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// ==UserScript== // @name Cantr Visual Enhancer // @description Extends the functionality of Cantr II's user interface by adding features that can help improve the user experience. // @icon // @version // @author AniCator, Natso (original) // @include* // @include* // @include* // @include* // @include* // @include *cantr.loc/* // @include* // @grant none // @exclude*?page=login* // @include* // @copyright 2013-2018, AniCator (, Natso (original script, 2013) // @license MIT // @namespace // ==/UserScript== /** Changelog * Improved the performance of the event parsing. Removed the 200 events limit. There is still room for more performance improvements. * Partial code refactor. * Wiki data is loaded using the HTTPS protocol when connected via SSL. * Improved name color preview support in the name coloring tab. This means you won't have to scroll through the event list to find a name that you have changed the color of. * Improved validation of color fields. It will now zero-fill when there are too few characters when using hexadecimal colors. If a hexadecimal color entry has too many characters it will trim it down. * Fixed bug that caused new asynchronously received events to no longer be processed by CVE. * Improved usability of name colouring feature * Fixed a couple of minor bugs * Fixed issue that caused the page to scroll back to the top every time you switched option tabs * Fixed typo for some NaN checks 1.5.1 * Added name coloring feature that allows you to color individual names and a default name color (may not work together with Cantr Enhanced, untested) * Improved detection of character names * Fixed bug that prevented the script from analyzing new incoming events in Firefox * Fixed various bugs that stopped the addon from working in Firefox 1.5.0 * Added option that enables the retrieval of information from the wiki (requires browser permissions to fetch unsafe data) * It is now possible to toggle the font styles of the emotes (i.e. enabling bolding and/or italics) 1.4.9 * Updated the addon to support the updated Cantr events 1.4.8 * Added support for enabling and disabling the different modes of emote detection. * Cleaned up the CVE UI. * Made the CVE bar light up when the mouse is hovering over it. * Added sound that plays when an event is received. (disabled by default, tested on Chrome only) * Removed the slideUp and slideDown code, replaced it with the snappier display:none and display:block (for compatibility reasons) * Added code that should detect if the user has written their own cvee_emote, cvee_character and cvee_event classes in Player Settings -> Interface Note: Javascript code doesn't always execute when the Cantr tab isn't the active tab. Sounds may not play after having switched tabs. 1.4.7 * Fixed sorting bug. (caused dynamic character description boxes to render on top of the CVE interface) 1.4.6 * Fixed bug that caused CVE to override pretty much all event handlers. 1.4.5a * Removed a bunch of console.log calls. 1.4.5 * Moved options to the bottom of the screen. (clicking on the bar makes the CVE options pop up) * Added experimental color picker. * Added preview text. * Enabled CVE on all Cantr pages. 1.4.4 * Emote color changes now update instantly (no page reload required) */ var VersionString = ""; var scriptStartTime = new Date().getTime(); //var $ = unsafeWindow.jQuery; function EmptyFunctionBody() {}; if (typeof showCharDescBox !== "function") { showCharDescBox = EmptyFunctionBody; } var CVELogPrefix = "Cantr Visual Enhancer | "; function CVELog( msg ) { console.log( CVELogPrefix, msg ); } // Property functions function IsStorageAvailable() { if(typeof(Storage) !== undefined) return true; return false; } function SetUseNameColor(Bool) { SetStoredValue("cve_name_color_enabled", Bool); } function ShouldUseNameColor() { var Value = GetStoredValue("cve_name_color_enabled"); return Value !== null ? (Value == "true") : true; } function SetUseWikiInfo(Bool) { SetStoredValue("cve_wiki_info_enabled", Bool); } function ShouldUseWikiInfo() { var Value = GetStoredValue("cve_wiki_info_enabled"); return Value !== null ? (Value == "true") : false; } function SetUnlockEventMessageField(Bool) { SetStoredValue("cve_unlock_chatbox", Bool); } function ShouldUnlockEventMessageField() { var Value = GetStoredValue("cve_unlock_chatbox"); return Value !== null ? (Value == "true") : false; } function SetUseSound(Bool) { if(Bool); SetStoredValue("cve_snd_enabled", Bool); } function ShouldUseSound() { var Value = GetStoredValue("cve_snd_enabled"); return Value !