColor") + '"/></div>')); var buttons = $('<div class ="clear"/>'); var reset = $('<a href="javascript:;" class="menu active">Zurücksetzen</a>'); var save = $('<a href="javascript:;" class="menu floatRight">Farben speichern</a>'); buttons.append(reset); buttons.append(save); colorpick.append(buttons); inhalt.append(colorpick); () { resetDesign(); location.reload(); }); () { GM_setValue("AccentColor", $('#pefAccentColor').val()); GM_setValue("Bg1Color", $('#pefBg1Color').val()); GM_setValue("Bg2Color", $('#pefBg2Color').val()); GM_setValue("ButtonColor", $('#pefButtonColor').val()); GM_setValue("TextColor", $('#pefTextColor').val()); GM_setValue("LinkColor", $('#pefLinkColor').val()); GM_setValue("TextHighlightColor", $('#pefTextHighlightColor').val()); location.reload(); }); } // Zeitgt die einzelnen Module auf der Einstellungs-Seite an function showModules(pef_module) { var _loop_1 = function (singleModule) { var moduleBox = $('<div id="' + + 'ModulBox" class="floatLeft modulBox"></div>'); moduleBox.append($('<h3><a class="pointer" target="_blank" href="' + + '">' + + '</a></h3>')); moduleBox.append($('<div>' + singleModule.description + '</div>')); moduleBox.append($('<div class="autor">by ' + singleModule.autor + '</div>')); var modulStatus = $('<i id="' + + '_StatusImg" class="fa fa-2x pointer"/>'); moduleBox.append(modulStatus); pef_module.append(moduleBox); updateModulTick(; () { return toggleModulStatus(singleModule); }); }; // Fügt jedes Modul hinzu for (var _i = 0, pefModulList_1 = pefModulList; _i < pefModulList_1.length; _i++) { var singleModule = pefModulList_1[_i]; _loop_1(singleModule); } } // Troogelt den Speicherwert und ruft das Modul auf function toggleModulStatus(modul) { if (GM_getValue( + 'Status') === 'off') { GM_setValue( + 'Status', 'on'); actionControl(0 /* on */, modul); } else { GM_setValue( + 'Status', 'off'); actionControl(1 /* off */, modul); } updateModulTick(; } // Setzt ModulBox active or not function updateModulTick(modulId) { if (GM_getValue(modulId + 'Status') === 'off') { $('#' + modulId + 'ModulBox').removeClass('active'); } else { $('#' + modulId + 'ModulBox').addClass('active'); } } //############################# Erstellen eines Dialogs ############################# /* Erzeugt einen Dialog Variante 1: ConfirmDialog -createPefDialog(msg, methodYes, methodNo) Variante 2: AlertDialog -createPefDialog(msg) */ function createPefDialog(msg, methodYes, methodNo) { // Testet, ob ein Confirm-, oder ein AlertDialog angezeigt werden soll var confirmDialog = methodYes != null && methodNo != null ? true : false; // Damit der Hintergurnd gesperrt wird var dialogoverlay = document.createElement('div'); dialogoverlay.className = 'dialogOverlay'; // Das Dialogfeld var dialogbox = document.createElement('div'); dialogbox.className = 'message dialogBox'; // Die Angezeigte Nachricht var dialogmessage = document.createElement('div'); dialogmessage.innerHTML = msg; // Die Antwortbutton var dialogbuttons = document.createElement('div'); if (confirmDialog) { dialogbuttons.className = 'dialogYesNo'; } else { dialogbuttons.className = 'center dialogOk'; } var dialogbuttonyes = document.createElement('i'); dialogbuttonyes.className = 'fa fa-check fa-2x pointer'; dialogbuttons.appendChild(dialogbuttonyes); if (confirmDialog) { var dialogbuttonno = document.createElement('i'); dialogbuttonno.className = 'dialogButtonNo fa fa-times fa-2x pointer'; dialogbuttons.appendChild(dialogbuttonno); $(dialogbuttonno).click(function () { messages.removeChild(dialogoverlay); messages.removeChild(dialogbox); methodNo && methodNo(); }); } // Hinzufügen der Elemente dialogbox.appendChild(dialogmessage); dialogbox.appendChild(dialogbuttons); var messages = $('#messages')[0]; messages.appendChild(dialogoverlay); messages.appendChild(dialogbox); // Dialog mittig setzen = dialogbox.clientHeight / -2 + 'px'; = dialogbox.clientWidth / -2 + 'px'; // Klicken der Buttons löscht Dialog und ruft jeweilige Mothode auf $(dialogbuttonyes).click(function () { messages.removeChild(dialogoverlay); messages.removeChild(dialogbox); if (confirmDialog) { methodYes && methodYes(); } }); } //############################# Erstellen einer Message ############################# // Erzeugt eine Message function createPefMessage(msg) { // Proxer eigene Funktion if (window.location.hostname !