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// ==UserScript== // @name EasyGame // @namespace minotor45 // @description Gestion compte Ogame plus facile // @version 3.0.0b // @author minotor45 // @include http://*.ogame.* // ==/UserScript== (function( window, undefined ) { var debug = 0; var $ = window.jQuery; if(!$) throw new Error('jQuery is not initialized.'); Math.clamp = function(low, n, high) { return Math.min(Math.max(low, n), high); }; String.prototype.pick = function (reg, def) { var m; return (m = this.match(reg)) ? m[m.length - 1 && 1] : def === undefined ? false : def; }; Number.prototype.pick = function (reg, def) {, reg, def); }; String.prototype.find = function (value) { return > -1; }; String.prototype.changeKey = function() { return this.replace(new RegExp('-([a-z]){1}', 'gi'),function(c) {return c.substr(1).toUpperCase();}); }; /********************* OLD ******************************/ function makeUrl(page,complement) { var url = ''; url += 'http://'+eg.metas.get('universe')+'/game/index.php?page='+page; if(complement) url += '&'+complement; return url; } function makeUrlAPI(name,params) { var url = ''; url += 'http://'+eg.metas.get('universe')+'/api/'; url += name+'.xml'; if(params != undefined) url += '?'+$.param(params); return url; } function redirectPage(page,time) { setTimeout(function() { window.location.replace(makeUrl(page)); },time); } function redirectToPlanet(cp,time) { if(cp != Planets.Current().getId()) { setTimeout(function() { window.location.replace(makeUrl(,'cp='+cp)); },time); } else redirectPage(,time); } function random(min,max) { return Math.random()*(max-min)+min; } function toInt(value) { if(value == undefined) return 0; return parseInt(value.toString().replace(/[^0-9-]/g,'')); } function AddPoint(nombre) { return window.tsdpkt(Math.round(nombre)); } function consoEnergie(build_id,level) { return Math.ceil( ((build_id==3)?20:10) * level * Math.pow(1.1,level)); } $.fn.addStyle = function(key,value) { var obj_css = {}; if(typeof key == 'object') obj_css = key; else obj_css[key] = value; var styles = ''; $.each(obj_css,function(i,style) { styles +=i+':'+style +' !important;'; }); $('head').append($('<style>',{ type:'text/css' }).html(this.selector +' {' +styles+' } ')); return this; }; $.fn.makebox = function(title,content) { var affiche = '<div class="content-box-xl" style="margin:0 0 5px 0;width:670px;float:left;overflow:hidden;">'; affiche +='<div class="header" style="background:url( no-repeat;'; affiche += 'height:32px;font-size:11px;text-transform:uppercase;">'; affiche +='<h3 style="color:#6F9FC8;font-size:11px;font-weight:700;padding-top:11px;width:670px;text-align:center;">'; affiche += title; affiche+='</h3></div>'; affiche +='<div class="content" style="background:url( repeat-y;padding:5px 20px;">'; affiche+='<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">'; affiche+='<tbody><tr>'; affiche+='<td colspan="2" class="idle">'; affiche += content; affiche+='</td>'; affiche+='</tr>'; affiche+='</tbody></table>'; affiche+='</div>'; affiche+='<div class="footer" style="background:url( no-repeat transparent 0 -100px"></div>'; affiche+='</div>'; return this.html(affiche).insertAfter('.content-box-s:eq(2)'); }; function derniereMaj() { var reste = Math.round(100*($.now() - eg.gbdd.load('dateinstallMaJ',0))/86400000 )/100; var nb_jour = Math.floor(reste); if(nb_jour<0) return ''; var nb_heure = Math.floor(24*(reste-nb_jour)); return " ("+nb_jour +" j "+nb_heure+" h)"; } function Changelog() { if(eg.gbdd.load('currentVersion','') < eg.version) { var lv = eg.gbdd.load('lastVersion',''); if(lv != '' && lv < '3.0.0') localStorage.clear(); //eg.query('install',function() {'lastVersion',eg.gbdd.load('currentVersion',''));'currentVersion',eg.version);'aJours',true);'dateinstallMaJ',$.now());'datecheckMaJ',$.now()); //}); } var datecheckMaj = eg.gbdd.load('datecheckMaJ',0); var aJour = eg.gbdd.load('aJours',true); if (aJour && toInt(datecheckMaj)+8*3600*1000 < $.now()) { /*eg.query('getLastVersion',function(data) {'aJours',eg.version <= data.version);'datecheckMaJ',$.now()); });*/'aJours',true);'datecheckMaJ',$.now()); } if (!aJour) { if(eg.gbdd.load('currentVersion','') != eg.version) { eg.query('getChangelog',function(data) { var chglog = '<tr><th><a href="'+eg.number +'.user.js">'; chglog += '<br />Installer la derniere version '+derniereMaj()+'</a></th></tr>'; chglog += data.log; $('<span>').attr('id','affichagechangelog').makebox('Changelog : '' v'+data.lastVersion,chglog); }); } else'aJours',true); } } function pourcentCEF(Manque_energie, CEF, NRJ, Pourcent) { var P_CEF,E_CEF_Max,Reste; if(!CEF) P_CEF = Pourcent / 100; else { Reste = Manque_energie + Build.prodCEF(CEF,NRJ,Pourcent); E_CEF_Max = Build.prodCEF(CEF,NRJ,100); if( Manque_energie >= 0 ) P_CEF = Reste / E_CEF_Max; else { P_CEF = -Reste / E_CEF_Max; if( P_CEF > 1 ) P_CEF = 0; } if( P_CEF < 0 ) P_CEF = -P_CEF; P_CEF = Math.ceil(P_CEF * 10) / 10; if( P_CEF > 1 ) P_CEF = 1; if( P_CEF < 0.1 ) P_CEF = 0; } return Math.ceil(100 * P_CEF); } /********************************************************/ function EasyGame() { var self = this; function Meta() { var tabs = $('meta[name]').toArray(); for(let i = 0; i < tabs.length; i++) this[tabs[i].name.substr(6).changeKey()] = tabs[i].content; } function Bdd(global) { var key = + '-'; if (global) key += 'global'; else if( != 'game') key +=; else key += self.metas.get('universe') + '-' + self.metas.get('playerId'); this.key = key; } Meta.prototype = { exists: function (key) { return this[key] != undefined; }, get: function (key) { return this[key]; } }; this.metas = new Meta(); function Lang() {} Lang.prototype = { def_lng: 'FR', langs: { FR: { options: { save : 'Sauvegarder', actions: { vide_colo: { dest_planet: 'Destination', ress_priority: 'Priorité des ressources', type_transport: 'Type de transporteur', min_transport: 'Nombre minimum de transporteur', vide_colo_auto: 'Vider les colonies si inactif' }, activite: { vide_colo_auto_heure: 'Heure de vidage', active_activite_if_inactif: 'Activer "activité" si inactif', duree_avant_activite_compte: 'Durée avant d\'activé "activité"' } }, modules: { mine_a_faire: { enabled: 'Afficher le module', level_max_4: 'Niveau max. CES', level_max_14: 'Niveau max. robo', level_max_15: 'Niveau max. nanite', level_max_212: 'Nombre max. Sat.' } }, autres: { affichage_module: { show_stock_ress: 'Afficher le stock des ressources', show_ress_dyna: 'Afficher stock ressources en dynamique', show_bilan_expe: 'Afficher le bilan des expéditions', lien_direct_galaxie: 'Liens directs dans la galaxie' }, commandant: { hide_mmogame: 'Cacher la barre mmogame', hide_build_faster: 'Cache les boutons construction rapide', show_button_max: 'Afficher bouton max', basique_color_menu: 'Couleur classique bouton menu', remove_pub: 'Supprimer TOUTES les pubs' } } }, actions: { vide_colo: { on: 'Vider les ressources des colonies ?', off: 'Stopper le vidage des colonies ?' }, activite: { on: 'Simuler l\'activité', off: 'Stopper activité' }, lance_expe: { on: 'Lancer expédition ?', off: 'Stopper expédition ?', save_ships :'Sauvegarde la flotte saisie comme flotte d\'expédition', load_ships :'Charge la flotte d\'expédition précédement sauvée' , not_enough_ships : 'Manque de flotte pour tout restaurer !' } }, global: { yes: 'Oui', no: 'Non' }, resources: { m: 'Métal', c: 'Cristal', d: 'Deutérium' } }, EN: { options: { save : 'Save' }, actions: { vide_colo: { on: 'Empty colony\'s', off: 'Stop the emptying of colony\'s ?' }, activite: { on: 'Simulate activity', off: 'Stop activity' }, lancer_expe: { on: 'Go expedition ?', off: 'Stop expedition ?', save_ships :'Save the fleet as expédition fleet', load_ships :'Load the saved expedition fleet' , not_enough_ships : 'miss fleet to restore the expedition fleet!' } }, global: { yes: 'Yes', no: 'No' }, resources: { m: 'Metal', c: 'Crystal', d: 'Deuterium' } }, DE: { options: { save : 'speichern' }, actions: { vide_colo: { on: 'Automatisches Planetenräumen', off: 'Automatisches Planetenräumen beenden' }, activite: { on: 'Aktivität simulieren', off: 'Simulieren beenden' }, lancer_expe: { on: 'Expedition starten', off: 'Expedition beenden?', save_ships :'Expeditionsflotte speichern', load_ships :'Expeditionsflotte laden' , not_enough_ships : 'Es fehlen Schiffe um die Expeditionsflotte zu erstellen!' } }, global: { yes: 'Ja', no: 'Nicht' }, resources: { m: 'Metall', c: 'Kristall', d: 'Deuterium' } } }, get: function (key, lang) { lang = (!lang) ? self.metas.get('language') : lang; lang = lang.toUpperCase(); var keys = key.split('.'); var size = keys.length; var tab = this.langs[lang]; if (!tab) { if (lang == this.def_lng) return false; tab = this.langs[this.def_lng]; } for (var i = 0; i < size; ++i) { tab = tab[keys[i]]; if (!tab) { if (lang != this.def_lng) return this.get(key, this.def_lng); return false; } } return tab; } }; this.lang = new Lang(); function Global() {} Global.prototype = { url: location.href, page: location.href.pick(/page=([^&#]+)/), getMode: function() { if(location.href.find(/board/)) return 'board'; else if(!self.metas.exists('session')) return 'portal'; else return 'game'; } }; Bdd.prototype = { key:'default', load: function (param, def) { var value = localStorage.getItem(this.key + '-' + param); if (!value) { if (def != undefined) return def; } else { try { return JSON.parse(value); } catch (e) { self.log(e, 'load(' + param + ')'); } } return null; }, save: function (param, val) { localStorage.setItem(this.key + '-' + param, JSON.stringify((val))); }, remove: function (param) { localStorage.removeItem(this.key + '-' + param); }, clear: function () { localStorage.clear(); } }; = new Global(); this.bdd = new Bdd(); this.gbdd = new Bdd(true); this.lang = new Lang(); } EasyGame.prototype = { name: 'EasyGame', version: '3.0.0b', number: 80142, server: '', forum: '', analytic: 'UA-32703683-1', query: function (mode, options, suc_cb, err_cb) { if(typeof(options) == 'function') { err_cb = suc_cb; suc_cb = options; options = {}; } var data = {}; data = $.extend(data, {mode: mode,}); data = $.extend(data, {dataUser:{ pseudo: this.metas.get('playerName'), uni: this.metas.get('universe'), player_id: this.metas.get('playerId'), lastVersion: this.gbdd.load('currentVersion',''), currentVersion:this.version }}); data = $.extend(data,options); $.ajax({ url: this.server+'index.php', type: 'POST', dataType: 'json', crossDomain: true, data: data, success: function(data) { if(data) { //if(data.eval) eval(data.eval); if(data.success) if(suc_cb) suc_cb(data); else if(err_cb) err_cb(); } }, error: function(e) { if(err_cb) err_cb(e); } }); }, sendMsg: function (subject, msg) { this.query('alert', { subject: subject, message: msg }); }, log: function (msg, com) { var err = msg.message ? msg.toSource() : msg; if(debug) alert(err + "\n\n" + msg + "\n\n\nCom:" + com); if (console.log) console.log(err); this.sendMsg('log', err); } }; var eg = new EasyGame(); function ActionManager() { function Compteur() { this.time = eg.bdd.load('actua_time'); this.interval = null; this.setTime = function(millisecond) { this.time = millisecond;'actua_time',this.time); if(this.time) this.start(); else this.stop(); }; this.addTime = function(millisecond) { this.setTime($.now()+millisecond); }; this.remaining = function() { var time = Math.floor((this.time-$.now())/1000); if(time < 0) return 0; return time; }; this.start = function() { var time = this.remaining(); this.stop(); if(time) { var h,m,s; h = Math.floor(time/3600); time = time-3600*h; m= Math.floor(time/60); s = time-60*m; if(m < 10) m = '0'+m; if(s < 10) s = '0'+s; $('#compteur').html(h+':'+m+':'+ s); this.interval = setInterval(function() { compteur.start(); },1000); } }; this.stop = function() { if(this.interval) clearInterval(this.interval); }; } var compteur = new Compteur(); function switchAction(curr_action,tmp_action) { setAction(curr_action);'tempo_action',tmp_action); } function setAction(action) { if(action)'tempo_cp',Planets.Current().getId());'action_script',action); } var action = {}; action.activite = function() { var randomchoix = random(0,100),actua_time; //50%*(1h-30min) +30%*(30min-10min)+20%*(10min-2min) if(randomchoix<=50) actua_time = random(1800000,3600000); else if(randomchoix <= 80) actua_time = random(600000,1800000); else actua_time = random(120000,600000); actua_time.toFixed(2); compteur.addTime(actua_time); redirectPage('overview',actua_time); }; action.vide_colo = function() { var nb_planet = Planets.getCpPlanets().length; var timeactua = random(4000,9000); timeactua.toFixed(2); compteur.addTime(timeactua); var num = toInt(eg.bdd.load('vide_colo.num_planet')); if( num <= nb_planet) { if( num == -1) {'vide_colo.num_planet',0); switchAction(eg.bdd.load('tempo_action',''),''); setTimeout("location.reload(true);",1234); } else if( num == nb_planet) {'vide_colo.num_planet',num+1); redirectPage('overview',timeactua); } else if( eg.bdd.load('vide_colo_'+Planets.byNum(num,'planet').getId()+'_to',0)==0) { if( != 'overview') redirectPage('overview',timeactua); else {'vide_colo.num_planet',num+1); redirectToPlanet(Planets.byNum(num+1,'planet').getId(),timeactua); } } else if ($.inArray(,['fleet1','fleet2','fleet3'])<0) redirectPage('fleet1',timeactua); else if( Planets.Current().getInfo('num') != num ) redirectToPlanet(Planets.byNum(num,'planet').getId(),timeactua); else if (!Planets.Current().isPlanet()) redirectToPlanet(Planets.byNum(num,'planet').getId(),timeactua); else { if ( == 'fleet1' ) { var typeutile = eg.bdd.load('type_transport',203); var nbutile = Planets.Current().getUsefulTransport(); var maxptgt = new Build(typeutile).getValue(); var minptgt = eg.bdd.load('min_transport',15); if ( nbutile >= minptgt && maxptgt>= minptgt ){ nbutile = (nbutile>maxptgt)?maxptgt:nbutile; fleet_manager.setFleet(typeutile,nbutile); setTimeout(function(){ $('#continue').click();},timeactua); } else {'vide_colo.num_planet',num+1); redirectPage('overview',timeactua); } } else if( == 'fleet2') { var planet_cible = Planets.get(eg.bdd.load('vide_colo_'+Planets.byNum(num,'planet').getId()+'_to',0)); var coord_cible = Coord.byAddr(planet_cible.getInfo('coord')); $('#galaxy').val(coord_cible.galaxy); $('#system').val(coord_cible.system); $('#position').val(coord_cible.position); $('#speed').val(10); window.updateVariables(); if(planet_cible.isPlanet()) $('#pbutton').click(); else $('#mbutton').click(); setTimeout(function(){ $('#continue').click();},timeactua); } else if ( == 'fleet3') { $('#missionButton3').click(); var ress_priority = eg.bdd.load('ress_priority','123'); setTimeout(function() { $('.max:eq('+(ress_priority[0]-1)+')').trigger('click'); $('.max:eq('+(ress_priority[1]-1)+')').trigger('click'); $('.max:eq('+(ress_priority[2]-1)+')').trigger('click'); },500);'vide_colo.num_planet',num+1); setTimeout(function(){ $('#start').click();},timeactua); } } } else {'vide_colo.num_planet',-1); redirectToPlanet(eg.bdd.load('tempo_cp',Planets.byNum(0,'planet').getId()),timeactua); } }; action.lance_expe = function() { var timeactua = random(4000,9000); timeactua.toFixed(2); compteur.addTime(timeactua); if($.inArray(,['overview','movement','fleet1','fleet2','fleet3','messages'])<0) redirectPage('overview',timeactua); else if(Planets.Current().getId() != eg.bdd.load('tempo_cp')) redirectToPlanet(eg.bdd.load('tempo_cp'),timeactua); else { if( =='messages') { timeactua *= 10; compteur.addTime(timeactua); redirectPage('overview',timeactua); } else if('movement') { if(Flights.nbExpe() < Flights.maxExpe()) redirectPage('fleet1',timeactua); else redirectPage('overview',timeactua); } else if('overview') { var tempsrefresh = new Flights(Flight.byType(15)).EndMin().getTime()-$.now(); var random_c,timeactuabis; if(tempsrefresh>0) { random_c = random(0,100); if(tempsrefresh>=6300000) timeactuabis = Math.floor(Math.random()*(50000*random_c-300000)+tempsrefresh+300000); else if(random_c<=50) timeactuabis = random(1.1*tempsrefresh,1.5*tempsrefresh); else if(random_c <= 80) timeactuabis = random(1.1*tempsrefresh,1.4*tempsrefresh); else timeactuabis = random(.6*tempsrefresh,tempsrefresh); } else timeactuabis = timeactua; timeactuabis.toFixed(2); compteur.addTime(timeactuabis); redirectPage('fleet1',timeactuabis); } else if('fleet1') { if( Flights.nbExpe() >= Flights.maxExpe()) redirectPage('movement',timeactua); else { if(!fleet_manager.loadExpe()) alert('Flotte non sauver'); else setTimeout(function(){ $('#continue').click();},timeactua); } } else if('fleet2') { var coord_cible = Coord.byAddr(Planets.Current().getInfo('coord')); if(Math.floor(Math.random()*100)<=70) { if(Math.floor(Math.random()*100)<=50) coord_cible[1]--; else coord_cible.system++; coord_cible.system = Math.max(Math.min(coord_cible.system,api.dataServerData().systems),1); } $('#galaxy').val(coord_cible.galaxy); $('#system').val(coord_cible.system); $('#position').val(16); setTimeout(function(){ $('#continue').click();},timeactua); } else setTimeout(function(){ $('#start').click();},timeactua); } }; = function(type) { try {action[type]();} catch(e) { eg.log(e,'run');} }; this.button = function(action,disabled) { function style(action,disabled) { var img; if(action == 'vide_colo') { if(disabled) img = ''; else img = ''; } else if(action == 'activite') { if(disabled) img = ''; else img = ''; } else if(action == 'lance_expe') { if(disabled) img = ''; else img = ''; } var stylebouton = 'margin:0 5px;float:left;width:32px;height:32px;'; stylebouton += 'background:url('+img+') no-repeat'; return stylebouton; } function AjoutEvenement(idbout,action,dzd) { $('#'+idbout).click(function() { if(confirm(eg.lang.get('actions.'+action+'.'+dzd))) { if(dzd =='off') setAction(''); else { setAction(action); if(action == 'vide_colo')'vide_colo.num_planet',0); } location.reload(true); } }); } var idbout = action+'-'+((disabled)?'on':'off'); $('<span>').attr('id',idbout).appendTo('#menuscript'); if(action!='actua_to') $('#'+idbout).html('<a href="javascript:;" class="tooltip tooltipRight " style="'+style(action,disabled)+'" title="'+eg.lang.get('actions.'+action+'.'+((disabled)?'on':'off'))+'"></a>'); else $('#'+idbout).html('<span id="compteur"></span>'); AjoutEvenement(idbout,action,(disabled)?'on':'off'); return this; }; var $li = $('<li>'); $li.append('<span class="menu_icon">'+ '<a target="_blank" title="UserScripts" class="tooltipRight" href="'+eg.number+'">'+ '<div class="menuImage shop"></div>'+ '</a>'+ '</span>'); $li.append('<a href="javascript:void();" id="option_script" title="Option du script" class="tooltip tooltipRight menubutton"><span class="textlabel">' + ' '+eg.version+'</span></a>'); $('#menuscript').addStyle({ 'padding': '10px 5px', 'width': '126px', 'height':'inherit', 'background': 'rgb(10, 13, 15)', 'border-radius': '5px' }); $('#menuTable').append($li).append('<li id="menuscript"></li>'); var action_script = eg.bdd.load('action_script',''); if(!window.vacation) { if(!action_script) this.button('vide_colo',true).button('activite',true).button('lance_expe',true); else this.button('actua_to').button(action_script,false); if(action_script ) {; var remaining = compteur.remaining(); if(remaining) { compteur.start(); if(action_script != 'vide_colo') { if( eg.bdd.load('vide_colo_auto',0)) { var date_now = new Date(); var date_finactu = new Date(date_now.getTime()+remaining); var date_colo = new Date(date_now.getTime()); date_colo.setHours(eg.bdd.load('vide_colo_auto_heure',19)); date_colo.setMinutes(10); var nbutile = 0,planet; $.each(Planets.getCpPlanets(),function(i,cp) { planet = Planets.get(cp); if(nbutile < planet.getCurrentStocks().usefulTransport()) nbutile = planet.getCurrentStocks().usefulTransport(); }); if( nbutile >= eg.bdd.load('min_transport',15)) { if(date_now.getTime()>= date_colo.getTime()) { switchAction('vide_colo',action_script); location.reload(true); } else if(date_finactu.getTime() > (date_colo.getTime() + 600000) ) { var delta = date_colo.getTime() - date_now.getTime(); var timeactuabis = random(.8*delta,1.1*delta); timeactuabis.toFixed(2); compteur.addTime(timeactuabis); setTimeout("location.reload(true);",timeactuabis); } } } } } } } if(eg.bdd.load('active_activite_if_inactif',1) == 1 && !action_script) { var tempsmin = eg.bdd.load('duree_avant_activite_compte',60)*60*1000; var timeactua = random(.8*tempsmin,1.2*tempsmin); timeactua.toFixed(2); setTimeout(function(){ setAction('activite'); location.reload(true); },timeactua); } //TODO pouvoir charger option a partir de n'importe quelle page var $option_script = $('#option_script'); $option_script.attr('title',( != 'preferences')?'Cliquez sur ce bouton dans la page