== null ? (Value == "true") : false; } function SetUseAsterisks(Bool) { SetStoredValue("cve_quotes_asterisks", Bool); } function ShouldUseAsterisks() { var Value = GetStoredValue("cve_quotes_asterisks"); return Value !== null ? (Value == "true") : true; } function SetUseDashes(Bool) { SetStoredValue("cve_quotes_dashes", Bool); } function ShouldUseDashes() { var Value = GetStoredValue("cve_quotes_dashes"); return Value !== null ? (Value == "true") : true; } function SetUseHashtags(Bool) { SetStoredValue("cve_quotes_hashtags", Bool); } function ShouldUseHashtags() { var Value = GetStoredValue("cve_quotes_hashtags"); return Value !== null ? (Value == "true") : true; } function SetUseBold(Bool) { SetStoredValue("cve_style_bold", Bool); } function ShouldUseBold() { var Value = GetStoredValue("cve_style_bold"); return Value !== null ? (Value == "true") : false; } function SetUseItalics(Bool) { SetStoredValue("cve_style_italics", Bool); } function ShouldUseItalics() { var Value = GetStoredValue("cve_style_italics"); return Value !== null ? (Value == "true") : true; } function SetParseAmount(NewParseAmount) { SetStoredValue("cve_parse_amount", NewParseAmount); } function GetParseAmount() { var Value = GetStoredValue("cve_parse_amount"); return Value !== null ? parseInt(Value) : 100; } function SetDefaultNameColor(NewColor) { SetStoredValue("cve_color_name_default", NewColor); } function GetDefaultNameColor() { var Value = GetStoredValue("cve_color_name_default"); return Value !== null ? Value : "#cccccc"; } function SetEmoteColor(NewColor) { SetStoredValue("cve_color_emote", NewColor); } function GetEmoteColor() { var Value = GetStoredValue("cve_color_emote"); return Value !== null ? Value : "#cccccc"; } function SetStoredValue(Item, Value) { if(IsStorageAvailable()) localStorage.setItem(Item, Value); } function GetStoredValue(StoredItem) { if(IsStorageAvailable()) { var Value = localStorage.getItem(StoredItem); return Value; } return null; } // Other functions function GetDefinedCSS(s){ if(!document.styleSheets) return ''; if(typeof s== 'string') s= RegExp('\\b'+s+'\\b','i'); // IE capitalizes html selectors var A, S, DS= document.styleSheets, n= DS.length, SA= []; try { while(n){ S= DS[--n]; A= (S.rules)? S.rules: S.cssRules; for(var i= 0, L= A.length; i<L; i++){ tem= A[i].selectorText? [A[i].selectorText, A[i].style.cssText]: [A[i]+'']; if(s.test(tem[0])) SA[SA.length]= tem; } } } catch(e) { } return SA.join('\n\n'); } // - var PlayerSettingsOverride = false; var cveStyle = document.createElement('style'); cveStyle.type = 'text/css'; cveStyle.innerHTML = ".cve_column { background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.1); display:inline-block; position:relative; width:450px; padding:5px; margin:5px; float:left; text-align:left; }" + ".cve_column_wide { background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.1); display:inline-block; position:relative; padding:5px; margin:5px; float:left; text-align:left; }" + ".cve_column h1 { font-size:1.2em; }" + ".cve_column_wide h1 { font-size:1.2em; }" + ".cve_main_bar{ background-color: #060;-webkit-transition: background 100ms ease;-moz-transition: background 100ms ease;-ms-transition: background 100ms ease;-o-transition: background 100ms ease;transition: background 100ms ease;}" + ".cve_main_bar:hover{ background-color: #55BB55; color:#000; font-weight:bold;}" + ".cve_column_menu { background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.1); display:inline-block; float:left; min-width:200px;}" + ".cve_column_menu ul{ list-style:none; margin:0; padding:0; }" + ".cve_column_menu li{ background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.1); margin:2px; padding:0; color:#FFF; display:block; width:100%; line-height:2em; }" + ".cve_column_menu li:hover{ background:rgba(255,255,255,0.1); margin:2px; padding:0; text-decoration:none; }" + ".cve_splitter { min-height:200px; min-width:450px; max-width:1000px; display:inline-block; overflow:hidden; overflow-y:scroll;}" + ".cve_column_menu { transition: 300ms ease-out; }" + ".cve_column { transition: 300ms ease-out; }" + ".cve_options { transition: 300ms ease-out; }" + ".cve_options_panel { transition: 300ms ease-out; }" + ".cve_select { border: 3px solid #660; margin:0 0.2em 0 0.2em; padding:0.1em; }" + ".cve_select:hover { border: 3px solid #FF0; margin:0 0.5em 0 