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// ==UserScript== // @name OGame Redesign: Coordinates Links Fix // @description Marca las cordenadas en la galaxia donde dirige el clic // @namespace Vesselins // @author Vesselin Bontchev // @version 1.03 // @date 2012-01-19 // @include http://*.ogame.*/game/index.php?page=movement* // @include http://*.ogame.*/game/index.php?page=showmessage* // ==/UserScript== (function () { var url = document.location.href; var theAs, thisA, theHref, i; if ((url.indexOf ("/game/index.php?page=movement") >= 0) || (url.indexOf ("/game/index.php?page=showmessage") >= 0) || (url.indexOf ("/game/index.php?page=search") >= 0)) { theAs = document.getElementsByTagName ("a"); for (i in theAs) { thisA = theAs [i]; theHref = thisA.href; if (! theHref) continue; if ((theHref.indexOf ("galaxy=") >= 0) && (theHref.indexOf ("system=") >= 0) && (theHref.indexOf ("position=") < 0)) thisA.href += "&position=" + thisA.textContent.split (/[\[:\]]/) [3]; else if (theHref.indexOf ("showGalaxy") >= 0) { var coords = theHref.split (/\D+/); thisA.href = url.split ("?") [0] + "?page=galaxy&galaxy=" + coords [1] + "&system=" + coords [2] + "&position=" + coords [3]; } } } } ) ();