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// ==UserScript== // @name myTimetable // @namespace // @version 0.1 // @description try to take over the world! // @author You // @match *://** // @grant none // @run-at document-end // @require // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== $(document).ready(function () { //When document has loaded setTimeout(function () { //jQuery('.mytimetable-application-panel').remove() var d = new Date(); var hours = d.getUTCHours() + 1; var minutes = d.getUTCMinutes(); var adjustmentFactor = 0; if (minutes > 15) { adjustmentFactor = 1; } var L = jQuery('.wc-today').children().children(); var nLectures = L.length; var lectureArr = []; var counter = 0; var i = 0; var timeArr = []; var startTime; var nextLecture = []; for (i = 0; i < nLectures; i++) { var lectureName = jQuery(L[i]).text(); if (lectureName != "") { startTime = parseInt(lectureName.slice(0, 2)); //HOURS:15 lectureName = lectureName.slice(13, 20); if (startTime > (hours + adjustmentFactor - 1) && nextLecture == "") { nextLecture[0] = startTime; nextLecture[1] = lectureName; nextLecture[2] = jQuery(L[i]).children().children().childrens('.wc-locations').text(); } lectureArr[counter] = lectureName; timeArr[counter] = startTime; counter = counter + 1; } } var hoursUntilNextLec = nextLecture[0] - hours - adjustmentFactor; var minutesUntilNextLec = 15 - minutes; if (minutesUntilNextLec < 0) { minutesUntilNextLec = minutesUntilNextLec + 60; } var stringMessage = ""; if (nextLecture[0] != "") { if (hoursUntilNextLec == 0) { stringMessage = nextLecture[1].concat(" in ", minutesUntilNextLec, "min ", "at ", nextLecture[2]); } if (hoursUntilNextLec > 0) { stringMessage = nextLecture[1].concat(" in ", hoursUntilNextLec, "hr ", minutesUntilNextLec, "min ", "at ", nextLecture[2]); } } var pixelPosition = Math.floor(hours * 80 + minutes * 80 / 60); var stringThing1 = '<div class="wc-cal-event color-3 removable" style="top: '; var stringThing2 = 'px; width: 100%; left: 0%;"><div class="wc-cal-event-border" style='; //stringMessage here! var stringThing3 = '"height: 4px; min-height: 4px; background-color: gold; border: ">'; //thickness and colour of the line if (stringMessage != "") { stringThing3 = '"height: 17px; min-height: 17px; background-color: gold; border: ">'; //make the line thinner if empty } var stringThing4 = '</div></div>'; var fullString = stringThing1.concat(pixelPosition.toString(), stringThing2, stringThing3, stringMessage, stringThing4); jQuery(".wc-today .wc-day-column-inner").append(fullString); }, 400); //Two seconds will elapse and Code will execute. });