0.5em; padding:0.1em; }" + ".name_color_element:nth-child(odd) { background:#020; }" + ".name_color_element { padding: 5px 0 5px 0; }" + ".name_color_element span { margin: 0 1em 0 1em; min-width:300px; display: inline-block; }" + "@media (min-width: 400px) { .cve_column_menu{ width:100%; } .cve_column{ width:100%; } .cve_column_wide{ width:100%; } .cve_splitter{ display:block; width:100%; height:300px; overflow:hidden; overflow-y:scroll; } }" + "@media (min-width: 960px) { .cve_column_menu{ width:200px; } .cve_column{ width:450px; } .cve_column_wide{ width:100%; } .cve_splitter{ }}"; if(!GetDefinedCSS("cvee_emote")) { var fontStyle = ShouldUseItalics() ? "italic" : "normal"; var fontWeight = ShouldUseBold() ? "bold" : "normal"; cveStyle.innerHTML += ".cvee_emote {font-style:" + fontStyle + ";font-weight:" + fontWeight + ";color:" + GetEmoteColor() + ";}"; } if(!GetDefinedCSS("cvee_event")) cveStyle.innerHTML += ".cvee_event {color:#999999;}"; if(!GetDefinedCSS("cvee_character")) cveStyle.innerHTML += ".cvee_character { transition:0.1s; }"; if(GetDefinedCSS("cvee_emote") || GetDefinedCSS("cvee_event") || GetDefinedCSS("cvee_character")) PlayerSettingsOverride = true; document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(cveStyle); var ColorGrid = [ ]; var ColorIdPrefix = "cve_color_"; var EventSound = null; if(EventSound === null) EventSound = new Audio(""); var hilight_emotes = function(i) {return '<span class="cvee_emote">' + i + '</span>';}; var hilight_characters = function(i, a, b, c) {return a + '<span class="cvee_character">' + b + '</span>'+c;}; var hilight_events = function(i) {return '<span class="cvee_event">' + i + '</span>';}; // Functions function rgbToHex(R,G,B) { return toHex(R)+toHex(G)+toHex(B); } function toHex(n) { n = parseInt(n,10); if (isNaN(n)) return "00"; n = Math.max(0,Math.min(n,255)); return "0123456789ABCDEF".charAt((n-n%16)/16) + "0123456789ABCDEF".charAt(n%16); } function GenerateColors() { // Color blocks var BlockCounter = 0; for(var g=0;g < 8; g++) { for(var b=0;b < 8; b++) { for(var r=0;r < 8; r++) { if(BlockCounter < (8*8*8)) { ColorGrid.push("#" + rgbToHex(r * 33,g * 33,b * 33)); BlockCounter++; } else break; } } } // Greyscale blocks for(var v=1;v < 257; v++) { var GreyscaleValue = (v / 32); ColorGrid.push("#" + rgbToHex(GreyscaleValue * 33,GreyscaleValue * 33,GreyscaleValue * 33)); } } function MakeColorPicker(TargetId) { var ColorPickerString = "<span style='display:inline-block'>"; for(var i=0; i < ColorGrid.length; i++) { ColorPickerString += "<button id='" + ColorIdPrefix + ColorGrid[i] + "' style='background-color:" + ColorGrid[i] + ";width:12px;height:12px;border:none;'></button>"; if((i + 1) % 8 === 0) ColorPickerString += "<br/>"; if((i + 1) % 64 === 0) ColorPickerString += "</span><span style='display:inline-block'>"; } ColorPickerString += "</span>"; return ColorPickerString; } function CreateColorListeners(TargetId) { var Target = document.getElementById(TargetId); for(var i=0; i < ColorGrid.length; i++) { new ColorListener(Target, i); } } function ColorListener(Target, Id) { if(document.getElementById(ColorIdPrefix + ColorGrid[Id]) === null) return; document.getElementById(ColorIdPrefix + ColorGrid[Id]).addEventListener('click', function(){ Target.value = ColorGrid[Id]; var event = new Event('change'); Target.dispatchEvent(event); ApplyOptions(); }, false); } var objects = document.getElementsByClassName("obj_name"); function ParseObjectNames() { CVELog("Parsing object names"); var httpString = ""; for(var j=0;j<objects.length;j++) (function(j) { var object_name = objects[j].innerText; if(object_name === undefined) return; var index = object_name.indexOf("of "); if(index == -1) return; index += 3; object_name = object_name.substring(index); var ajax_url = httpString + "//"+ object_name +"&prop=revisions&rvprop=content"; $.ajax({ url: ajax_url, dataType: 'jsonp' }) .done(function( response ) { new ObjectWikiLink(response, j, object_name); }); })(j); } function ObjectWikiLink(Content, Id, ObjectName) { var heal_amount = 0; var food_amount = 0; var gather_amount = 0; var health_str = "heals="; var food_str = "eaten="; var gather_str = "gathered="; for(var key in Content.query.pages) { if(key == -1) continue; var revision = Content.query.pages[key].revisions[0]; var revision_str = revision["*"].replace(/\s/g, ""); revision_str = revision_str.substring(revision_str.indexOf("Infobox:Resource")); var index = revision_str.indexOf(health_str); if(index != -1) { heal_amount = parseFloat(revision_str.substring(index + health_str.length,index + health_str.length + 3)); if(isNaN( heal_amount )) heal_amount = parseFloat(revision_str.substring(index + health_str.length,index + health_str.length + 2)); if(isNaN( heal_amount )) heal_amount = parseFloat(revision_str.substring(index + health_str.length,index + health_str.length + 1)); } index = revision_str.indexOf(food_str); if(index != -1) { food_amount = parseFloat(revision_str.substring(index + food_str.length,index + food_str.length + 3)); if(isNaN( food_amount )) food_amount = parseFloat(revision_str.substring(index + food_str.length,index + food_str.length + 2)); if(isNaN( food_amount )) food_amount = parseFloat(revision_str.substring(index + food_str.length,index + food_str.length + 1)); } index = revision_str.indexOf(gather_str); if(index != -1) { gather_amount = parseFloat(revision_str.substring(index + gather_str.length,index + gather_str.length + 4)); if(isNaN( gather_amount )) gather_amount = parseFloat(revision_str.substring(index + gather_str.length,index + gather_str.length + 3)); if(isNaN( gather_amount )) gather_amount = parseFloat(revision_str.substring(index + gather_str.length,index + gather_str.length + 2)); if(isNaN( gather_amount )) gather_amount = parseFloat(revision_str.substring(index + gather_str.length,index + gather_str.length + 1)); } } if(isNaN(heal_amount)) heal_amount = 0; if(isNaN(food_amount)) food_amount = 0; if(isNaN(gather_amount)) gather_amount = 0; if(heal_amount === 0 && food_amount === 0 && gather_amount === 0) return; objects[Id].innerHTML += "|<span style='color:greenyellow'> heals: " + heal_amount + "g | feeds: " + food_amount + "g | gathered: " + gather_amount + "g</span> <a href=\"" + ObjectName + "\" target=\"_blank\">(wiki)</a> |"; } function GetColorValue( Color ) { if(Color[0] === '#') { var ZeroString = '0'; var ZeroCount = 7 - Color.length; if(ZeroCount > 0) { ZeroString = ZeroString.repeat(ZeroCount); Color += ZeroString; } Color = Color.substring(0,7); } return Color; } function GetCheckboxValue( Boolean ) { if( Boolean ) { return "checked"; } return "unchecked"; } // Name Color Entry object function NameColorEntry( CharacterID, CharacterName, Color ) { this.CharacterID = CharacterID; this.CharacterName = CharacterName; this.Color = Color; } var NameColorEntries = []; function HasNameEntryForID( CharacterID ) { for( var i = 0; i < NameColorEntries.length; i++ ) { if( CharacterID === NameColorEntries[i].CharacterID ) { return NameColorEntries[i]; } } return false; } function GetNameEntryIndexForID( CharacterID ) { for( var i = 0; i < NameColorEntries.length; i++ ) { if( CharacterID === NameColorEntries[i].CharacterID ) { return i; } } return -1; } function AddNameColorField( CharacterID, CharacterName, Color ) { var NameColorList = document.getElementById("name_color_list"); var NameColorElement = document.createElement("div"); NameColorElement.className = "name_color_element"; var RemoveButtonElement = document.createElement("button"); RemoveButtonElement.innerHTML = "X"; RemoveButtonElement.addEventListener( "click", function(e) { ); var NameIdx = GetNameEntryIndexForID( CharacterID ); CVELog( NameIdx + " " + CharacterID ); CVELog( NameColorEntries ); if( NameIdx > -1 ) { NameColorEntries.splice( NameIdx, 1 ); } CVELog( NameColorEntries ); StoreNameColorEntries(); ApplyOptions(); }); var InfoElement = document.createElement("span"); = Color; InfoElement.innerHTML = "" + CharacterID + " | " + CharacterName; InfoElement.setAttribute( "id", "info-" + CharacterID ); var ColorField = document.createElement("input"); ColorField.value = Color; ColorField.className = "name_color_input_field"; ColorField.setAttribute( "type", "text" ); ColorField.setAttribute( "id", CharacterID ); NameColorElement.appendChild( RemoveButtonElement ); NameColorElement.appendChild( InfoElement ); NameColorElement.appendChild( ColorField ); NameColorList.appendChild( NameColorElement ); ColorField.addEventListener( "change", function(e) { var NameEntry = HasNameEntryForID( ); if( NameEntry !== false ) { = GetColorValue(; NameEntry.Color =; document.getElementById( "info-" + CharacterID ).style.color = NameEntry.Color; StoreNameColorEntries(); ApplyOptions(); } }); // var CharacterStyleIdentifier = "charstyle_" + CharacterID; // var CharacterStyleElement = document.getElementById(CharacterStyleIdentifier); // if(typeof CharacterStyleElement === 'undefined') // { // CharacterStyleElement = document.createElement("style"); // CharacterStyleElement.setAttribute("id", "charstyle_" + CharacterID); // CharacterStyleElement.type = 'text/css'; // document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(CharacterStyleElement); // } // CharacterStyleElement.innerHTML = ".char_" + CharacterID + "{ color: " + NameEntry.Color + "; }"; } function LoadNameColorEntries() { var Entries = JSON.parse( GetStoredValue( "cve_name_color_entries" ) ); if( Entries !