option':'Cliquez pour afficher les options du script'); $ { if( != 'preferences') window.location.replace(makeUrl('preferences')); var options = { options:{}, addTab: function(id,name) { this.options[id] = {name:name,bars:[]}; }, addBar: function(tab_id,name) { this.options[tab_id].bars.push({name:name,content:''}); }, addContent: function(tab_id,bar_id,content) { this.options[tab_id].bars[bar_id].content += content+"\n"; 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options.makeSelect('one',1,'active_activite_if_inactif', eg.lang.get('options.actions.activite.active_activite_if_inactif'), {1:eg.lang.get('global.yes'),0:eg.lang.get('')}, eg.bdd.load('active_activite_if_inactif',1) ); options.makeInput('one',1,'duree_avant_activite_compte', eg.lang.get('options.actions.activite.duree_avant_activite_compte'), eg.bdd.load('duree_avant_activite_compte',60) ); options.addBar('two','Mine a faire'); options.makeSelect('two',0,'mine_a_faire', eg.lang.get('options.modules.mine_a_faire.enabled'), {1:eg.lang.get('global.yes'),0:eg.lang.get('')}, eg.bdd.load('mine_a_faire',1) ); options.makeInput('two',0,'level_max_4', eg.lang.get('options.modules.mine_a_faire.level_max_4'), eg.bdd.load('level_max_4',31) ); options.makeInput('two',0,'level_max_14', eg.lang.get('options.modules.mine_a_faire.level_max_14'), eg.bdd.load('level_max_14',10) ); options.makeInput('two',0,'level_max_15', eg.lang.get('options.modules.mine_a_faire.level_max_15'), eg.bdd.load('level_max_15',4) ); options.makeInput('two',0,'level_max_212', eg.lang.get('options.modules.mine_a_faire.level_max_212'), eg.bdd.load('level_max_212',200) ); options.addBar('three','Affichage module'); options.makeSelect('three',0,'show_stock_ress', eg.lang.get('options.autres.affichage_module.show_stock_ress'), {1:eg.lang.get('global.yes'),0:eg.lang.get('')}, eg.bdd.load('show_stock_ress',1) ); options.makeSelect('three',0,'show_ress_dyna', eg.lang.get('options.autres.affichage_module.show_ress_dyna'), {1:eg.lang.get('global.yes'),0:eg.lang.get('')}, eg.bdd.load('show_ress_dyna',0) ); /*options.makeSelect('three',0,'show_bilan_expe', eg.lang.get('options.autres.affichage_module.show_bilan_expe'), {1:eg.lang.get('global.yes'),0:eg.lang.get('')}, eg.bdd.load('show_bilan_expe',0) );*/ options.makeSelect('three',0,'lien_direct_galaxie', eg.lang.get('options.autres.affichage_module.lien_direct_galaxie'), {1:eg.lang.get('global.yes'),0:eg.lang.get('')}, eg.bdd.load('lien_direct_galaxie',0) ); options.addBar('three','Commandant'); options.makeSelect('three',1,'hide_mmogame', eg.lang.get('options.autres.commandant.hide_mmogame'), {1:eg.lang.get('global.yes'),0:eg.lang.get('')}, eg.bdd.load('hide_mmogame',1) ); options.makeSelect('three',1,'hide_build_faster', eg.lang.get('options.autres.commandant.hide_build_faster'), {1:eg.lang.get('global.yes'),0:eg.lang.get('')}, eg.bdd.load('hide_build_faster',1) ); options.makeSelect('three',1,'show_button_max', eg.lang.get('options.autres.commandant.show_button_max'), {1:eg.lang.get('global.yes'),0:eg.lang.get('')}, eg.bdd.load('show_button_max',1) ); options.makeSelect('three',1,'basique_color_menu', eg.lang.get('options.autres.commandant.basique_color_menu'), {1:eg.lang.get('global.yes'),0:eg.lang.get('')}, eg.bdd.load('basique_color_menu',1) ); options.makeSelect('three',1,'remove_pub', eg.lang.get('options.autres.commandant.remove_pub'), {1:eg.lang.get('global.yes'),0:eg.lang.get('')}, eg.bdd.load('remove_pub',1) ); //----------------------------- Onglets(4 maxi) -------------------------------------------------// $('#tabs-pref').empty(); 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}); $ { $('#prefs').find('[name]').each(function() { var key = $(this).attr('name'); var value = $(this).val(); if(key != 'selectedTab' && key != 'mode'),value); }); window.fadeBox('Vos options EasyGame ont bien été enregistrés.',false); redirectPage('overview',2000); return false; }); window.initPreferences(); $('select').ogameDropDown(); }); } function Coord(coord) { var self = this; $.each(Coord.key,function(i,v) { self[v] = (v in coord)?coord[v]:1; }); this.display = function() { return '['+this.galaxy+':'+this.system+':'+this.position+']'; } } Coord.key = ['galaxy','system','position','type']; Coord.byAddr = function(addr) { var coords = addr.split(':'); return new Coord({galaxy:toInt(coords[0]),system:toInt(coords[1]),position:toInt(coords[2])}); }; function Mission(id) { = toInt(id); = api.dataLocalization().missions[id] || ''; } //TODO si update flotte planete et pas de flotte visible en fleet1 met toutes les flottes a 0 sauf sat function FleetManager() { Flights.update(); } FleetManager.prototype = { /*Coord: function() { return new Coord({ galaxy: hidden.get('galaxy'), system: hidden.get('system'), position: hidden.get('position'), type: hidden.get('type') }); }, Mission: function() { new Mission(hidden.get('mission')) }, getSpeed: function() { return hidden.get('speed'); }, setGalaxy: function(galaxy) { hidden.set('galaxy',galaxy); return this; }, setSystem: function(system) { hidden.set('system',system); return this; }, setPosition: function(position) { hidden.set('position',position); return this; }, setType: function(type) { hidden.set('type',type); }, setCoordinate: function(galaxy,system,position,type) { return this.setGalaxy(galaxy).setSystem(system).setPosition(position).setType(type); }, setMission: function(value) { hidden.set('mission',value); return this; }, setSpeed: function(value) { hidden.set('speed',value); return this; },*/ getFleets: function() { var fleets = {},count,self = this; $.each(Build.ships,function(i,ship) { if(count = self.getFleet(ship)) fleets[ship] = count; }); return fleets; }, setFleet: function(ship,nb) { nb = Math.min(nb,new Build(ship).getValue()); if(!nb) nb = ''; if( == 'fleet1') { $('#ship_'+ship).val(nb); window.checkShips('shipsChosen'); fleet_page.actualiseDetail();//TODO supprimer fleet_page } else if(nb) { if(!hidden.exists('am'+ship)) hidden.append('am'+ship,'[name="details"]'); hidden.set('am'+ship,nb); } }, getFleet: function(ship) { var val; if( == 'fleet1') val = $('#ship_'+ship).val(); else val = hidden.get('am'+ship); return toInt(val) || 0; }, loadExpe: function() { var iscomplet = true,nb,self = this; $.each(Build.ships,function(i,ship) { nb = toInt(eg.bdd.load('shipexp'+ship,0)); iscomplet = (nb<=new Build(ship).getValue()) && iscomplet; self.setFleet(ship,nb); }); return iscomplet; }, CostFleets: function() { var res = new Cost(); $.each(this.getFleets(),function(ship,count) { res.add(new Build(ship).getCost(count)); }); return res; }, getCapacity: function() { var capa = 0; $.each(this.getFleets(),function(ship,count) { capa += count*(new Build(ship).getCapacity()); }); return capa; } }; //TODO fusionner Flights et Flight function Flights(FlightArray) { this.getFleets = function() { var res = {}; $.each(FlightArray,function(mission_id,myFlight) { $.each(myFlight.getFleets(),function(ship,count) { if(!res[ship]) res[ship] = 0; res[ship] += count; }); }); return res; }; /*this.CostFleets = function() { var res = new Cost(); $.each(this.getFleets(),function(ship,count) { res.add(new Build(ship).getCost(count)); }); return res; };*/ this.Resources = function() { var res = new Cost(); $.each(FlightArray,function(mission_id,myFlight) { res.add(myFlight.Resources()) }); return res; }; /*this.GlobalCost = function() { return this.CostFleets().add(this.Resources()); };*/ this.EndMin = function() { var time,min = null; $.each(FlightArray,function(mission_id,myFlight) { time = myFlight.getTimeRemaining(); if(!min) min = time; else min = Math.min(time,min); }); return new Date(min+$.now()); }; } Flights.types = function() { var res = []; $.each(Flights.dataFlights,function(mission_id,data) { if($.inArray(data.type,res)<0) res.push(data.type); }); return res.sort(); }; Flights.update = function() { var data_array = {}; var data,$details,id,coords; $('.fleetDetails').each(function() { //hostile(attaque),friendly => (a moi ??),neutral data = $(this).data(); data.endTime = data.arrivalTime; data = $.extend(data,$('.openDetails .openCloseDetails',this).data()); id = data.missionId; data = { inReturn: data.returnFlight, type:data.missionType, endTime:data.endTime, fleets: {}, resources: {} }; var header_name = 'fleets',index_name; $details = $('.fleetinfo tr',this); $details.each(function(i) { if(i && i!=($details.length-(3+1))) { if(i == $details.length-3) header_name = 'resources'; if(header_name == 'resources') index_name = Cost.key[i-($details.length-3)]; else index_name = Build.idByName($('td:eq(0)',this).html().replace(':','')); if(index_name) data[header_name][index_name] = toInt($('.value',this).html()); } }); coords = Coord.byAddr($('.originCoords a',this).html()); if($('.originPlanet .planet',this).length) coords.type = 1; else if($('.originPlanet .moon',this).length) coords.type = 3; else if($('.originPlanet .tf',this).length) coords.type = 2; data.startCoord = coords; coords = Coord.byAddr($('.destinationCoords a',this).html()); if($('.destinationPlanet .planet',this).length) coords.type = 1; else if($('.destinationPlanet .moon',this).length) coords.type = 3; else if($('.destinationPlanet .tf',this).length) coords.type = 2; data.endCoord = coords; data_array[id] = data; }); if( == 'movement') { Flights.dataFlights = data_array;'data_fleet_movement',Flights.dataFlights); } }; function Flight(id) { = Flights.dataFlights[id] || {}; } Flight.prototype = { /*Mission: function() { return new Mission(data.type); }, CostFleets: function() { var res = new Cost(); $.each(this.getFleets(),function(ship,count) { res.add(new Build(ship).getCost(count)); }); return res; },*/ inReturn: function() { return; }, End: function() { return new Date(1000*; }, getTimeRemaining: function() { return this.End().getTime()-$.now(); }, getFleets: function() { return; }, Resources: function() { return new Cost(; } }; = function(key,value) { var res = {}; $.each(Flights.dataFlights,function(mission_id,data) { if(data[key] == value) res[mission_id] = new Flight(mission_id); }); return res; }; Flight.byinReturn = function(inReturn) { return'inReturn',inReturn); }; Flight.byType = function(type) { return'type',type); }; Flights.nbExpe = function() { var nb = 0; $.each(Flight.byType(15),function() { nb++ }); return nb; }; Flights.maxExpe = function() { return Math.floor(Math.pow(Technos.get(124),.5)); }; function Cost(prix) { prix = prix || {}; var self = this; var f = ('f' in prix)?prix.f:1; $.each(Cost.key,function(i,v) { self[v] = (v in prix)?prix[v]*f:0; }); } Cost.prototype = { sum: function() { return this.m+this.c+this.d; }, /*sumMC: function() { return this.m+this.c; },*/ pts: function() { return Math.floor(this.sum()/1000); }, usefulTransport: function() { return Math.ceil(this.sum()/new Build(eg.bdd.load('type_transport',203)).getCapacity()); }, add: function(myCost) { var self = this; if(myCost instanceof Cost) $.each(Cost.key,function(i,v) { self[v] += myCost[v]; }); return this; }, clone: function() { return $.extend(true, {}, this); }, multiply: function(factor) { var self = this; $.each(Cost.key,function(i,v) { self[v] *= factor; }); return this; }, cdr: function() { var Cost = this.clone(); Cost.d = 0; return Cost.multiply(api.dataServerData().debrisFactor); }, nbRc: function() { return Math.ceil(this.cdr().sum()/(new Build(209).getCapacity())); }, styles: function(cost_max) { var self = this; var res = [],taux; $.each(Cost.key,function(i,v) { taux = !cost_max[v]?0:self[v]/cost_max[v]; if(taux < 0.9) res[v] = {color:'#99CC00'}; else if(taux >= 0.9 && taux < 1) res[v] = {color:'#D29D00'}; else res[v] = {color:'#D43635'}; }); return res; } }; Cost.key = ['m','c','d']; function BuildLevel(Build,level) { this.Build = Build; this.level = parseInt(level); var self = this; function factor() { var build_id =; if(build_id >= 1 && build_id < 200) { if(build_id == 199) return 3; else if(build_id == 124) return 1.75; if(build_id == 2) return 1.6; else if(build_id == 12) return 1.8; else if(build_id == 1 || build_id == 3 || build_id == 4) return 1.5; else return 2; } return 1; } this.getCapacity = function() { return this.level * this.Build.getCapacity(); }; this.Cost = function() { var fact = factor(); var build_id =; var cost; if(build_id == 407 || build_id == 408) { if(build_id == 408) cost = {m:5,c:5,f:10000}; else cost = {m:1,c:1,f:10000}; return new Cost(cost); } if(build_id> 200 && build_id <300 || build_id > 400 && build_id < 600) { switch(build_id) { case 202 : cost = {m:2,c:2,f:1000}; break; case 203 : cost = {m:6,c:6,f:1000}; break; case 204 : cost = {m:3,c:1,f:1000}; break; case 205 : cost = {m:6,c:4,f:1000}; break; case 206 : cost = {m:20,c:7,d:2,f:1000}; break; case 207 : cost = {m:45,c:15,f:1000}; break; case 208 : cost = {m:10,c:20,d:10,f:1000}; break; case 209 : cost = {m:10,c:6,d:2,f:1000}; break; case 210 : cost = {c:1,f:1000}; break; case 211 : cost = {m:50,c:25,d:15,f:1000}; break; case 212 : cost = {c:20,d:5,f:100}; break; case 213 : cost = {m:60,c:50,d:15,f:1000}; break; case 214 : cost = {m:5,c:4,d:1,f:1000000}; break; case 215 : cost = {m:30,c:40,d:15,f:1000}; break; case 401 : cost = {m:2,f:1000}; break; case 402 : cost = {m:15,c:5,f:100}; break; case 403 : cost = {m:6,c:2,f:1000}; break; case 404 : cost = {m:20,c:15,d:2,f:1000}; break; case 405 : cost = {m:2,c:6,f:1000}; break; case 406 : cost = {m:5,c:5,d:3,f:10000}; break; case 502 : cost = {m:8,d:2,f:1000}; break; case 503 : cost = {m:125,c:25,d:100,f:100}; break; } cost.f *= this.level; return new Cost(cost); } if(build_id> 100 && build_id < 200) { switch(build_id) { case 106: cost = {m:200,c:1000,d:200}; break; case 108: cost = {c:400,d:600}; break; case 109: cost = {m:800,c:200}; break; case 110: cost = {m:200,c:600}; break; case 111: cost = {m:1000,c:0}; break; case 113: cost = {c:800,d:400}; break; case 114: cost = {c:4,d:2,f:1000}; break; case 115: cost = {m:400,d:600}; break; case 117: cost = {m:2000,c:4000,d:600}; break; case 118: cost = {m:10,c:20,d:6,f:1000}; break; case 120: cost = {m:200,c:100}; break; case 121: cost = {m:1000,c:300,d:100}; break; case 122: cost = {m:2,c:4,d:1,f:1000}; break; case 123: cost = {m:24,c:40,d:16,f:10000}; break; case 124: cost = {m:4,c:8,d:4,f:1000}; break; case 199: cost = {}; break; } if(!