== '') { // @ts-ignore create_message('key_suggestion', 7000, msg); } } //############################# Cookies ############################# // Gibt den Wert des übergebenen Coockienamens wieder function getCookie(name) { // Proxer eigene Funktion if (window.location.hostname !== '') { // @ts-ignore return get_cookie(name); } return ''; } // Setzt ein Cookie function setCookie(name, value) { // Proxer eigene Funktion if (window.location.hostname !== '') { // @ts-ignore set_cookie(name, value, cookie_expire); } } // Erst-Initialisierung der Speicherwerte function initStatusMemory() { for (var _i = 0, pefModulList_2 = pefModulList; _i < pefModulList_2.length; _i++) { var singleModule = pefModulList_2[_i]; if (GM_getValue( + "Status") == null) { GM_setValue( + "Status", "on"); } } } // Hier ruft das Framework die einzelnen Module auf function actionControl(change, modul) { // Wird ein Modul übergeben, wird vom Framework nur dieses Modul aufgerufen if (modul != null) { modul.callMethod(change); } else { for (var _i = 0, pefModulList_3 = pefModulList; _i < pefModulList_3.length; _i++) { var singleModule = pefModulList_3[_i]; // Ruft alle Module auf, die aktiviert sind if (GM_getValue( + "Status") == "on") { singleModule.callMethod(change); } } } } pefModulList.push({ id: 'ignoreUser', name: 'User ignorieren', description: 'User im Forum ausblenden', link: '', autor: 'Blue.Reaper', callMethod: function (change) { return ignoreUserCall(change); } }); function ignoreUserCall(change) { switch (change) { case 0 /* on */: ignoreUser(); break; case 1 /* off */: // ignoreUser(); break; case 2 /* ajax */: // ignoreUser(); break; } } function ignoreUser() { // Only in Forum if (window.location.pathname.split('/')[1] !== 'forum') { return; } // button to hide user-comments $('div.kpost-thankyou').each(function (idx, div) { var ignoreUserButton = $('<i id="pefIgnoreUser" class="btn">User ausblenden</i>'); var userId = $(div).parents('table.kpublished').find('li.kpost-username a').attr('href').slice(6, -4); () { addIgnoredUser(userId); location.reload(); }); $(div).append(ignoreUserButton); }); // init ignore-List if (GM_getValue("ignoreUserList") == null) { GM_setValue("ignoreUserList", []); } var userList = GM_getValue("ignoreUserList"); // hide comments userList.forEach(function (user) { var blockedUser = $('li.kpost-username a[href^="/user/' + user + '"]'); var comment = blockedUser.parents(".kbody"); comment.parent().append($('<div class="ignoredComment">Beitrag von ' + blockedUser.text() + ' ausgeblendet</div>')); var showUser = $('<i class="btn">User einblenden</i>'); () { removeIgnoredUser(user); location.reload(); }); var buttons = $('<div class="kmessage-buttons-row center"></div>'); buttons.append(showUser); comment.parent().append(buttons); comment.hide(); }); } function addIgnoredUser(userId) { var userIgnoreList = GM_getValue("ignoreUserList"); if (userIgnoreList.indexOf(userId) == -1) { userIgnoreList.push(userId); GM_setValue("ignoreUserList", userIgnoreList); } } function removeIgnoredUser(userId) { var userIgnoreList = GM_getValue("ignoreUserList"); var index = userIgnoreList.indexOf(userId); if (index > -1) { userIgnoreList.splice(index, 1); GM_setValue("ignoreUserList", userIgnoreList); } } // Longstrip Reader als Standard // Longstrip: klick auf Bild führt keine Aktion aus // Longstrip: Navigation um zu nächstem / letztem Kapitel zu springen (ohne Zwischenseite) // Fügt Mangaupdates im Menü Manga hinzu pefModulList.push({ id: 'mangaComfort', name: 'Manga Komfort', description: 'Mehr Komfort beim Manga Lesen', link: '', autor: 'Blue.Reaper', callMethod: function (change) { return mangaComfortCall(change); } }); function mangaComfortCall(change) { switch (change) { case 0 /* on */: mangaComfort(); break; case 1 /* off */: break; case 2 /* ajax */: mangaComfort(); break; } } function mangaComfort() { // add Updates in Menu Manga if (!