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// ==UserScript== // @name Eclyspia Disarm Adblock Detector // @description A script that bypass attempts to detect Adblock on // @namespace athorcis // @include* // @version 1.0 // @grant unsafeWindow // @require // @run-at document-start // ==/UserScript== /*jslint devel: true */ /*global unsafeWindow, DAD */ DAD(function (window, utils) { "use strict"; var userID, userToken; function advertListener(data, callback) { callback({ status: "OK", userId: userID, userToken: userToken }); } function proxyIOSocketOn(caller, args) { var type = args[0]; if (type === "advert") { args[1] = advertListener; } caller(args); } function proxyIOConnect(caller, args) { var socket = caller(args); utils.createProxy(socket, "on", proxyIOSocketOn); return socket; } return { css: "#adv_tester { display: block !important; height: 1px }", exports: { OA_show: utils.noop, sas: { setup: utils.noop, call: utils.noop } }, init: function () { var script, jQuery = window.jQuery, iframeWrapper = jQuery(".webTvIframeWrapper"); userID = window.userID; if (iframeWrapper.length) { try { script ="script")[0].innerHTML; userToken = utils.extractString(script, { before: "userToken" }); utils.createProxy(, "connect", proxyIOConnect); } catch (exception) { console.error(exception); } } else { console.warn("unable to find .webTvIframeWrapper"); } } }; });