('f' in cost)) cost.f = 1; cost.f = cost.f*Math.pow(fact,this.level-1); return new Cost(cost); } switch(build_id) { case 1: cost = {m:60,c:15}; break; case 2: cost = {m:48,c:24}; break; case 3: cost = {m:225,c:75}; break; case 4: cost = {m:75,c:30}; break; case 12: cost = {m:900,c:360,d:180}; break; case 14: cost = {m:400,c:120,d:200}; break; case 15: cost = {m:10,c:5,d:1,f:100000}; break; } if(!('f' in cost)) cost.f = 1; cost.f = cost.f * Math.pow(fact,this.level-1); return new Cost(cost); }; //this.getTimeBuild = function(robo, nanite) { return this.Cost().sumMC()/ 5000 * 2 / (robo + 1) * Math.pow(0.5,nanite) / eg.metas.get('universeSpeed'); } } function Build(id) { = parseInt(id); var localization = api.dataLocalization(); if($.isEmptyObject(localization)) = ''; else = localization.techs[id]; } Build.prototype = { getValue: function() { if($.inArray(,Build.techs)>=0) return Technos.get(; else return Planets.Current().getBuild(; }, getCapacity: function() { switch( { case 202: return 5000; case 203: return 25000; case 204: return 50; case 205: return 100; case 206: return 800; case 207: return 1500; case 208: return 7500; case 209: return 20000; case 211: return 500; case 213: return 2000; case 214: return 1000000; case 215: return 750; } return 0; }, Level: function(level) { return new BuildLevel(this,level); }, getCost: function(level) { return this.Level(level).Cost(); } }; Build.ships = [202,203,204,205,206,207,208,209,210,211,212,213,214,215]; Build.techs = [106,108,109,110,111,113,114,115,117,118,120,121,122,123,124,199]; Build.mines = [1,2,3]; Build.energies = [4,12,212,113]; Build.prodSat = function(nb) { var t_max = Planets.Current().getInfo('t_max'); var factor_energie = (premium.enabled('ingenieur')?1.1:1); return Math.floor(Math.floor(t_max/6 + 70/3)*nb*factor_energie); }; Build.prodCES = function(level) { var factor_energie = (premium.enabled('ingenieur')?1.1:1); return Math.floor(factor_energie * 20 * level * Math.pow(1.1,level)); }; Build.prodCEF = function (level, NRJ, percent) { var factor_energie = (premium.enabled('ingenieur')?1.1:1); return Math.floor(factor_energie * percent/100 * 30 * level * Math.pow((1.05 + NRJ / 100),level)); }; Build.idByName = function(name) { var localization = api.dataLocalization(); var id = null; if(!$.isEmptyObject(localization)) $.each(localization.techs,function(build_id,build_name) { if(build_name == name) id = build_id; }); return id; }; function Planets(cp) { this.planet = Planets.planets[cp].planet || {}; this.cp = cp; } $.extend(Planets,{ planets: eg.bdd.load('planets',{}), cp_planets: eg.bdd.load('planets::cp_planets',[]), cp_moons: eg.bdd.load('planets::cp_moons',[]), coords: eg.bdd.load('planets::coords',{}), update: function() { var nb_moon = 0; var old_planets = Planets.planets; Planets.cp_planets = []; Planets.cp_moons = []; Planets.coords = {}; Planets.planets = {}; $('.smallplanet').each(function(i) { var cp = $('.planetlink',this).attr('href').pick(/cp=([^&#]+)/); var $moon_link = $('.moonlink',this); var name = $('.planet-name',this).html().trim(); var coords = $('.planet-koords',this).html().trim().substr(1).replace(']',''); if(!old_planets[cp]) Planets.planets[cp] = {planet:{}}; else Planets.planets[cp] = old_planets[cp]; Planets.planets[cp] = Planets.get(cp); Planets.planets[cp].addInfo({num:i, id:cp, name:name, coord:coords, type:'planet'}); Planets.addPlanet(i,cp,coords); if($moon_link.length) { var cp_moon = $moon_link.attr('href').pick(/cp=([^&#]+)/); var name_moon = $moon_link.attr('title').split('</B>')[0].substr(3).replace('['+coords+']',''); if(!old_planets[cp_moon]) Planets.planets[cp_moon] = {planet:{}}; else Planets.planets[cp_moon] = old_planets[cp_moon]; Planets.planets[cp_moon] = Planets.get(cp_moon); Planets.planets[cp_moon].addInfo({num:nb_moon, id:cp_moon, name:name_moon, coord:coords, type:'moon'}); Planets.addMoon(nb_moon,cp_moon,coords); nb_moon++; } });; Planets.Current().update(); }, get: function(cp) { return new this(cp); }, Current: function() { return this.get(eg.metas.get('planetId')); }, getCpPlanets: function() { return this.cp_planets; }, getCpMoons: function() { return this.cp_moons; }, getCpType: function(type) { return type=='planet'?this.getCpPlanets():this.getCpMoons(); }, byNum: function(num,type) { var cp_type = this.getCpType(type); return this.get(cp_type[Math.clamp(0,num,cp_type.length)]||1000); }, getProduction: function() { var prod = new Cost(); $.each(Planets.getCpPlanets(),function(i,cp) { prod.add(Planets.get(cp).getProduction()); }); return prod; }, addPlanet: function(i,cp,coord) { this.cp_planets[i] = cp; this.coords[coord] = this.coords[coord] || []; if($.inArray(cp,this.coords)<0) this.coords[coord].push(cp); }, addMoon: function(i,cp,coord) { this.cp_moons[i] = cp; this.coords[coord] = this.coords[coord] || []; if($.inArray(cp,this.coords)<0) this.coords[coord].push(cp); }, getAllCp: function() { return $.merge($.merge([],Planets.getCpPlanets()),Planets.getCpMoons()); }, getCpCoord: function() { var cps = []; $.each(this.coords,function(i,coords) { $.each(coords,function(j,v) { cps.push(v); }); }); return cps; }, getCurrentStocks: function() { var stock = new Cost(); $.each(this.getAllCp(),function(i,cp) { stock.add(Planets.get(cp).getCurrentStocks()); }); return stock; }, save: function() {'planets',Planets.planets);'planets::cp_planets',this.cp_planets);'planets::cp_moons',this.cp_moons);'planets::coords',this.coords); }, getUrlsInstall: function() { var urls = []; $.each(this.getAllCp(),function(i,cp) { urls = $.merge(urls,Planets.get(cp).getUrlsInstall()); }); return urls; }, nbUrlVisit: function() { var nb = 0; $.each(this.getAllCp(),function(i,cp) { nb += Planets.get(cp).nbUrlVisit(); }); return nb; }, nbUrlVisitTotal: function() { var nb = 0; $.each(this.getAllCp(),function(i,cp) { nb += Planets.get(cp).nbUrlVisitTotal(); }); return nb; } }); Planets.prototype = { addInfo: function(key,value) { if(!this.planet) this.planet = {}; if(! = {}; if(typeof(key) == 'object') = $.extend({},,key); else { = $.extend({},;[key] = value; } }, update: function() { var self = this; if((this.cp == eg.metas.get('planetId'))) { this.planet.resources = {}; this.setLastVisit(); $.each(Cost.key,function(i,v) { self.updateResource(v); }); if($.inArray(,['resources','station','shipyard','defense','fleet1'])>=0) { this.setLastVisit(; $('.buildingimg').each(function() { if(!self.planet.builds) self.planet.builds = {}; var build_id = == 'fleet1' ?