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// ==UserScript== // @name rarbgPlus // @namespace Azev // @homepage // @description Please visit: // @updateURL // @downloadURL // @author Azev ( // @version 5.1.1 // @grant none // @icon // @include http*://** // @include /.*rarbg\.*/ // ==/UserScript== /* Changelog 5.1.1 - Fixed include to match regex 5.1 - Display count of results omitted/blacklisted (if any) - Improved rxCleanNames - changed cover link from to torcache not accepting different domain direct download of torrents check if thumbnail / torrent file exists : 404 5.0.1 - Fixed torrent date appearance 5.0 - New release from rargb Fixer (discontinued) */ /* OPTIONS */ var THUMB_SIZE = 200; // thumbnail size (width) var HIDE_RECOMMENDED = true; // hide 'recommended' //var rxBlacklist = /suicidegirls|evil|ztod|paintoy|DoctorAdventures|TeensLikeItBig|BigTitsAtSchool|pervsonpatrol|ThaiGirlsWild|letstryanal|HandsOnHarcore|doghousedigital|handsonhardcore|RestrainedElegance|demon/gi; // comment this line if you don't want filters (filter refers to title) /* CODE */ var css, cleanName, i, j, t; var catMusic = false; var rxHash = /([a-f0-9]{40})/i; var rxName = /title="(.*?)"/i; var rxId = /href="\/torrent\/(.*?)"/i; var rxTags = /DarkSlateGray">(.*?)<\/span>/i; var rxImdb = /imdb=(.*?)"/i; var rxDate = /(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}).*?/i; var rxSize = /([0-9\.]+ [MG]B)/i; var rxSeeds = />(\d)<\/font>/i; var blacklisted = 0; if (typeof rxBlacklist == 'undefined'){ var rxBlacklist = new RegExp(/^$/gi); } var rxCleanNames = /multi\d|\.\w+\.(org|net|com)|xxx|mvgroup.*/gi; var rxTypes = /imageset|(x|h)\.?264|avc|(480|540|720|1080)p|korsub|(sd)\.|\W(true)?hd(tv)?([\d\.]+)?|(dvd|bd|hd|br|web)rip|(web|dvd)scr|bluray|mkv|mov|flv|wmv|web-dl|aac(\.?\d\.\d)?|dts(-hd)?|truehd|ac3(\.?\d\.\d)?|dd(\.?\d\.\d)|mp(3|4)|dv3|flac|xvid|divx\d?|(\[)?\d+\s?(kbps)(\])?|ps\d|pc|xbox\d|rip+|MA\.5\.1|multisub(s)?|\[techtools\]/gi; //altTorrentLink = "" //altTorrentLink = "" altTorrentLink = "" var list = document.getElementsByClassName('lista2'); var data = []; var results = '<div id="results">'; var icon_download = ''; var icon_imdb = ''; var icon_youtube = ''; //var icon_torcache = ''; //var icon_magnet = ''; function rxGet(rx, str){ // return regEx match or '' var ret = rx.exec(str); ret = ( ret !== null ) ? ret[1] : ''; return(ret); } /*****************************************************************/ if (document.getElementsByClassName('lista2t').length > 0){ // check if there are results category = rxGet(/category=([;\d]+)/, decodeURIComponent(window.location.href)).split(';'); if ( (category.indexOf('23') !== -1) || (category.indexOf('25') !== -1) ) catMusic = true; // build data[] for (i=0; i<list.length; i++){ if ( rxGet(rxName, list[i].innerHTML) !== ''){ // skip 'direct download' (ad) if ( !rxGet(rxName, list[i].innerHTML).match(rxBlacklist) ){ // skip blacklisted items data.push({ "id" : rxGet(rxId, list[i].innerHTML) , "hash" : rxGet(rxHash, list[i].innerHTML) , "name" : rxGet(rxName, list[i].innerHTML) , "tags" : rxGet(rxTags, list[i].innerHTML).replace(/imdb.*/gi,'').split(/, | i/gi) , "imdb" : rxGet(rxImdb, list[i].innerHTML) , "date" : rxGet(rxDate, list[i].innerHTML) , "seeds" : rxGet(rxSeeds, list[i].innerHTML) , "size" : rxGet(rxSize, list[i].innerHTML) }); } else { blacklisted++; } } } // process data[] for (i=0; i<data.length; i++){ results += '<div class="result">'; results += '<span class="t_title">$name</span>'; results += '<a href="$altTorrentLink"><img class="cover" width="' + THUMB_SIZE + '" src="$cover"></a><br>'; results += '<div id="labels">'; results += '<span id="size">$size</span><span id="rDate">$date</span>$types$tags$imdb$rarbg</div>'; results += '</div>'; results = results.replace('$cover', '' + data[i].hash.charAt(0) + '/' + data[i].hash + '.jpg'); cleanName = data[i].name; if ( data[i].name.lastIndexOf('-') !== -1 ){ // remove tailing '-reLeASer' if ( data[i].name.charAt( data[i].name.lastIndexOf('-')-1) !== ' '){ // skip if preceded by space. eg: ' VA - ' cleanName = data[i].name.substr(0, data[i].name.lastIndexOf('-')) // remove tailing '-reLeASer' } } cleanName = cleanName .replace(rxCleanNames, ' ') .replace(rxTypes, ' ') .replace(/\.