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// ==UserScript== // @name Picarto Markup // @description Enable markups in Picarto chats // @include *//* // @version 1 // @grant none // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== function markup(str) { var matches = ("i>" + str).match(/[a|i|"|n]>(.*?)(?=<)/gm); var nonmatches = str.match(/<(.*?)(?=[a|i|"|n]>)/gm); var star = /\*(\S(.*?\S)?)\*/gm; var double_star = /\*\*(\S(.*?\S)?)\*\*/gm; var undersc = /\_(\S(.*?\S)?)\_/gm; var double_undersc = /\_\_(\S(.*?\S)?)\_\_/gm; var tilde = /\~(\S(.*?\S)?)\~/gm; var double_tilde = /\~\~(\S(.*?\S)?)\~\~/gm; matches[0] = matches[0].substring(2); var newstring = ""; for (i = 0; i < matches.length; i++) { if( !(i+1<matches.length && matches[i+1].startsWith("a")) ) { matches[i] = matches[i].replace(double_star, '<b>$1</b>'); matches[i] = matches[i].replace(double_undersc, '<u>$1</u>'); matches[i] = matches[i].replace(star, '<i>$1</i>'); matches[i] = matches[i].replace(undersc, '<i>$1</i>'); matches[i] = matches[i].replace(double_tilde, '<s>$1</s>'); } newstring = newstring + matches[i] + nonmatches[i]; } newstring += "n>"; return newstring; } $(document).ready(() => { let targetNode = document.getElementById("chatContainer"); let options = {childList:true,subtree:true}; let observer = new MutationObserver((mutationList)=>{ let msgs = document.getElementsByClassName("theMsg"); for(let a = msgs.length-1; a >= 0; a--){ let m = msgs[a]; if(!m.classList.contains("MarkUp")){ m.classList.add("MarkUp"); m.innerHTML = markup(m.innerHTML); } } }); observer.observe(targetNode, options); });