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// ==UserScript== // @name OGame 2016 Muestra los recursos volando // @namespace Vesselin // @version 1.04 // @date 2012-12-26 // @description Shows the sum of flying resources in the event list. // @include *://*.ogame.*/game/index.php?*page=* // @exclude http://*.ogame.*/game/index.php?page=search* // @exclude http://*.ogame.*/game/index.php?page=logout* // @exclude http://*.ogame.*/game/index.php?page=buddies* // @exclude http://*.ogame.*/game/index.php?page=notices* // @exclude http://*.ogame.*/game/index.php?page=payment* // @exclude http://*.ogame.*/game/index.php?page=showmessage* // @exclude http://*.ogame.*/game/index.php?page=traderlayer* // @exclude http://*.ogame.*/game/index.php?page=rocketlayer* // @exclude http://*.ogame.*/game/index.php?page=searchLayer* // @exclude http://*.ogame.*/game/index.php?page=combatreport* // @exclude http://*.ogame.*/game/index.php?page=globalTechtree* // @exclude http://*.ogame.*/game/index.php?page=station*&openJumpgate=1* // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @include * // ==/UserScript== (function () { var url = document.location.href; // The following "if" is not really necessary but with it this script will work for Opera too if ((url.indexOf ("/game/index.php?") < 0) || (url.indexOf ("/game/index.php?page=search") >= 0) || (url.indexOf ("/game/index.php?page=logout") >= 0) || (url.indexOf ("/game/index.php?page=buddies") >= 0) || (url.indexOf ("/game/index.php?page=notices") >= 0) || (url.indexOf ("/game/index.php?page=payment") >= 0) || (url.indexOf ("/game/index.php?page=showmessage") >= 0) || (url.indexOf ("/game/index.php?page=traderlayer") >= 0) || (url.indexOf ("/game/index.php?page=searchLayer") >= 0) || (url.indexOf ("/game/index.php?page=rocketlayer") >= 0) || (url.indexOf ("/game/index.php?page=combatreport") >= 0) || (url.indexOf ("/game/index.php?page=globalTechtree") >= 0) || (url.indexOf ("/game/index.php?page=allianceBroadcast") >= 0)) return; var $; try { $ = unsafeWindow.$; } catch (e) { $ = window.$; } const colors = ["crimson", "deepskyblue", "cornflowerblue", "yellow"]; // MetalColor, CrystalColor, DeuteriumColor, TitleColor const titleImg = "data:image/jpg;base64," + "/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQEAYABgAAD/2wBDAAYEBQYFBAYGBQYHBwYIChAKCgkJChQODwwQFxQYGBcU" + "FhYaHSUfGhsjHBYWICwgIyYnKSopGR8tMC0oMCUoKSj/2wBDAQcHBwoIChMKChMoGhYaKCgoKCgo" + "KCgoKCgoKCgoKCgoKCgoKCgoKCgoKCgoKCgoKCgoKCgoKCgoKCgoKCgoKCj/wAARCAAUACEDASIA" + "AhEBAxEB/8QAGwABAAICAwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYHAQMCBAX/xAArEAACAQMDBAAEBwAAAAAAAAAB" + "AgMEBREABhITFCExIjJBURUjQ2GBkbH/xAAXAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEAQID/8QAHBEAAgMB" + "AAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAECESEDBDEz/9oADAMBAAIRAxEAPwCqdn2O3Wujo6++VUkNJJ1ahZOAJcom" + "FSJDjqNydcrkA5GcAEiW1N3tkMdVVDaVY0FOsTNUVFSIiQxAXlCqNwZh6Tnk5yCQDiIistW3rFHe" + "7DVyT3rqRU6sKZWiSPgS+RImesCvzYZQDgfc9QbxlrrLt22XLt56BblUVFQskIVmaRhyYsjcsYkc" + "jAXB9csDEnrosXhYN3uVooYY6u4We2NBUusa9O6ZKocHDII2OMBiWPHAP9+DSWK0Q3+ottYgldFZ" + "zJRTCeKJeR8lwuG4qPi458g41t2Durb9o2Xb/wAbpurcYamVYsOF/LR0eMOWGCOQdcZ+Vjrnddz2" + "2us9HbaG21EFPHCyCslgLMFWHpIxUsFduGR4IwzcvGPPGV00jcaUk6IX0E01p7j99NOwLpjay09O" + "7zyUVJVmCOQqlVEJFPj6g+/X8atnb+wNrVRSontAZOAVYO6nCI3EsXGJOWTkD3j4R49ktNC7tpYK" + "gvRK4np9u1NRWWa30VPWNH1u6aPqz5HL9ZyZDn65bz69eNUbfqqaZpTI5Leck+Sxx7P++Pvppq+O" + "2+VsxL6kZ6jaaaaSYo//2Q=="; var metal, crystal, deuterium, curMetal, curCrystal, curDeuterium, metalName, crystalName, deuteriumName, numEmpties, numFlights, curPlanetName; function collectData (data, isCurrent) { var tooltip_th = data.replace (/\n/g, "").split ("<th"); if (! tooltip_th [2]) return; var tooltip_td = tooltip_th [2].split ("<td"); var flightMetal = parseInt (tooltip_td [2].match (/>([\d.]+)</) [1].replace (/\./g, "")); var flightCrystal = parseInt (tooltip_td [4].match (/>([\d.]+)</) [1].replace (/\./g, "")); var flightDeuterium = parseInt (tooltip_td [6].match (/>([\d.]+)</) [1].replace (/\./g, "")); metal += flightMetal; crystal += flightCrystal; deuterium += flightDeuterium; if (isCurrent) { curMetal += flightMetal; curCrystal += flightCrystal; curDeuterium += flightDeuterium; } if (metalName == "") { metalName = tooltip_td [1].match (/>(.