|\s{2,}|com_|_/gi, ' ') .replace(/(\d{4})/gi, '($1)') // year -> (year) .replace(/\[\s+\]|-\s+$|\[\s+$/gi, '') // clear artifacts .replace(/\[\(|\(\(/gi, '(') .replace(/\)\]|\)\)/gi, ')') .trim(); results = results.replace('$name', '<a href="'+ data[i].id + '">' + cleanName + '</a>'); // name link results = results.replace('$altTorrentLink', altTorrentLink + data[i].hash.toUpperCase() + '.torrent'); results = results.replace('$size', data[i].size); // size results = results.replace('$date', data[i].date); // date // types t = ''; types = data[i].name.match(rxTypes); if (types){ for (j=0; j<types.length ; j++){ t += '<span class="type">' + types[j].replace(/\[|\]/gi, '') + '</span>'; } } results = results.replace( '$types' , t); // tags t = ''; if (data[i].tags[0] !== ''){ for (j=0; j<data[i].tags.length ; j++){ t += '<span class="tag">' + data[i].tags[j] + '</span>'; } } results = results.replace( '$tags' , t); // imdb & youtube t = ''; if (data[i].imdb !== '') { t = '<br><a target="_blank" href="'+data[i].imdb+'"><img src="'+icon_imdb+'"></a>'; t += '<a target="_blank" href="'+cleanName+' trailer"><img src="'+icon_youtube+'"></a>'; } results = results.replace('$imdb', t); // rarbg torrent link t = ''; t = '<a href="'+data[i].id+'&f='+data[i].name+'.torrent"><img src="'+icon_download+'"></a>'; results = results.replace('$rarbg', t); } // replace results results += '</div>'; if (blacklisted>0){ results += '<span id="blacklisted"> Omitted results (blacklisted): <b>' + blacklisted + '</b></span>'; } document.getElementsByClassName('lista2t')[0].outerHTML = results; // css formating css = '#results{text-align: center; padding: 10px 0 0 10px}'; css += '.result{background-color: #D3DDE7; display: inline-block; width: '+ THUMB_SIZE +'px; padding: 10px; margin: 0 10px 10px 0; border: 1px solid #9FAABC; border-radius: 3px; overflow: hidden; vertical-align: top}'; css += '.t_title a {display: block; padding: 0 4px 5px 0; text-align: center; font-weight: 600; font-size: 1.1em; text-decoration: none}'; // torrent tile css += '#t_title a:hover {color: #000}'; css += '.result span{display: block; vertical-align: middle;}'; thumbHeight = catMusic ? THUMB_SIZE : THUMB_SIZE*3/2; css += 'img.cover {width: '+ THUMB_SIZE +'px; height: '+thumbHeight+'px; vertical-align: middle; object-fit: cover; border: 1px solid #777; margin-bottom: 5px;}'; css += '#labels span, #size {border-radius: 3px; padding: 2px; margin: 2px; display: inline-block; cursor: default}'; css += '#rDate {background-color: #6C8BD2; color: #fff}'; css += '#size {background-color: #F8C85A; color: #000}'; css += '.type {background-color: #30519E; color: #fff}'; css += '.tag {background-color: #9EBD55; color: #000}'; css += '#labels a {border-radius: 3px; margin: 2px; vertical-align: middle; display: inline-block; overflow: hidden}'; css += '#blacklisted {display:block; text-align: center; color: #A91818}'; // search box //css += '#searchTorrent{ height: 30px; overflow: hidden; transition: height .25s} #searchTorrent:hover{ height: 180px}'; // apply css var style = document.createElement('style'); if (style.styleSheet) style.styleSheet.cssText = css; else style.appendChild(document.createTextNode(css)); document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(style); } // hide iframes elms = document.getElementsByTagName("iframe"); for (i=0; i < elms.length; i++) { elms[i].style.display = 'none'; elms[i].src = 'about:blank'; } // hide 'recommended' covers if (HIDE_RECOMMENDED) { if ( document.documentElement.innerHTML.indexOf('Recommended torrents') !=-1 ){ elms = document.getElementsByClassName("lista"); for (i=5; i <= 12; i++) { elms[i].style.display = 'none'; } } elms = document.getElementsByTagName("b"); for (i=0; i < elms.length; i++) { if ( elms[i].innerHTML.indexOf('Recommended torrents :') !=-1 ) elms[i].style.display = 'none'; } } // hide bottom ad elms = document.getElementsByTagName('a'); for (i=0; i < elms.length; i++) { if (elms[i].getAttribute('href') !== null){ if ( elms[i].getAttribute('href').indexOf('buy-vpn') !== -1 ){ elms[i].style.display = 'none'; elms[i].href='#'; } } } // hide direct download links (ad) elms = document.getElementsByTagName("a"); for (i=0; i < elms.length; i++) { if ( elms[i].outerHTML.indexOf('direct') !=-1 ){ elms[i] = 'none'; elms[i].href='#'; } } // add altTorrentLink var anchor, hash; elms = document.getElementsByTagName('a'); for (i=0; i < elms.length; i++) { if ( elms[i].getAttribute('href') !== null){ if ( elms[i].getAttribute('href').indexOf('magnet:') !== -1 ){ anchor = document.createElement('A'); hash = (/:([0-9a-fA-F]{40})/.exec( elms[i].getAttribute('href') )[1].toUpperCase() ); url = altTorrentLink + hash + '.torrent'; anchor.setAttribute('href', url); = 'block'; = '10px'; = '#3c0'; anchor.innerHTML = 'Download torrent from ' + altTorrentLink.match(/\/\/([\w\d\.]+)\//)[1]; elms[i].parentNode.appendChild(anchor); } } }