== null ) { NameColorEntries = Entries; } } function StoreNameColorEntries() { SetStoredValue( "cve_name_color_entries", JSON.stringify( NameColorEntries ) ); } function SelectNameForColoring( EventObject ) { var ChildNode =; var ParentNode = ChildNode.parentElement; var CharacterIDClass = ParentNode.className.split(" ")[1]; if( CharacterIDClass !== undefined ) { var CharacterID = CharacterIDClass.split("_")[1]; if( isNaN( CharacterID ) === false ) { if( HasNameEntryForID( CharacterID ) === false ) { CVELog( "Add name colour field for character ID #" + CharacterID ); AddNameColorField( CharacterID, $(ChildNode).text(), GetDefaultNameColor() ); NameColorEntries.push( new NameColorEntry( CharacterID, $(ChildNode).text(), GetDefaultNameColor() ) ); StoreNameColorEntries(); } else { CVELog( "Name colour field already exists for character ID #" + CharacterID ); } showCharDescBox( EventObject ); } } EnableNameSelection( false ); } function ParseCharacters() { var CharacterNodes = document.getElementsByClassName("cvee_character"); for( var i = 0; i < CharacterNodes.length; i++ ) { StyleCharacter(CharacterNodes[i]); } } function GetCharacterIDFromClassName(ClassName) { var CharacterIDClass = ClassName.split(" ")[1]; if(CharacterIDClass !== undefined && CharacterIDClass.indexOf( "char_" ) === 0) { var CharacterID = CharacterIDClass.split("_")[1]; if( isNaN( CharacterID ) === false ) { return CharacterID; } } return -1; } function StyleCharacter(ChildNode) { var ParentNode = ChildNode.parentElement; var CharacterID = GetCharacterIDFromClassName(ParentNode.className); if(CharacterID > 0) { if( ShouldUseNameColor() ) { var NameEntry = HasNameEntryForID( CharacterID ); if( NameEntry !== false ) { = NameEntry.Color; } else { = GetDefaultNameColor(); } } else { = "inherit"; } } } function ApplyOptions() { if(!PlayerSettingsOverride) { // Emote colouring var EmoteElements = document.getElementsByClassName("cvee_emote"); var EmoteColor = GetEmoteColor(); for(var i=0; i < EmoteElements.length; i++) { var newFontStyle = ShouldUseItalics() ? "italic" : "normal"; var newFontWeight = ShouldUseBold() ? "bold" : "normal"; EmoteElements[i].style.fontStyle = newFontStyle; EmoteElements[i].style.fontWeight = newFontWeight; EmoteElements[i].style.color = EmoteColor; } ParseCharacters(); } else { document.getElementById("cve_message_box").innerHTML = "Style is being overridden by Player Settings."; } if(ShouldUnlockEventMessageField()) { GameMessageField.removeAttribute("style"); } } var OptionsDisplayed = false; function Options(ShouldDisplay) { var cveOptionsPanel = document.getElementById('cve_options_panel'); if(ShouldDisplay) { document.getElementById('cve_options_button_text').innerHTML = '<a href="#" style="font-size:12pt;font-weight:bold;color:#FF9700;padding:5px;">Save CVE Options</a>'; OptionsDisplayed = true; = "block"; //$(cveOptionsPanel).slideDown(200); } else { document.getElementById('cve_options_button_text').innerHTML = 'Show CVE Options'; OptionsDisplayed = false; EnableNameSelection( false ); = "none"; //$(cveOptionsPanel).slideUp(200); ApplyOptions(); } } var MenuPanels = new Array(); function DisplayPanel(panel_name) { var panel = document.getElementById(panel_name); if(panel === null) { CVELog("Panel " + panel_name + " does not exist."); return; } for(var i=0;i<MenuPanels.length;i++) { var iter_panel = document.getElementById(MenuPanels[i]); if(iter_panel === null) continue; = "none"; } = "inline-block"; } function CreatePanelContainer(panel_name) { var PanelContainer = document.createElement('div'); PanelContainer.className = "cve_splitter"; = panel_name; = "none"; MenuPanels.push(; return PanelContainer; } function CreatePanel(panel_container) { var PanelContent = document.createElement('div'); PanelContent.className = "cve_column"; panel_container.appendChild(PanelContent); return PanelContent; } function CreateWidePanel(panel_container) { var PanelContent = document.createElement('div'); PanelContent.className = "cve_column_wide"; panel_container.appendChild(PanelContent); return PanelContent; } var hilight_quotes = function(i, a, b) { // There are several styles of emotes that vary by region. If you enable them all, you will probably get a mis-identified emote on occasion, sorry! // To enable one, remove from the "//" beginning of the line. To Disable, put a // at the beginning of the line. // *Paired Astrisks* if(ShouldUseAsterisks()) b = b.replace(/\*[^<>]*?