+)</) [1]; crystalName = tooltip_td [3].match (/>(.+)</) [1]; deuteriumName = tooltip_td [5].match (/>(.+)</) [1]; } if ((flightMetal == 0) && (flightCrystal == 0) && (flightDeuterium == 0)) numEmpties++; } function displayData () { function addDots (n) { n += ''; var rgx = /(\d+)(\d{3})/; while (rgx.test (n)) n = n.replace (rgx, "$1.$2"); return n; } if (metal + crystal + deuterium <= 0) return; var myText = '<tr id="resourcesInFlight">' + '<td colspan="11">' + '<img src="' + titleImg + '" style="vertical-align: middle;">' + '<font color="' + colors [3] + '">(' + (numFlights - numEmpties) + "/" + numFlights + "): </font>" + '<font color="' + colors [0] + '">' + metalName + "</font> " + addDots (metal) + ", " + '<font color="' + colors [1] + '">' + crystalName + "</font> " + addDots (crystal) + ", " + '<font color="' + colors [2] + '">' + deuteriumName + "</font> " + addDots (deuterium) + "." + /* "<br>" + "=> " + curPlanetName + ": " + '<font color="' + colors [0] + '">' + metalName + "</font> " + addDots (curMetal) + ", " + '<font color="' + colors [1] + '">' + crystalName + "</font> " + addDots (curCrystal) + ", " + '<font color="' + colors [2] + '">' + deuteriumName + "</font> " + addDots (curDeuterium) + "." + */ "</td>" + "</tr>"; $ (myText).insertBefore ($ ("#eventContent tr").eq (0)); } function sumResources () { var urls = []; var activeURLs = []; var curPlanetCoords = ""; metal = 0; crystal = 0; deuterium = 0; curMetal = 0; curCrystal = 0; curDeuterium = 0; metalName = ""; crystalName = ""; deuteriumName = ""; numURLs = 0; numEmpties = 0; numFlights = 0; curPlanetName = ""; function doRequest (url, isCurrent) { $.ajax ( { dataType: "html", cache: false, url: url, success: function (data) { collectData (data, isCurrent); }, complete: function () { displayData (); } }); } curPlanetName = $ ("#selectedPlanetName").text (); if ($ (".planetlink").length == 1) curPlanetCoords = $ (".planetlink span.planet-koords").text (); else curPlanetCoords = $ (" span.planet-koords").text (); $ ("#eventContent .eventFleet").each (function () { var eventFleet = $ (this); var url = eventFleet.find (".tipsTitleArrowClose,.tooltipClose").eq (0).attr ("rel"); if (! url) return; if ((eventFleet.find (".tipsTitleArrowClose,.tooltipClose").eq (0).parent ().attr ("class") != "icon_movement") || (eventFleet.find (".missionFleet img").eq (0).attr ("src").indexOf ("4dab966bded2d26f89992b2c6feb4c") >= 0) || (eventFleet.find (".missionFleet img").eq (0).attr ("src").indexOf ("icon-stationieren") >= 0)) { urls.push (url); var planetName = eventFleet.find (".originFleet span").attr ("title"); if (planetName && (planetName.length > 0)) planetName = planetName.substring (1) else planetName = $.trim (eventFleet.find (".destFleet").text ()); activeURLs.push ((planetName == curPlanetName) && (eventFleet.find (".coordsOrigin").text () == curPlanetCoords)); } }); numFlights = urls.length; if (numFlights) for (var i in urls) doRequest (urls [i], activeURLs [i]); else { $ ("#eventContent .eventFleet").each (function () { var eventFleet = $ (this); var isDeploy = (eventFleet.find (".missionFleet img").eq (0).attr ("src").indexOf ("4dab966bded2d26f89992b2c6feb4c") >= 0) || (eventFleet.find (".missionFleet img").eq (0).attr ("src").indexOf ("icon-stationieren") >= 0); if ((eventFleet.find ("td.icon_movement_reserve").length > 0) || isDeploy) { numFlights++; var planetName = eventFleet.find ("." + ((isDeploy) ? "dest" : "origin") + "Fleet span").attr ("title"); if (planetName && (planetName.length > 0)) planetName = planetName.substring (1) else planetName = $.trim (eventFleet.find ("." + ((isDeploy) ? "dest" : "origin") + "Fleet").text ()); var isCurrent = (planetName == curPlanetName) && (eventFleet.find ((isDeploy) ? ".destCoords" : ".coordsOrigin").text () == curPlanetCoords); activeURLs.push (isCurrent); var title = eventFleet.find ("td.icon_movement" + ((isDeploy) ? "" : "_reserve") + " span").attr ("title"); collectData (title, isCurrent); } }); displayData (); } } if ($ ("table#eventContent").length > 0) sumResources (); else $ ("#eventboxContent").ajaxSuccess (function (e, xhr, settings) { if (settings.url.replace (/^.*page=([a-zA-Z]*).*$/, "$1") != "eventList") return; sumResources (); }); })();