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// ==UserScript== // @name AniDB add-episode button // @namespace AquaWolfGuy // @description Adds a button next to MyList entries and episodes for adding a new episode. // @icon // @author AquaWolfGuy // @copyright 2018, AquaWolfGuy // @license GPL-3.0-only // @match *://* // @version 1.0.6 // @grant none // ==/UserScript== ///////////////// // Style sheet // ///////////////// const style = document.createElement("style"); style.innerHTML = ` #layout-main div.mylist_all table.animelist > tbody > tr > td.action { min-width: 8.5em; } @media screen and (min-width: 1640px) { #layout-main div.mylist_all table.animelist > tbody > tr > td.action { min-width: 14.5em; } } #layout-main div.anime_all div.episodes table.eplist td.action.episode { min-width: 13.5em; } .i_file_add::after { content: "\\f319"; font-weight: normal; } `; document.head.appendChild(style); //////////// // MyList // //////////// const animelist = document.getElementById("animelist"); if (animelist !== null && document.body.classList.contains("mylist")) { new MutationObserver(preserveMyListButton).observe(animelist.tBodies[0], {childList: true}); for (const row of animelist.querySelectorAll("#animelist>tbody>tr")) { addButtonToMyListEntry(row); } function addButtonToMyListEntry(row) { const aid = row.dataset.anidbAid; if (aid === undefined) { return; } const epsCell = row.getElementsByClassName("eps")[0]; if (epsCell !== undefined) { const epsText = epsCell.textContent.trim(); const epsParsed = /([0-9]+)\/([0-9]+)/.exec(epsText); if (epsParsed !== null && epsParsed[1] === epsParsed[2]) { return; } } const action = row.getElementsByClassName("action")[0]; const button = document.createElement("a"); button.className = "i_icon i_file_add"; button.title = "add a file for the next episode"; button.innerHTML = "<span>add file</span>"; button.addEventListener("click", addFileByAid.bind(null, aid)); button.addEventListener("auxclick", addFileByAid.bind(null, aid)); button.addEventListener("mousedown", preventAutoScroll); action.appendChild(button); } function preserveMyListButton(mutationRecords, _mutationObserver) { for (const mutationRecord of mutationRecords) { for (const node of mutationRecord.addedNodes) { if (node instanceof Element && node.tagName === "TR") { addButtonToMyListEntry(node); } } } } function addFileByAid(aid, event) { if (!(event.button === 0 || event.button === 1)) { return; } const newTab = event.button === 1 || event.ctrlKey || event.shiftKey; const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.responseType = "document";"GET", "" + aid); xhr.addEventListener("load", addFileXhrCallback.bind(null, xhr, newTab)); xhr.addEventListener("error", xhrErrorCallback.bind(null, xhr)); xhr.send(); let loading = document.getElementById("loading"); if (loading === null) { loading = document.createElement("div"); = "loading"; document.body.appendChild(loading); } loading.classList.add("active"); event.preventDefault(); } function addFileXhrCallback(xhr, newTab, _event) { const loading = document.getElementById("loading"); if (loading !== null) { document.body.removeChild(loading); } if (xhr.status !== 200) { window.alert("Received \u201C" + xhr.status + " " + xhr.statusText + "\u201D response when loading episode list."); return; } let hasEps = false; let nextEpRow = null; for (const row of [...xhr.response.querySelectorAll("#eplist>tbody>tr")].reverse()) { const epNumber = row.getElementsByClassName("eid")[0].textContent.trim(); if (!("0" <= epNumber[0] && epNumber[0] <= "9")) { continue; } hasEps = true; const isAdded = row.getElementsByClassName("i_general_add").length === 0; if (isAdded) { break; } nextEpRow = row; } if (!hasEps) { window.alert("The anime entry does not have any normal episodes."); return; } if (nextEpRow === null) { window.alert("The last episode is in your MyList."); return; } const eid = nextEpRow.dataset.anidbEid; const uri = "" + eid; if (!newTab || === null) { location.assign(uri); } } function xhrErrorCallback() { const loading = document.getElementById("loading"); if (loading !== null) { document.body.removeChild(loading); } alert("Failed to load episodes list."); } function preventAutoScroll(event) { if (event.button === 1) { event.preventDefault(); } } } //////////////// // Anime page // //////////////// const eplist = document.getElementById("eplist"); if (eplist !== null) { for (const row of eplist.querySelectorAll("tbody>tr")) { addButtonToEpisodeEntry(row); } function addButtonToEpisodeEntry(row) { const eid = row.dataset.anidbEid; const action = row.querySelector(".action.episode"); const button = document.createElement("a"); button.className = "i_icon i_file_add"; button.title = "add a new file"; button.innerHTML = "<span>add new file</span>"; button.href = "" + eid; action.insertBefore(button, action.firstElementChild); new MutationObserver(preserveEpisodeButton.bind(null, row)).observe(action, {childList: true}); } function preserveEpisodeButton(row, mutationRecords, mutationObserver) { for (const mutationRecord of mutationRecords) { for (const node of mutationRecord.removedNodes) { if (node instanceof Element && node.classList.contains("i_file_add")) { mutationObserver.disconnect(); addButtonToEpisodeEntry(row); return; } } } } }