$('#leftNav li:nth-child(3) ul li>a[href="/manga/updates#top').length) { $('#leftNav li:nth-child(3) ul').append($('<li><a data-ajax="true" href="/manga/updates#top">Updates</a></li>')); } // Setzt Longstrip als Standard, wenn noch kein Cookie gesetzt ist if (getCookie('manga_reader') != 'slide') { setCookie('manga_reader', 'longstrip'); } // Now in Standard // // On Home Page and Links doesn't exist // if (location.pathname === '/' && !$('#main li>a[href="/manga/updates#top').length){ // // Add Mangaupdaets like existing Animeupdates and after that // $('#main li>a[href="/anime/updates#top"]').parent().after($('<li id="pef_mangaupdates"><a data-ajax="true" href="/manga/updates#top">Mangaupdates</a></li>')); // } if (location.pathname.split('/')[1] !== 'read' && location.pathname.split('/')[1] !== 'chapter') { $('.previousChapter, .nextChapter, .bookmark').remove(); return; } if (getCookie('manga_reader') == 'longstrip') { // Ändere Link auf Bildern, damit nur zum nächsten Bild gesprungen wird $('#reader img').attr('onclick', ''); // no longer used // $('#reader img').off('click', scrollToNextPage); // $('#reader img').click(scrollToNextPage); // only add buttons once if (!$('.nextChapter').length) { // button previous chapter // don't show button on first chapter if (Number(location.pathname.split('/')[3]) > 1) { var previousChapterButton = $('<i class="previousChapter pointer fa fa-2x fa-chevron-left"/>'); $('body').append(previousChapterButton); () { var path = location.pathname.split('/'); path[1] = 'read'; path[3] = String(Number(path[3]) - 1); path[5] = String(1); location.pathname = path.join('/'); }); } // button next chapter var nextChapterButton = $('<i class="nextChapter pointer fa fa-2x fa-chevron-right"/>'); $('body').append(nextChapterButton); () { var path = location.pathname.split('/'); path[1] = 'read'; path[3] = String(Number(path[3]) + 1); path[5] = String(1); location.pathname = path.join('/'); }); // button bookmark this chapter var bookmarkButton = $('<i class="bookmark pointer fa fa-2x fa-bookmark"/>'); $('body').append(bookmarkButton); () { var path = String(location).replace('read', 'chapter'); var ajaxLink = (path + '?format=json&type=reminder&' + $('#proxerToken').val() + '=1&title=reminder_this'); $.post(ajaxLink, { 'check': 1 }, function (data) { createPefMessage(data.msg); localStorage.listentries_timer = null; }); }); } } // Wenn 404, dann nächste Kapitel nicht verfügbar (Sprung direkt in nächste Kapitel) -> gehe zurück auf Zwichenseite if ($('#main img[src="/images/misc/404.png"]').length) { location.pathname = location.pathname.replace('read', 'chapter'); } // Always show default cursor // // Mauszeiger wird auch nur über Bild zur Hand // $('#reader img').addClass('pointer'); $('#reader a').addClass('cursorAuto'); } // no longer used to avoid unwanted scrolling function scrollToNextPage() { // @ts-ignore var image = $('#chapterImage' + current_page).offset(); $('body,html').animate({ // nicht page+1, da id bei 0 los zählt scrollTop: image ? : 0 }, 800); // @ts-ignore current_page = current_page + 1; } // Muster (Proxer Essentials Framework Example) // Jedes Modul muss sich in die pefModulList eintragen // pefModulList.push({ // // Eindeutiger String, der als Id verwendet wird // id:"pefExample", // // Der angezeigte Name des Moduls // name:"Beispiel Modul", // // Die Kurzbeschreibung // description:"Ein Muster zur Erstellung