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// ==UserScript== // @name Find Player Details (by Eleria) // @namespace - // @description Find all coordinates and other details from players within the standard ogame search - actuality one week! // @include http://*.ogame.*/game/index.php?*page=* // @version // @require // @updateURL // @downloadURL // @include *://*.ogame.*/game/index.php?*page=* // @include * // ==/UserScript== oGameVersionCheck('Find Player Details (by Eleria)','',''); (function(){ var unsafe = (typeof unsafeWindow) != "undefined" ? unsafeWindow : window; var $ = unsafe.jQuery; if ( !$ ) return; var ogameUniverse = $('meta[name=ogame-universe]').attr('content'), ogamePlayerId = $('meta[name=ogame-player-id]').attr('content'), temp; ogameUniverse = ((ogameUniverse)?ogameUniverse.toString():''); ogamePlayerId = ((ogamePlayerId)?ogamePlayerId.toString():'0'); $.get('http://' + ogameUniverse + '/api/universe.xml', function(uniData){ var updateTimestamp = parseInt($(uniData).find('universe').first().attr('timestamp'),10) * 1000; $(document).ajaxSuccess(function(e,xhr,settings){ // ogame search if (settings.url.indexOf('http://' + ogameUniverse + '/game/index.php?page=search&ajax=1') != -1 && settings.type == 'POST') { var method = $('.ajaxContent').parent().find('.ui-tabs-active a').attr('id'); if (method == '2') { // 2 = player, 4 = ally, 3 = planetnames $('#messagebox').css('overflow','auto'); $('.ajaxContent').width(757).css('overflow','auto').find('tr').slice(1,-2).each(function(){ var $resultRow = $(this).clone(); var playerId = ogamePlayerId; if ($resultRow.find('td.action').children().size() > 0) { resultList = /to=(\d+)\&/.exec($resultRow.find('td.action').first().html()); playerId = resultList[1]; } var url = 'https://' + ogameUniverse + '/api/playerData.xml?id=' + playerId; $resultRow.find('td.position').css('margin-right','5px').empty(); $resultRow.find('td.home').empty(); $.get(url, function(data){ var updateTimestampPlayer = parseInt($(data).find('playerData').first().attr('timestamp'),10) * 1000; var xmlTxt = 'OGame-API: '; var uT = updateTimestamp; if (updateTimestampPlayer > updateTimestamp) { uT = updateTimestampPlayer; xmlTxt += 'playerData.xml'; } else { xmlTxt += 'universe.xml'; } xmlTxt += '<br/>'; var update = new Date(uT); var nowTimestamp = new Date().getTime(); var difference = (nowTimestamp - uT); $('<span/>').css({'display':'block','text-align':'right','font-style':'italic'}).attr('title',update.getDate() + '.' + (update.getMonth() + 1) + '.' + update.getFullYear() + ' ' + update.getHours() + ':' + update.getMinutes() + ':' + update.getSeconds()).html(xmlTxt + 'update ' + formatTime(difference) + ' ago').appendTo($resultRow.find('td.position')); var coordsList = new Array(); var planets = new Array(); var xml = uniData; var selector = 'planet[player="' + playerId + '"]'; if (updateTimestampPlayer > updateTimestamp) { xml = data; selector = 'planet'; } $(xml).find(selector).each(function(i){ var coords = $(this).attr('coords'); var name = $(this).attr('name'); var temp = /(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)/.exec(coords); var coordsPrepared = getCoordsPrepared(coords); var link = 'https://' + ogameUniverse + '/game/index.php?page=galaxy&galaxy=' + temp[1] + '&system=' + temp[2] + '&planet=' + temp[3]; var moon = false; if ($(this).find('moon').size() > 0) moon = true; var home = false; if (i == 0) home = true; coordsList.push(coordsPrepared); planets[coordsPrepared] = { coords: coords, name: name, url: link, moon: moon, home: home }; }); coordsList.sort(); var $home = $resultRow.find('td.home'); var $coords = $resultRow.find('td.position'); $('<br/>').appendTo($home); for (var t = 0; t < coordsList.length; t++) { $('<br/>').appendTo($home); if (t > 0) $('<br/>').appendTo($coords); var homeText = $('<span/>').html(planets[coordsList[t]].name).appendTo($home); if (planets[coordsList[t]].home) homeText.css('font-weight','bold'); var text = '[' + planets[coordsList[t]].coords + ']'; $('<a/>').attr('href',planets[coordsList[t]].url).attr('target','_parent').html(text).appendTo($coords).hover(function(){ $(this).css('text-decoration','underline'); },function(){ $(this).css('text-decoration','none'); }); if (planets[coordsList[t]].moon) { $('<span/>').css('white-space','nowrap').html(' + M').appendTo($coords); } } var $highscore = $resultRow.find('td.highscore').width(150).css('text-align','left'); var playerAttributes = [ findAttributes($(data),0), // points findAttributes($(data),1), // economy findAttributes($(data),2), // research findAttributes($(data),3), // military points findAttributes($(data),4), // military lost