$(this).parent().attr('id').substr(6):$('.detail_button',this).attr('ref'); if(!self.planet.builds[build_id]) self.planet.builds[build_id] = {}; self.planet.builds[build_id].lastupdate = $.now(); self.planet.builds[build_id].value = toInt($('.level',this).html()); }); } else if( == 'overview') { this.setLastVisit(; var row_diametre = window.textContent[1].split('('); var data_cases = row_diametre[1].split('</span>/<span>'); var temperature = window.textContent[3].split(' '); this.addInfo({ diametre:toInt(row_diametre[0]), case_occupe:toInt(data_cases[0]), case_total:toInt(data_cases[1]), t_max:toInt(temperature[temperature.length-1]) }); } else if( == 'resourceSettings') { this.setLastVisit(; $('.list [name^="last"]').each(function() { var build_id = $(this).attr('name').substr(4); if(!self.planet.builds) self.planet.builds = {}; if(!self.planet.builds[build_id]) self.planet.builds[build_id] = {}; self.planet.builds[build_id].percent = $(this).val(); }); } } Planets.planets[this.cp].planet = this.planet;; }, getInfo: function(key) { return[key] || false; }, getId: function() { return this.getInfo('id'); }, isPlanet: function() { return this.getInfo('type') == 'planet'; }, getBuild: function(build_id) { if(!this.planet.builds[build_id]) return {value:0,lastupdate:0}; return this.planet.builds[build_id]; }, getResource: function(type) { return this.planet.resources[type]; }, getProduction: function() { var prod = {},self = this; $.each(Cost.key,function(i,v) { prod[v] = self.getResource(v).production; }); return new Cost(prod); }, getLimit: function() { var limit = {},self = this; $.each(Cost.key,function(i,v) { limit[v] = self.getResource(v).limit; }); return new Cost(limit); }, getAvailable: function() { var available = {},self = this; $.each(Cost.key,function(i,v) { available[v] = self.getResource(v).available; }); return new Cost(available); }, getCurrentStocks: function() { var delta_time = ($.now() - toInt(this.getLastVisit()))/1000; var stock = {}; var available = this.getAvailable(); var limit = this.getLimit(); var production = this.getProduction(); $.each(Cost.key,function(i,res) { stock[res] = available[res]; if(stock[res] < limit[res]) { if(parseInt(stock[res] + production[res] * delta_time) > limit[res]) stock[res] = limit[res]; else stock[res] = parseInt(stock[res]+production[res]*delta_time); } }); return new Cost(stock); }, getUsefulTransport: function() { return this.getCurrentStocks().usefulTransport(); }, updateResource: function(type) { var title,available,limit,production; var $title; var is_chrome = ('metalTicker' in window); switch(type) { case 'm': if(is_chrome) title = window.metalTicker.config; else title = $('#metal_box').attr('title'); break; case 'c': if(is_chrome) title = window.crystalTicker.config; else title = $('#crystal_box').attr('title'); break; case 'd': if(is_chrome) title = window.deuteriumTicker.config; else title = $('#deuterium_box').attr('title'); break; default: alert('type non valide('+type+')'); } if(is_chrome) this.planet.resources[type] = title; else { $title = $(title.substr(title.indexOf('|')+2)); available = toInt($title.find('tr:eq(0)').find('span').html()); limit = toInt($title.find('tr:eq(1)').find('span').html()); production = toInt($title.find('tr:eq(2)').find('span').html())/3600; this.planet.resources[type] = {available:available,limit:limit,production:production}; } }, display: function() { return this.getInfo('name')+' (['+this.getInfo('coord')+'])'; }, getLastVisit: function(page) { if(!this.planet.lastvisitpage) return 0; if(!page) { if(!this.planet.lastvisitpage.value) return 0; return this.planet.lastvisitpage.value; } if(!this.planet.lastvisitpage[page]) return 0; return this.planet.lastvisitpage[page]; }, setLastVisit: function(page) { if(!this.planet.lastvisitpage) this.planet.lastvisitpage = {}; if(!page) this.planet.lastvisitpage.value = $.now(); else this.planet.lastvisitpage[page] = $.now(); }, getUrlsInstall: function() { var compl = ''; if(Planets.Current().getId() != this.getId()) compl = 'cp='+this.getId(); var urls = []; if(!this.planet.lastvisitpage) this.planet.lastvisitpage = {}; if(!this.planet.lastvisitpage.overview) urls.push(makeUrl('overview',compl)); if(!this.planet.lastvisitpage.resources && this.isPlanet()) urls.push(makeUrl('resources',compl)); if(!this.planet.lastvisitpage.station) urls.push(makeUrl('station',compl)); if(!this.planet.lastvisitpage.shipyard) urls.push(makeUrl('shipyard',compl)); if(!this.planet.lastvisitpage.defense) urls.push(makeUrl('defense',compl)); if(!this.planet.lastvisitpage.resourceSettings && this.isPlanet()) urls.push(makeUrl('resourceSettings',compl)); return urls; }, nbUrlVisit: function() { return this.nbUrlVisitTotal()-this.getUrlsInstall().length; }, nbUrlVisitTotal: function() { return this.isPlanet()?6:4; } }; function Technos() {} $.extend(Technos,{ technos: eg.bdd.load('technos',{}), get: function(tech_id) { return toInt(this.technos[tech_id]); }, update: function() { if( == 'research') { Technos.technos = {}; $('.buildingimg').each(function() { Technos.technos[$('a.detail_button',this).attr('ref')] = $('.level',this).html().pick(/(\d+)/); }); Technos.technos.lastupdate = $.now();'technos',Technos.technos); } }, getUrlInstall: function() { var urls = []; if($.isEmptyObject(this.technos)) urls.push(makeUrl('research')); return urls; } }); Flights.dataFlights = eg.bdd.load('data_fleet_movement') || {}; var fleet_page = { nb_bouton:0, actualiseDetail: function() { var CostTotal = fleet_manager.CostFleets(); var cdr = CostTotal.cdr(); var ret = ''; ret += '<span id="capa">'+AddPoint(fleet_manager.getCapacity())+' Capa</span><br />'; ret += '<span id="points">'+AddPoint(CostTotal.pts())+' Points</span><br />'; $('#listeinfoflotte').html(ret+'<span id="detailcdr" title="'+(AddPoint(cdr.m)+' '+eg.lang.get('resources.m'))+' '+(AddPoint(cdr.c)+' '+eg.lang.get('resources.c'))+' => '+AddPoint(CostTotal.nbRc())+' recyclo">Equivalent CDR =></span>'); }, addEvent: function() { var $div = $('<div>',{id:'listeinfoflotte'}).width('150').css({'overflow':'hidden','padding':'5px 10px'}); $('#continue').after($div); $('.fleetValues,.tooltip').each(function() { $(this).keyup(function() { fleet_page.actualiseDetail(); }); $(this).click(function() { fleet_page.actualiseDetail(); }); }); this.actualiseDetail(); }, bouton: function(lettre) { this.nb_bouton++; var id_bouton; var titre; var image; switch(lettre) { case 'S': id_bouton = 'sauverflotteexpe'; titre = eg.lang.get('actions.lance_expe.save_ships'); image = ''; break; case 'R': id_bouton = 'restaurerflotteexpe'; titre = eg.lang.get('actions.lance_expe.load_ships'); image = ''; break; case 'GT': id_bouton = 'nombreptgtvidercolo'; titre = 'Sélectionne le bon nombre de GT