AsterNighT / PaperJudge

// ==UserScript==
// @name PaperJudge
// @description Label paper with its CCF Level
// @namespace
// @match*
// @license MIT
// @version 1.0.1
// @author AsterNighT
// @run-at document-idle
// @require
// ==/UserScript==

'use strict'

// A csv hosted on github, formated in
// key, level, type, category
// journals/tocs,A,Journal,1
let databaseURL = "";

// Mapping category id to description
let catagoryMapping = ["", "计算机体系结构/并行与分布计算/存储系统", "计算机网络", "网络与信息安全", "软件工程/系统软件/程序设计语言", "数据库/数据挖掘/内容检索", "计算机科学理论", "计算机图形学与多媒体", "人工智能", "人机交互与普适计算", "交叉/综合/新兴"]

let database = {};

async function initialize() {
    let response = await fetch(databaseURL);
    if (!response.ok) {
        console.log("There's been trouble loading the database from github.")
        return false;
    let csv = await response.text();
    database = $.csv.toObjects(csv);
    // {
    //     key: string,
    //     level: 'A'|'B'|'C',
    //     type: 'Journal'|'Meeting',
    //     category:'1'-'10'
    // }
    return true;

function searchInDatabase(site) {
    for (let item of database) {
        if (site.includes(item.key)) {
            return getDescriptorFromItem(item);
    // We do not know this site!
    console.log(`Unknown site: ${site}`);
    return {
        text: "Unknown",
        color: mapLevelToColor("Unknown")

function getDescriptorFromItem(item) {
    return {
        text: `${item.level} - ${item.type} - ${catagoryMapping[parseInt(item.category)]}`,
        color: mapLevelToColor(item.level)

function mapLevelToColor(level) {
    if (level === "A") return "#ffa500";
    if (level === "B") return "#fad200";
    if (level === "C") return "#e5f500";
    if (level === "Unknown") return "#ffffff";
    return "#ff0000";

function appendDescriptor() {
    let targets = document.querySelectorAll("li > cite")
    console.log(`A total of ${targets.length} targets found`);
    for (let target of targets) {

function handleNode(target) {
    let hyperlinks = target.getElementsByTagName('a');
    let candidate = hyperlinks[hyperlinks.length - 1];
    // Whatever it is, we do not want it.
    if (candidate.firstChild.getAttribute('itemprop') !== "isPartOf") return;
    let site = candidate.getAttribute("href");
    let descriptor = searchInDatabase(site);
    let node = document.createElement('div');
    node.innerHTML = `${descriptor.text}`; = `background-color: ${descriptor.color};`;

var MutationObserver = window.MutationObserver;
var myObserver = new MutationObserver(mutationHandler);
var obsConfig = {
    childList: true,
    subtree: true,
    attributes: true,

function mutationHandler(mutationRecords) {
    mutationRecords.forEach(function (mutation) {

function handleMutation(node) {
    // For some reason we only get <li> events not <cite>, and it's tagName is "LI" rather than "li"
    if (node.tagName === "LI") {

(async function main() {
    let ok = await initialize();
    if (ok) {
        while (document.readyState !== "complete") {
            await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 1000));
        myObserver.observe(document, obsConfig);
    console.log("PaperJudge Loaded");