\*/g,hilight_emotes); // -Paired Dashes- if(ShouldUseDashes()) b = b.replace(/-[^<>]*?-/g,hilight_emotes); // #Paired Hashtags# if(ShouldUseHashtags()) b = b.replace(/#[^<>]*?#/g,hilight_emotes); return a + '<span style="color:#FFFFFF">' + b + '</span>'; }; // -- // Options GenerateColors(); var cveOptionsLocation = document.getElementById("player_menu"); if(cveOptionsLocation === null) cveOptionsLocation = document.getElementsByTagName("div")[0]; cveOptionsLocation.innerHTML += '<div id="cve_options" style="position:fixed;left:0;bottom:0;background-color:rgba(0, 58, 0, 1.0);"><div id="cve_options_button" class="button_charmenu cve_main_bar" style="text-align:center;display:inline-block;opacity:0.75;font-weight:normal;"><div id="cve_options_button_text" style="font-size:10pt;padding:0px 10px 0px 10px;">Show CVE Options</div></div><br/><div id="cve_options_panel" style="display:none;margin:0 auto 0 auto;max-width:1500px;padding:10px;font-size:10pt;font-weight:normal;text-shadow:none;">' + '<p style="position:absolute;right:5px;bottom:0;font-size:9pt;opacity:0.1;">Cantr Visual Enhancer ' + VersionString + ' © 2013-2018, AniCator</p>'+ '</div></div>'; var cveOptions = document.getElementById('cve_options'); = "100%"; var cveExampleString = '9001-0.42: Bob says: "*he smiles* That\'s a good joke. *he ruffles his hands through his hair* Tell us another one, Jim."</p>'; cveExampleString = cveExampleString.replace(/(: )("[\s\S]*")/g,hilight_quotes); cveExampleString = hilight_events(cveExampleString); var cveOptionsPanel = document.getElementById('cve_options_panel'); var cveMenuColumn = document.createElement('div'); cveMenuColumn.className = "cve_column_menu"; var cveMenuList = document.createElement('ul'); var cveMenuButtonGeneral = document.createElement('li'); cveMenuButtonGeneral.innerHTML = "General"; cveMenuButtonGeneral.addEventListener('click', function(){ DisplayPanel("panel_general"); }, false); cveMenuList.appendChild(cveMenuButtonGeneral); var cveMenuButtonTest = document.createElement('li'); cveMenuButtonTest.innerHTML = "Color+"; cveMenuButtonTest.addEventListener('click', function(){ DisplayPanel("panel_color_plus"); }, false); cveMenuList.appendChild(cveMenuButtonTest); var cveMenuButtonInfo = document.createElement('li'); cveMenuButtonInfo.innerHTML = "About"; cveMenuButtonInfo.addEventListener('click', function(){ DisplayPanel("panel_info"); }, false); cveMenuList.appendChild(cveMenuButtonInfo); cveMenuColumn.appendChild(cveMenuList); cveOptionsPanel.appendChild(cveMenuColumn); var cveColumnContainer = document.createElement('div'); var cveColumnContainer = CreatePanelContainer("panel_general"); = "inline-block"; var cveColumn = CreatePanel(cveColumnContainer); cveColumn.innerHTML += '<p>Emote color <input id="cve_options_panel_emote_color" type="text" value="' + GetEmoteColor() + '"></p><div id="cve_options_panel_emote_color_picker" style="margin:0 auto 0 auto;">' + MakeColorPicker("cve_options_panel_emote_color") + '</div>'; var cveColumn = CreatePanel(cveColumnContainer); cveColumn.innerHTML += '<p>Preview</p>'; cveColumn.innerHTML += '<p>' + cveExampleString + '</p>'; cveColumn.innerHTML += '<p id="cve_message_box"></p>'; var cveColumn = CreatePanel(cveColumnContainer); var use_asterisks = GetCheckboxValue(ShouldUseAsterisks()); var use_dashes = GetCheckboxValue(ShouldUseDashes()); var use_hashtags = GetCheckboxValue(ShouldUseHashtags()); var use_bold = GetCheckboxValue(ShouldUseBold()); var use_italics = GetCheckboxValue(ShouldUseItalics()); cveColumn.innerHTML += 'Emote styling <em>(requires page refresh)</em><br/>'; cveColumn.innerHTML += '<input id="use_asterisks" type="checkbox" '+ use_asterisks +'>Style asterisks<br/>'; cveColumn.innerHTML += '<input id="use_dashes" type="checkbox" '+ use_dashes +'>Style dashes<br/>'; cveColumn.innerHTML += '<input id="use_hashtags" type="checkbox" '+ use_hashtags +'>Style hashtags<br/>'; cveColumn.innerHTML += '<div style="height:1px;background:#060;width:100%;margin:0.6em 0 0.5em 0;"></div>'; cveColumn.innerHTML += '<input id="use_bold" type="checkbox" '+ use_bold +'>Enable bolding<br/>'; cveColumn.innerHTML += '<input id="use_italics" type="checkbox" '+ use_italics +'>Enable italics<br/>'; var cveColumn = CreatePanel(cveColumnContainer); var use_sound = GetCheckboxValue(ShouldUseSound()); var unlock_chatbox = GetCheckboxValue(ShouldUnlockEventMessageField()); var show_wiki_info = GetCheckboxValue(ShouldUseWikiInfo()); cveColumn.innerHTML += 'Extra<br/>'; cveColumn.innerHTML += '<input id="use_sound" type="checkbox" '+ use_sound +'>Enable sound<br/>'; //cveColumn.innerHTML += '<input id="unlock_chatbox" type="checkbox" '+ unlock_chatbox +'>Unlock message event field size<br/>'; cveColumn.innerHTML += '<div style="height:1px;background:#060;width:100%;margin:0.6em 0 0.5em 0;"></div>'; cveColumn.innerHTML += '<input id="show_wiki_info" type="checkbox" '+ show_wiki_info +'>Show healing, feeding and gathering amounts for food <em>(requires page refresh)</em><br/>'; cveOptionsPanel.appendChild(cveColumnContainer); var cveColumnContainerInfo = CreatePanelContainer("panel_info"); var cvePanelTestColumn1 = document.createElement('div'); cvePanelTestColumn1.className = "cve_column_wide"; cvePanelTestColumn1.innerHTML += "<h1>Cantr Visual Enhancer " + VersionString + "</h1>"; cvePanelTestColumn1.innerHTML += "<p><em>Written by AniCator (original 2013 script by Natso)</em></p>"; cvePanelTestColumn1.innerHTML += "<strong>Updates</strong>"; cvePanelTestColumn1.innerHTML += "<p>The script will be updated automatically when new updates are available.</p>"; cvePanelTestColumn1.innerHTML += "<p>The frequency of update checks depends on which extension, addon or plugin you're using to run userscripts.</p>"; cvePanelTestColumn1.innerHTML += "<p>This userscript probably will be updated once or twice each month if new features are implemented.</p>"; cvePanelTestColumn1.innerHTML += "<p>Outside of that the frequency of updates will probably be very low.</p>"; cvePanelTestColumn1.innerHTML += "<strong>Changelog</strong>"; cvePanelTestColumn1.innerHTML += "<p></p>"; cvePanelTestColumn1.innerHTML += "<p><ul><li>Improved name color preview support in the name coloring tab.</li><li>Improved validation of color fields.</li></ul></p>"; cveColumnContainerInfo.appendChild(cvePanelTestColumn1); cveOptionsPanel.appendChild(cveColumnContainerInfo); var cveColumnContainerColorPlus = CreatePanelContainer("panel_color_plus"); var cveColumnContainerColorPlusPanel = CreateWidePanel(cveColumnContainerColorPlus); cveColumnContainerColorPlusPanel.innerHTML += "<h1>Name coloring</h1>"; var use_name_color = GetCheckboxValue(ShouldUseNameColor()); cveColumnContainerColorPlusPanel.innerHTML += "<p>"; cveColumnContainerColorPlusPanel.innerHTML += '<input id="use_name_color" type="checkbox" ' + use_name_color + '>Enable name coloring'; cveColumnContainerColorPlusPanel.innerHTML += '<br/><br/>Default name color: <input id="cve_options_panel_default_name_color" type="text" value="' + GetDefaultNameColor() + '">'; cveColumnContainerColorPlusPanel.innerHTML += '</p>'; cveColumnContainerColorPlusPanel.innerHTML += "<p>Names</p>"; cveColumnContainerColorPlusPanel.innerHTML += '<p><button id="name_color_add_name">Add name</button><span style="display:inline-block;width:2em;"></span><button id="name_color_clear">Clear all</button> <small id="name_color_click_info"><em>Click on character names in your events page to add them</em></small></p>'; cveColumnContainerColorPlusPanel.innerHTML += '<p id="name_color_list"></p>'; cveOptionsPanel.appendChild(cveColumnContainerColorPlus); function EnableNameSelection(Bool) { if( Bool === true ) { $('.cvee_character').addClass('cve_select'); $('.cvee_character').bind( 'click.nameSelect', SelectNameForColoring); $('#name_color_click_info').css('display', 'inline'); } else { $('.cvee_character').removeClass('cve_select'); $('.cvee_character').unbind( 'click.nameSelect' ); $('#name_color_click_info').css('display', 'none'); } } document.getElementById("name_color_add_name").addEventListener('click', function(e){ if( $('.cvee_character').hasClass('cve_select') ) { EnableNameSelection( false ); } else { EnableNameSelection( true ); } ApplyOptions(); }, false); $('#name_color_click_info').css('display', 'none'); document.getElementById("name_color_clear").addEventListener('click', function(e){ NameColorEntries = []; StoreNameColorEntries(); $('#name_color_list').empty(); ApplyOptions(); }, false); document.getElementById("use_name_color").addEventListener('change', function(e){ SetUseNameColor(; ApplyOptions(); }, false); document.getElementById("use_asterisks").addEventListener('change', function(e){ SetUseAsterisks(; ApplyOptions(); }, false); document.getElementById("use_dashes").addEventListener('change', function(e){ SetUseDashes(; ApplyOptions(); }, false); document.getElementById("use_hashtags").addEventListener('change', function(e){ SetUseHashtags(; ApplyOptions(); }, false); document.getElementById("use_bold").addEventListener('change', function(e){ SetUseBold(; ApplyOptions(); }, false); document.getElementById("use_italics").addEventListener('change', function(e){ SetUseItalics(; ApplyOptions(); }, false); document.getElementById("use_sound").addEventListener('change', function(e){ SetUseSound(; ApplyOptions(); }, false); //document.getElementById("unlock_chatbox").addEventListener('change', function(e){ //SetUnlockEventMessageField(; //ApplyOptions(); //}, false); document.getElementById("show_wiki_info").addEventListener('change', function(e){ SetUseWikiInfo(; ApplyOptions(); }, false); CreateColorListeners("cve_options_panel_emote_color"); var cveEmoteColorField = document.getElementById('cve_options_panel_emote_color'); cveEmoteColorField.addEventListener('change', function(e){ = GetColorValue(; SetEmoteColor(; cveEmoteColorField.value = GetEmoteColor(); ApplyOptions(); }, false); var cveDefaultNameColorField = document.getElementById('cve_options_panel_default_name_color'); cveDefaultNameColorField.addEventListener('change', function(e){ SetDefaultNameColor(; cveDefaultNameColorField.value = GetDefaultNameColor(); ApplyOptions(); }, false); var cveOptionsButton = document.getElementById('cve_options_button'); = "100%"; cveOptionsButton.addEventListener('click', function(){Options(!OptionsDisplayed);}, false); if(ShouldUseWikiInfo()) { ParseObjectNames(); } var EventObjects = []; var EventsList = document.getElementById('eventsList'); if(EventsList === null) { PrintExecutionTime(); } else { var GameMessageField = document.getElementById("messageField"); var GameEvents = EventsList.getElementsByTagName('div'); var PageLoadEventCount = GameEvents.length; CVELog("Parsing " + GameEvents.length + " events."); if(ShouldUnlockEventMessageField()) { GameMessageField.removeAttribute("style"); } // Grab any saved name color entries. LoadNameColorEntries(); for( var i = 0; i < NameColorEntries.length; i++ ) { var NameEntry = NameColorEntries[i]; var CharacterID = NameEntry.CharacterID; var CharacterName = NameEntry.CharacterName; var Color = NameEntry.Color; AddNameColorField( CharacterID, CharacterName, Color ); } var ParseGameEvent = function( GameEvent ) { GameEvent.innerHTML = GameEvent.innerHTML.replace(/(: )("[\s\S]*")/g,hilight_quotes); var CharacterNodes = [ GameEvent.childNodes[3], GameEvent.childNodes[5] ]; for( var j = 0; j < CharacterNodes.length; j++ ) { var CharacterNode = CharacterNodes[j]; if( CharacterNode !== undefined && CharacterNode.className !== undefined ) { var IsValidCharacterNode = CharacterNode.className.indexOf("character") === 0 ? true : false; if( IsValidCharacterNode ) { CharacterNode.outerHTML = CharacterNode.outerHTML.replace(/(<a.*?>)([\s\S]*?)(<\/a>)/g,hilight_characters); } } } GameEvent.innerHTML = hilight_events(GameEvent.innerHTML); $(GameEvent).find(".character").click(function(){ showCharDescBox(GameEvent); }); } var MaximumEventCount = -1; var ParsingInterval = 100; var EntriesPerParse = 20; var QueueEvents = function(limit){ for(var i = 0; i < GameEvents.length && i != limit; i+=1) { EventObjects.push(GameEvents[i]); } }; var ParseEvents = function(){ var GameEvents = EventObjects.splice(0, EntriesPerParse); GameEvents.forEach(GameEvent => { ParseGameEvent(GameEvent); }); ApplyOptions(); }; QueueEvents(MaximumEventCount); setInterval(ParseEvents,ParsingInterval); ApplyOptions(); var OnNewEventOriginal = undefined; if(typeof unsafeWindow === 'undefined') { CVELog("Accessing events in global scope."); if(typeof onNewEvent !== 'undefined') { OnNewEventOriginal = onNewEvent; } if(OnNewEventOriginal !== undefined) { CVELog("Attached to event function."); } onNewEvent = function(t){ OnNewEventOriginal(t); if ( > 0) { QueueEvents(; if(ShouldUseSound()); } }; } else { CVELog("Accessing events in unsafeWindow scope."); OnNewEventOriginal = unsafeWindow.onNewEvent; if(OnNewEventOriginal !== undefined) { CVELog("Attached to event function."); } unsafeWindow.onNewEvent = function(t){ OnNewEventOriginal(t); if ( > 0) { QueueEvents(; if(ShouldUseSound()); } }; } function PrintExecutionTime() { CVELog( "Execution time: " + (new Date().getTime() - scriptStartTime) + "ms" ); } PrintExecutionTime(); }