findAttributes($(data),5), // military built findAttributes($(data),6), // military destroyed findAttributes($(data),7) // honour points ]; // points if ($highscore.find('a:eq(0)').length > 0) { temp = 'Points: ' + addThousandSeparator((playerAttributes[0].score)?playerAttributes[0].score.toString():'0') + ' (#' + $highscore.find('a:eq(0)').html().trim() + ')'; $highscore.find('a:eq(0)').css('white-space','nowrap').html(temp); } else { (createSpanForHighscore('Points',playerAttributes[0].score,playerAttributes[0].rank)).appendTo($highscore); } var elems = [ $('<br/>'), (createSpanForHighscore('Economy',playerAttributes[1].score,playerAttributes[1].rank)), $('<br/>'), (createSpanForHighscore('Research',playerAttributes[2].score,playerAttributes[2].rank)), $('<br/>'), $('<span/>').css({'white-space':'nowrap','font-weight':'bold'}).html('Military:'), $('<br/>'), (createSpanForHighscore('Points',playerAttributes[3].score,playerAttributes[3].rank)), $('<br/>'), $('<span/>').css('white-space','nowrap').html('Ships: ' + addThousandSeparator(playerAttributes[3].ships)), $('<br/>'), (createSpanForHighscore('Lost',playerAttributes[4].score,playerAttributes[4].rank)), $('<br/>'), (createSpanForHighscore('Built',playerAttributes[5].score,playerAttributes[5].rank)), $('<br/>'), (createSpanForHighscore('Destroyed',playerAttributes[6].score,playerAttributes[6].rank)), $('<br/>'), (createSpanForHighscore('Honour points',playerAttributes[7].score,playerAttributes[7].rank)), ]; $(elems).each(function(){ $highscore.append($(this)); }); }); // ---------------------- // show/hide details // ---------------------- var arrowDown = $(Arrow.htmlTag).css({ width: Arrow.width, height: Arrow.height, background: Arrow.background, cursor:'pointer', backgroundPosition:Arrow.backgroundPosition.down }); var arrowUp = arrowDown.clone().css({backgroundPosition:Arrow.backgroundPosition.up}); if ($(this).find('').size() > 0) { arrowDown.appendTo($(this).find('').empty()); arrowUp.appendTo($resultRow.find('').empty()); } else { var css = { 'float':'left', 'margin-right':'6px' }; arrowDown.prependTo($(this).find('td.userName')).css(css); arrowUp.prependTo($resultRow.find('td.userName')).css(css); } $resultRow.insertBefore($(this)).hide(); arrowDown.hover(function(){ $(this).css({backgroundPosition:Arrow.backgroundPosition.downHover}); }, function(){ $(this).css({backgroundPosition:Arrow.backgroundPosition.down}); }).click(function(){ $(this).parent().parent().hide().prev().show(); }); arrowUp.hover(function(){ $(this).css({backgroundPosition:Arrow.backgroundPosition.upHover}); }, function(){ $(this).css({backgroundPosition:Arrow.backgroundPosition.up}); }).click(function(){ $(this).parent().parent().hide().next().show(); }); }); } } }); }); var Arrow = { htmlTag: '<div/>', width: '20px', height: '18px', background: 'url("") no-repeat scroll left top transparent', backgroundPosition: { down: '0 0', downHover: '-20px 0', up: '0 -18px', upHover: '-20px -18px' } }; function findAttributes($data,type) { var result = { score: $data.find('position[type=' + type + ']').attr('score'), rank: $data.find('position[type=' + type + ']').text() }; if (!isNaN(type) && type == 3) { result.ships = $data.find('position[type=' + type + ']').attr('ships'); result.ships = ((result.ships)?result.ships.toString():'0'); } return result; } function createSpanForHighscore(label,score,rank) { var temp = ((label)?label.toString():'') + ': ' + addThousandSeparator((score)?score.toString():'0') + ' (#' + ((rank)?rank.toString():'') + ')'; return $('<span/>').css('white-space','nowrap').html(temp); } function addThousandSeparator(value) { var parts = /([+-]*)([\d]+)([\.,\d]*)/.exec((value) ? value.toString() : ''); value = parts[2].split('').reverse().join('').match(/.{1,3}/g).join('.').split('').reverse().join(''); return parts[1] + value + parts[3]; } function getCoordsPrepared(coords) { // parse coordinates into integer (zb.: 1:54:3 --> 001054003) var temp = /(\d+)\D*(\d*)\D*(\d*)/.exec((coords) ? coords.toString() : ''); return ('000' + temp[1]).slice(-3) + ('000' + temp[2]).slice(-3) + ('000' + temp[3]).slice(-3); } function formatTime(value) { value = (isNaN(value) ? 0 : value); var days = Math.floor(value / (1000*60*60*24)); var hours = Math.floor((value / (1000*60*60)) - (days*24)); var minutes = Math.floor((value / (1000*60)) - (hours*60 + days*24*60)); var seconds = Math.floor((value / (1000)) - (minutes*60 + hours*60*60 + days*24*60*60)); var newTime = ''; if (days > 0) newTime += days + 'd '; if (hours > 0 || days > 0) newTime += hours + 'h '; if (minutes > 0 || hours > 0 || days > 0) newTime += minutes + 'm '; newTime += seconds + 's '; return newTime; } })();