weiterer Scripte", // // Link zur Infoseite mit den Details // link: '', // // Der Ersteller dieses Moduls // autor:"Blue.Reaper", // // Mit dieser Methode wird das Modul aufgerufen // callMethod:(change)=>pefExampleCall(change) // }); // Aufruf des Scripts durch das Framework function pefExampleCall(change) { switch (change) { case 0 /* on */: // Wird nach dem Laden der Seite Aufgerufen, sollte das Modul aktiviert sein // Wird auch aufgerufen, wenn der User das Modul in den Einstellungen aktiviert console.log("on"); myExampleMethod(); break; case 2 /* ajax */: // Wird durch einen Ajax-Aufruf auf der Seite getriggert // Nur wenn das Modul aktiv ist // Es wird immer erst nach "on" aufgerufen console.log("ajax"); myExampleMethod(); break; case 1 /* off */: // Wird aufgerufen, wenn der User in den Einstellungen dieses Modul ausschaltet console.log("off"); anotherExampleMethod(); break; } } function myExampleMethod() { // Hier ist der Code des Scipts // console.log("Das Muster-Modul läuft"); } function anotherExampleMethod() { // Wenn das Modul ausgeschaltet wird passiert evtl. etwas // console.log("Das Mustet-Modul wurde deaktiviert"); } // Zeigt Bilder in den Listenansichten an bei: // - Updates // - Manga/Animelist // - Lesezeichen // - Neuigkeiten // Grid-Anzeige als Standard, statt Listenansicht // In Anime- / Manga-Liste (Grid Modus) Sortier und Filter Optionen pefModulList.push({ id: "picTile", name: "Bild-Kacheln", description: "Bild-Kacheln statt Tabellen", link: '', autor: "Blue.Reaper", callMethod: function (change) { return picTileCall(change); } }); function picTileCall(change) { switch (change) { case 0 /* on */: picTile(); break; case 1 /* off */: break; case 2 /* ajax */: picTile(); break; } } // updates function isLocationUpdates() { if (location.pathname == '/manga/updates' || location.pathname == '/anime/updates') { return true; } return false; } // Manga/Anime list function isLocationStatus() { if (location.pathname == '/ucp' && ('?s=manga') ||'?s=anime'))) { return true; } return false; } // bookmarks function isLocationBookmarks() { if (location.pathname == '/ucp' &&'?s=reminder')) { return true; } return false; } function picTile() { // notification bubble is shown but contains no tiles if ($('#notificationBubble.miscNav').length && (!$('#notificationBubble.miscNav .tile').length)) { redesignNotification(); } // console.log(location.pathname); // console.log(; if (isLocationUpdates() || isLocationStatus() || isLocationBookmarks()) { // add buttons for table- or grid-view if (!$('#pefViewControl').length) { $('#main #simple-navi').after($("<div id=\"pefViewControl\" class=\"clear\">\n \t\t\t\t<a id=\"pefGrid\" data-ajax=\"true\" class=\"marginLeft05 floatRight menu fa fa-th\" onclick=\"set_cookie('entryView','grid',cookie_expire);location.reload();\" href=\"javascript:;\"/>\n \t\t\t\t<a id=\"pefList\" data-ajax=\"true\" class=\"marginLeft05 floatRight menu fa fa-bars\" onclick=\"set_cookie('entryView','tablelist',cookie_expire);location.reload();\" href=\"javascript:;\"/>\n \t\t\t</div>")); } // Picture (=Grid) List if (getCookie('entryView') != 'tablelist') { // Cookie setzt Grid-Anzeige als Standard (im Gegensatz zu der Listenansicht), wenn noch kein Cookie gesetzt ist setCookie('entryView', 'grid'); // show which view is active $('#pefGrid').addClass("active"); $('#pefList').removeClass("active"); $('.inner').hide(); // Grid-List not added if (!