Artex / FurAffinity - Extra Dark

// ==UserScript==
// @name        FurAffinity - Extra Dark
// @namespace   Artex
// @include*
// @include*
// @require
// @version     1
// ==/UserScript==
(function(){ = "#1A2226";//had to edit body's style manually...
var link = window.document.createElement('style');
link.innerHTML = 'data:text/css,'+
'    /*fix for background on particularly stretchy images*/'+
'    body{'+
'        background-color:#1A2226 !important;'+
'    }'+
'/*fix navigation bar to top*/'+
'    .block-menu-top {'+
'        /*position: fixed;*/'+
'        z-index: 28;'+
'        top:0px !important;'+
'        position: absolute;'+
'    }'+
'    .block-menu-top a{'+
'        color:#CFCFCF !important;'+
'    }'+
'   .block-menu-top a[href^="/user/"]{'+
'        /*this is a lovely green*/'+
'        color:#aaff00 !important;'+
'    }'+
'    .block-menu-top a[href^="/logout/"]:hover{'+
'        color: red !important;'+
'    }'+
'    .block-menu-top td{'+
'        background-color:#111111 !important;'+
'        opacity:0.9;'+
'    }'+
'/*move banners downwards to fix overlapping*/'+
'    .block-banners{'+
'    	/*top:35px;*/'+
'    	/*height:250px;*/'+
'    	margin-bottom: 150px !important; '+
'    }'+
'    block-banners.clearfix{'+
'        height: 230px !important;'+
'    }'+
'    .block-banners{'+
'        left: auto !important;'+
'        position: absolute !important;'+
'        right: 10px !important;'+
'        z-index: 15 !important;'+
'    }'+
'        box-shadow: 0px 0px 12px #000;'+
'    }'+
'/*scoot FA banner to line up with page content*/ '+
'    #fa_header{'+
'       width: 100% !important;'+
'       height: 200px !important;'+
'       background: url("") no-repeat scroll 0% !important;'+
'       background-color:#292929 !important;'+
'       z-index: 10 !important;'+
'    }'+
'    #news{'+
'        margin:45px auto 0 !important;'+
'        width:97.5% !important;'+
'        background-color:#111111 !important;'+
'    }'+
'/*recolor everything...*/'+
'    #gallery .cat > .maintable > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td,'+
'    #scraps .cat > .maintable > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td,'+
'    #favorites .cat > .maintable > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td'+
'    {'+
'    	background-color: #37454C !important;'+
'    }'+
'/*lol, this is getting ridiculous.*/'+
'    .innertable > td:nth-child(1) > table:nth-child(1) > tbody:nth-child(1) > tr:nth-child(1) > td:nth-child(1) > table:nth-child(2) > tbody:nth-child(1) > tr:nth-child(1) > td:nth-child(1) > table:nth-child(1) > tbody:nth-child(1) > tr:nth-child(1) > td:nth-child(1) > table:nth-child(1) > tbody:nth-child(1) > tr:nth-child(1) > td:nth-child(1) > table:nth-child(1) > tbody:nth-child(1) > tr:nth-child(2) > td:nth-child(1){'+
'        background-color: #2E3B41 !important;'+
'    }'+
'    #gallery .cat > .maintable,'+
'    #scraps .cat > .maintable,'+
'    #favorites .cat > .maintable'+
'    {'+
'    	border-collapse: collapse;'+
'    }'+
'    /*Improve readability of text submissions*/'+
'    #submission table.maintable:nth-child(2) > tbody:nth-child(1) > tr:nth-child(2) > td:nth-child(1){'+
'        color:black !important;'+
'        background-color:white !important;'+
'        padding:20px !important;'+
'        width: 50% !important;'+
'    }'+
'   #submission table.maintable:nth-child(2){'+
'       max-width:800px !important;'+
'   }'+
'    #submission table.maintable:nth-child(2) > tbody:nth-child(1) > tr:nth-child(2) > td:nth-child(1) a{'+
'        color:rgb(0,100,240) !important;'+
'    }'+
'    .innertable{'+
'        background-color:#1A2226 !important;'+
'    }'+
'    body > div {'+
'        background-color: #1A2226 !important;'+
'    }'+
'    .maintable{'+
'        background-color:#1A2226 !important;'+
'    }'+
'    .cat{'+
'        background-color:#344047 !important;'+
'    }'+
'    .alt1{'+
'        background-color:#232D33 !important;'+
'    }'+
'    .alt2{'+
'        background-color:#232D33 !important;'+
'    }'+
'    /*no more rounded edges*/'+
'    center.flow s > a, center.flow img{'+
'        border-radius: 0 !important;'+
'    }'+
'    .tab a{'+
'        background-color:#37454C !important;'+
'    }'+
'    .container-comment{'+
'        background-color:#232D33 !important;'+
'    }'+
'    .container-comment TH{'+
'        background-color:#344047 !important;'+
'    }'+
'    /*fade in the description popup*/'+
'    #description_popup{'+
'        animation:fadein 0.5s;'+
'        -webkit-animation:fadein 0.5s;'+
'    }'+
'    @keyframes fadein{'+
'        from {opacity:0;}'+
'        to {opacity:1;}'+
'    }'+
'    @-webkit-keyframes fadein{'+
'        from {opacity:0;}'+
'        to {opacity:1;}'+
'    }'+
'    #description_popup:first-of-type{'+
'        opacity:0;'+
'    }'+
'    /*fancy hover transitions owo*/'+
'    a[href^="/watch/"] font:hover{'+
'        color:gold !important;'+
'    }'+
'    .tab a{'+
'        height:20px !important;'+
'        transition: padding 0.2s;'+
'    }'+
'    .tab a:hover{'+
'        padding-top:8px !important;'+
'        color:#999999 !important;'+
'    }'+
'    .r-general,'+
'    .r-mature,'+
'    .r-adult{'+
'        overflow:visible !important;'+
'    }'+
'    /*remove dotted outline on active thumbnails*/'+
'    .r-general a,'+
'    .r-mature a,'+
'    .r-adult a{'+
'        transition: transform 0.1s;'+
'        border:none !important;'+
'        padding: 0 !important;'+
'        background: none !important;'+
'    }'+
'    .r-general a:hover,'+
'    .r-mature a:hover,'+
'    .r-adult a:hover{'+
'        transform:scale(1.05,1.05);'+
'        -webkit-transform:scale(1.05,1.05);'+
'    }'+
'    /*random decoravitve border and background to submissions*/'+
'    #submissionImg{'+
'       border: 10px solid #111111 !important;'+
'       background:#111111 !important;'+
'    }'+
'    .menu li ul li:hover{ /*drop down menu on usernames*/'+
'        background-color: #3A4D54 !important;'+
'    }'+
'    /*checked submissions*/'+
'    center.flow.messagecenter b.checked{'+
'        background-color:#00050A !important;'+
'    }'+
'    /*shouts*/'+
'    .lead{'+
'        background-color: #2E3B41 !important;'+
'        height: 20px !important;'+
'    }'+
'    #page-commission-info .types-table tr.even th, #page-commission-info .types-table tr.even td{'+
'       background-color: #29363D !important;'+
'   }';

//This has to be ugly. Mostly translating my Lua knowledge into js. + some hacky work arounds.
var nav = $(".block-menu-top");
var s = false

    //var offset = nav.offset();
    var dis = window.pageYOffset;
    if (dis > 200 && s === true){
        s = false
    else if(dis < 200 && s === false){
        s = true