$('.tile.sizeBig').length) { // sort/filter options if (isLocationStatus()) { var filterMedium = $('<select id="mediumFilter" class = "marginLeft05 floatRight"/>'); filterMedium.append($('<option value="" selected >Medium Filter</option>')); filterMedium.on('input', function () { return filterList(); }); $('#pefViewControl').append(filterMedium); var filterTitle = $('<input id="titleFilter" type="text" placeholder="Titel Filter" class="marginLeft05 floatRight"/>'); filterTitle.on('input', function () { return filterList(); }); $('#pefViewControl').append(filterTitle); var sortAlpha = $('<a id="pefSortAlpha" class="marginLeft05 floatRight menu fa fa-sort-alpha-asc active" href="javascript:;"/>'); var sortStar = $('<a id="pefSortStar" class="marginLeft05 floatRight menu fa fa-long-arrow-down" href="javascript:;"><i class="fa fa-star"/><a/>'); () { return sortList(0 /* alphabetical */); }); () { return sortList(1 /* stars */); }); $('#pefViewControl').append(sortAlpha); $('#pefViewControl').append(sortStar); } if (isLocationUpdates()) { showGridUpdates(); } else if (isLocationStatus()) { showGridStatus(); } else if (isLocationBookmarks()) { // show "Nur verfügbare anzeigen" at top of page $('#pefViewControl').append($('.inner p:first-child a.filter_available')); $('#pefViewControl a.filter_available').addClass("floatRight"); showGridBookmarks(); } } } else { // Table List // show which view is active $('#pefGrid').removeClass("active"); $('#pefList').addClass("active"); } } else { $('.inner').show(); } } function showGridUpdates() { $('tr').each(function (idx, tr) { // skip table header if ($(tr).find('th').length) { return true; } var link = $(tr).find('td:nth-child(2) a').attr("href"); var title = $(tr).find('td:nth-child(2) a').text(); var tid = link.replace(new RegExp("/|info|list|#top", "g"), ""); var box = $('<a class="tile sizeBig picTopBorder" href="' + link + '" data-tid="' + tid + '"></a>'); // Cover box.append($('<img class="tilePic" src="//' + tid + '.jpg">')); // Title box.append($('<div class="tileText">').append(title)); // Date box.append($('<div class="tileText tileBottom">').append($(tr).find('td:nth-child(6)').text())); $('#main').append(box); }); $('#main').append($('<div class="clear"/>')); updateReadingStatus(); } function showGridStatus() { $('.inner table').each(function (idx, table) { var accordion = $('<a class="menu acc">' + $(table).find('th:first').text() + '</a>'); var accContent = $('<div class="accContent">'); if ($(table).find('th:first').text() == "Am Schauen" || $(table).find('th:first').text() == "Am Lesen") { accordion.addClass("active");; } else { accContent.hide(); } $('#main').append(accordion); $('#main').append(accContent); () { accordion.toggleClass("active"); accContent.toggle(); }); $(table).find('tr').each(function (idx, tr) { // skip table header if ($(tr).find('th').length) { return true; } var link = $(tr).find('td:nth-child(2) a').attr("title", '').attr("href"); var title = $(tr).find('td:nth-child(2) a').attr("title", '').text(); // Medium var box = $('<a class="tile sizeBig" href="' + link + '" data-medium="' + $(tr).find('td:nth-child(3)').text() + '" data-title="' + title + '"></a>'); // Cover box.append($('<img class="tilePic" src="//' + link.replace(new RegExp("/|info|list|#top", "g"), "") + '.jpg">')); // Title box.append($('<div class="tileText">').append(title)); // rating box.append($('<div class="tileText tileBottom">').append($(tr).find('td:nth-child(4)').children())); accContent.append(box); }); accContent.append($('<div class="clear"/>')); accordion.append($('<div class="counter floatRight">' + $(accContent).find('.tile').length + '</div>')); }); // add options for medium filter var options = $('[data-medium]').map(function () { return $(this).data('medium'); }).get().filter(function (elem, index, self) { return index === self.indexOf(elem); }); options.forEach(function (element) { return $('#mediumFilter').append($('<option value="' + element + '">' + element + '</option>')); }); } function showGridBookmarks() { $('.inner td[width="50%"]').each(function (idx, td) { var accordion = $('<a class="menu acc">' + $(td).find('h4').text() + '</a>'); var accContent = $('<div class="accContent">'); $('#main').append(accordion); $('#main').append(accContent); accContent.hide(); () { accordion.toggleClass("active"); accContent.toggle(); }); $(td).find('table tr').each(function (idx, tr) { // skip table header if ($(tr).find('th').length) { return true; } var link = $(tr).find('td:nth-child(2) a').attr("title", '').attr("href"); var title = $(tr).find('td:nth-child(2) a').attr("title", '').text(); var box = $('<a class="tile sizeBig" href="' + link.replace("chapter", "read") + '"></a>'); // Cover var cover = $('<img class="tilePic" src="//' + link.split("/")[2] + '.jpg">'); // grayout cover if episode offline if ($(tr).find('td:nth-child(6) i').hasClass('red')) { cover.addClass('grayout'); } box.append(cover); // Title box.append($('<div class="tileText">').append(title)); // number box.append($('<div class="tileText tileBottom">').append("# ").append($(tr).find('td:nth-child(3)').text())); accContent.append(box); }); accContent.append($('<div class="clear"/>')); accordion.append($('<div class="floatRight">' + $(accContent).find('.tile').length + '</div>')); }); $('#main').append($('.inner p:last-child')); // open acc with more content if ($(' div').text() < $(' div').text()) { $('').click(); } else if ($(' div').text() > $(' div').text()) { $('').click(); } } // add read-status (e.g. Reading) function updateReadingStatus() { // @ts-ignore getProxerListEntries(tileStatus); } function tileStatus(bookmarks) { $.each(bookmarks, function (id, bookmark) { var tile = $('.tile[data-tid="' + bookmark.tid + '"]'); if (tile.length) { var color = void 0; switch (bookmark.state) { case "0": //finished color = 'var(--darkgreen)'; break; case "1": //reading color = 'var(--darkblue)'; break; case "2": //will be read color = 'var(--orange)'; break; case "3": //abortet color = 'var(--red)'; break; default: color = 'var(--text-color)'; } tile.css('border-color', color); } }); } function sortList(sortOption) { $('.accContent').each(function (idx, container) { var items = $(container).children('.tile').sort(function (a, b) { if (sortOption == 1 /* stars */) { $('#pefSortStar').addClass("active"); $('#pefSortAlpha').removeClass("active"); return $(b).find(".tileText.tileBottom i.fa-star, .tileText.tileBottom img[src='/images/misc/stern.png']").length - $(a).find(".tileText.tileBottom i.fa-star, .tileText.tileBottom img[src='/images/misc/stern.png']").length; } else { $('#pefSortAlpha').addClass("active"); $('#pefSortStar').removeClass("active"); var aName = $(a).data('title').toLowerCase(); var bName = $(b).data('title').toLowerCase(); return ((aName < bName) ? -1 : ((aName > bName) ? 1 : 0)); } }); $(container).find('.clear').before(items); }); } function filterList() { $('.tile').show(); var titleFilter = new RegExp($('#titleFilter').val(), 'i'); // hide alle elements that don't match the filters $('.tile').filter(function (index, item) { if ($('#mediumFilter').val() == "") // if meduim filter is not active only filter title return !titleFilter.test($(item).data('title')); else // filter title and medium return (!titleFilter.test($(item).data('title')) || ($(item).data('medium') != $('#mediumFilter').val())); }).hide(); // update accordion counter after filtering $('.acc').each(function (idx, container) { $(container).find('.counter').text($(container).next('.accContent').find('.tile:not([style*="display: none"])').length); }); } function redesignNotification() { $('#notificationBubble.miscNav').addClass('redesign'); $('#notificationBubble.miscNav::after').hide(); $('#notificationBubble.miscNav>div.scrollBar').hide(); $('#notificationBubble.miscNav .notificationList').each(function (idx, item) { var link = $(item).attr("href"); var picTile = $('<a class="tile sizeSmall" href="' + link.replace("chapter", "read") + '" data-notifyid="' +'12') + '" />'); $('#notificationBubble.miscNav').append(picTile); // Manga or Anime if (/chapter/.test(link) || /watch/.test(link)) { var text = $(item).find('u').text().split('#'); picTile.append($('<img class="tilePic" src="//' + link.split("/")[2] + '.jpg">')); picTile.append($('<div class="tileText">' + text[0] + '</div>')); picTile.append($('<div class="tileText tileBottom"># ' + text[1] + '</div>')); } // board else if (/forum/.test(link)) { var text = $(item).find('i').text(); text = text.substring(1, text.length - 1); picTile.append($('<div class="tileFA fa fa-comments-o"> </div>')); picTile.append($('<div class="tileText wrap">' + text + '</div>')); picTile.append($('<div class="tileText tileBottom">Forum</div>')); } // other than board, anime or manga else { var text = $(item).text(); picTile.append($('<div class="tileText wrap">' + text + '</div>')); picTile.append($('<div class="tileText tileBottom">!!Fehler!!</div>')); } var close = $('<a class="tileTimes fa fa-times" href="javascript:;">'); picTile.append(close); close.hover(function () { return picTile.addClass('delete'); }, function () { return picTile.removeClass('delete'); }); () { picTile.remove(); $.post('/notifications?format=json&s=deleteNotification&' + $('#proxerToken').val() + '=1', { id: $(picTile).data('notifyid') }, function (result) { }); }); }); } // Wunder: // "zurück nach oben" Button // Nachricht "Diese Website verwendet Cookies..." wird ausgeblendet // blende Social Media aus // blednde News und Freundschafts Icon aus (oben rechts) // blendet Chat aus pefModulList.push({ id: 'smallWonders', name: 'Kleine Wunder', description: 'Kleine Änderungen, die Wunder wirken', link: '', autor: 'Blue.Reaper', callMethod: function (change) { return smallWondersCall(change); } }); function smallWondersCall(change) { switch (change) { case 0 /* on */: smallWonders(); break; case 1 /* off */: // smallWonders(); break; case 2 /* ajax */: // smallWonders(); break; } } function smallWonders() { // ############### set cookies ############### // Cookie damit Nachricht "Diese Website verwendet Cookies..." nicht kommt setCookie('cookieconsent_dismissed', 'yes'); // collapse chat (is sometimes shown for a short time, before script finishes) setCookie('chatapp_open', '0'); setCookie('chatapp_open_id', ''); setCookie('chatapp_open_type', ''); // ############### hide elements ############### GM_addStyle(GM_getResourceText("smallWonders_CSS")); // ############### BackToTop ############### // Check if Button already added if (!$('.backToTop').length) { // add button var backToTopButton_1 = $('<i class="backToTop pointer fa fa-2x fa-chevron-up"/>'); $('body').append(backToTopButton_1); // scroll 1000 Pixel $(window).scroll(function () { var scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop(); if (scrollTop && scrollTop > 1000) { backToTopButton_1.fadeIn(); } else { backToTopButton_1.fadeOut(); } }); // click () { $('body,html').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 800); return false; }); } } // Theatermodus für Anime pefModulList.push({ id: "theaterMode", name: "Theatermodus", description: "Theatermodus für Animes", link: '', autor: "Blue.Reaper", callMethod: function (change) { return theatreModeCall(change); } }); function theatreModeCall(change) { switch (change) { case 0 /* on */: theatermodus(); break; case 1 /* off */: theatermodusOff(); break; case 2 /* ajax */: // theatermodus(); break; } } function theatermodus() { if (window.location.hostname !== "" && window.location.pathname.split('/')[1] !== 'watch') { theatermodusOff(); } // Innerhalb des Iframes if (window.location.hostname === "") { GM_addStyle(GM_getResourceText("theater_CSS")); } // normale Proxer Seite if (window.location.pathname.split('/')[1] === 'watch') { // Check if button is already added if (!$('.toggleTheater').length) { var backToTopButton = $('<i class="toggleTheater pointer fa fa-2x fa-arrows-alt"/>'); $("body").append(backToTopButton); () { $('iframe').toggleClass("theaterActive"); }); } } } function theatermodusOff() { // Entferne Button wieder $('.toggleTheater').remove(); }