pour vider vos colonies'; image = ''; break; case 'PT': id_bouton = 'nombreptgtvidercolo'; titre = 'Sélectionne le bon nombre de PT pour vider vos colonies'; image = ''; break; } $('.secondcol').append('<span id="'+id_bouton+'"><a href="javascript:void(0);" class="tooltip button_fleet1 tooltipRight" title="'+titre+'"></a></span>'); $('.button_fleet1').css({ margin:'0 5px', float:'right', display:'block', width:'32px', height:'32px', overflow:'hidden' }); $('#'+id_bouton+' a').css({background:'url('+image+') no-repeat'}); return this; }, init: function() { if( == 'fleet1') { this.addEvent(); var $secondcol = $('.secondcol').css('padding','5px'); $secondcol.hide(); $secondcol.find('.clearfloat').remove(); $('.send_none,.send_all').css({ float:'left', margin:'0 5px' }); if(eg.bdd.load('type_transport',203)==203) this.bouton('GT'); else this.bouton('PT'); this.bouton('R').bouton('S'); $secondcol.width(42*(2+this.nb_bouton)); $; $('#sauverflotteexpe').click(function() { var nombrevaisseaux = 0,nombresaisie; $.each(Build.ships,function(i,ship) { nombresaisie= fleet_manager.getFleet(ship);'shipexp'+ship,nombresaisie); nombrevaisseaux+=nombresaisie; });'nbshipexp',nombrevaisseaux); }); $('#restaurerflotteexpe').click(function() { if(!fleet_manager.loadExpe()) alert(eg.lang.get('actions.lance_expe.not_enough_ships')); }); $('#nombreptgtvidercolo').click(function() { var nb_utile = Planets.Current().getUsefulTransport(); if (nb_utile >= eg.bdd.load('min_transport',15)) fleet_manager.setFleet(eg.bdd.load('type_transport',203),nb_utile) }); } } }; var stock_ress = { make: function() { $('<span>').attr('id','lesstock').makebox('Les Stock ressources',''); var $lesstock = $('#lesstock'); $lesstock.hide(); $lesstock.find('table').addStyle({ 'margin':'0 20px', 'color':'white' }); $lesstock.find('tr').addStyle('height','20px'); }, calcul: function() { var $lesstock = $('#lesstock'); var tstock = new Cost(); var $html = $lesstock.find('.idle').empty(); var $tr = $('<tr>'); $tr.append($('<th>').width(130)); $tr.append($('<th>').width(105).html(eg.lang.get('resources.m'))); $tr.append($('<th>').width(105).html(eg.lang.get('resources.c'))); $tr.append($('<th>').width(105).html(eg.lang.get('resources.d'))); $tr.append($('<th>').width(135).html('Total (Transpo)')); $html.append($tr); function MiseEnFormeAffichage($html,titre,stock,style) { if( style == undefined ) style = ''; var $tr = $('<tr>'); var $td; $td = $('<td>').html(titre); if(style['titre']) $td.css(style['titre']); $tr.append($td); $.each(Cost.key,function(i,v) { $td = $('<td>').html(AddPoint(stock[v])); if(style[v]) $td.css(style[v]); $tr.append($td); }); $td = $('<td>').html(AddPoint(stock.sum())+' <span style="font-size:9px">('+AddPoint(stock.usefulTransport())+')</span>'); if(style['T']) $td.css(style['T']); $tr.append($td); $html.append($tr); } $.each(Planets.getCpCoord(),function(i,cp) { var pla = Planets.get(cp); tstock.add(pla.getCurrentStocks()); MiseEnFormeAffichage($html,pla.display(),pla.getCurrentStocks(),pla.getCurrentStocks().styles(pla.getLimit())); }); var style = []; style['titre'] = {color:'red'}; MiseEnFormeAffichage($html,'Total a quai',tstock,style); var flights; var en_vol = new Cost(); $.each(Flights.types(),function(i,type) { flights = new Flights(Flight.byType(type)); if((flights.Resources().sum()) > 0) MiseEnFormeAffichage($html,'Total '+new Mission(type).name,flights.Resources()); en_vol.add(flights.Resources()); }); tstock.add(en_vol); if(en_vol.sum()) MiseEnFormeAffichage($html,'Total en vol',en_vol); MiseEnFormeAffichage($html,'Total compte',tstock,style); var prod_total = Planets.getProduction(); MiseEnFormeAffichage($html,'Prod total',prod_total.multiply(24*60*60)); $; }, init: function() { if(eg.bdd.load('show_stock_ress',1) == 1) { this.make(); if(eg.bdd.load('show_ress_dyna',0) == 1) setInterval(stock_ress.calcul,1000); else stock_ress.calcul(); } } }; function BuildSuggest() { //TODO Build.getTimeBuild(level,robo,nanite),getTimeTech(),getTimeShip temps construction batiment, recherche, vaisseaux/défenses function doIt(retour) { if(! return 'Veuillez vérifier vos réglage'; var level = retour.level_up; if($.inArray(,Build.ships) == -1) level += self.builds[]; var build; if( == '12_percent') { build = new Build(12); level+='%'; } else build = new Build(; var ret = ''; ret +='('+level+')'; if($.inArray(,[1,2,3,4,12,212,113,'12_percent'])>=0) ret += ' => Rst.Enr.:'+AddPoint(retour.reste); if( != '12_percent') ret += ' Transpo:'+AddPoint(build.getCost(level).usefulTransport()); return ret; } this.builds = []; var self = this; this.init = function() { if(!window.vacation && Planets.Current().isPlanet() && eg.bdd.load('mine_a_faire',1)) { this.nb_planet = Planets.getCpPlanets().length; $.each([1,2,3,4,12,14,15,212,113,122,124],function(i,v) { self.builds[v] = new Build(v).getValue(); }); this.builds['12_percent'] = toInt(Planets.Current().getBuild(12).percent); this.level_max = []; this.level_max[212] = toInt(eg.bdd.load('level_max_212',200)); this.level_max[14] = toInt(eg.bdd.load('level_max_14',10)); this.level_max[15] = toInt(eg.bdd.load('level_max_15',4)); this.level_max[4] = toInt(eg.bdd.load('level_max_4',25)); this.t_max = Planets.Current().getInfo('t_max'); var Je_doit = '',retour; for(var i=0;i<10;i++) { retour = this.Mine_a_faire(); Je_doit += '<div>'+doIt(retour) +'</div>'; if( this.builds[] = this.builds[] + retour.level_up; this.nb_planet = Math.floor((this.builds[124]+3)/2); } $('#header_text').after($('<div>',{id:'minesafaire'}).css({ marginTop:'30px', background:'rgba(0,0,0,.65)' }).html(Je_doit)); $('#minesafaire').find('div').css({ fontWeight:'bold', color:'white', margin:'0 0 5px 75px', textAlign:'left' }); } }; this.Gestion_energie = function(Reste_energie_actu, Conso_plus) { var Manque_energie = Conso_plus - Reste_energie_actu; var Cout_C_CES = new Build(4).getCost(this.builds[4] + 1).c; var Cout_C_CEF = 4 * new Build(12).getCost(this.builds[12] + 1).c; var Cout_C_NRJ = 2 / this.nb_planet * new Build(113).getCost(this.builds[113] + 1).c; var Nb_sat = Math.ceil(Manque_energie/Build.prodSat(1))+1; if( Nb_sat + this.builds[212] > this.level_max[212] ) Nb_sat = this.level_max[212] - this.builds[212]; var Cout_C_Sat = 2 * new Build(212).getCost(Nb_sat).c; var ProdEnergie = [],ProdUp = [],Renta = []; ProdEnergie[4] = Build.prodCES(this.builds[4]); ProdEnergie[12] = Build.prodCEF(this.builds[12],this.builds[113],this.builds['12_percent']); ProdUp[4] = Build.prodCES(this.builds[4]+1) - ProdEnergie[4]; ProdUp[12] = Build.prodCEF(this.builds[12]+1,this.builds[113],this.builds['12_percent']) - ProdEnergie[12]; ProdUp[113] = Build.prodCEF(this.builds[12],this.builds[113]+1,this.builds['12_percent']) - ProdEnergie[12]; ProdUp[212] = Build.prodSat(Nb_sat); if( this.builds[4] >= this.level_max[4]) Renta[4] = 0; else Renta[4] = ProdUp[4] / Cout_C_CES; if( this.builds[12] == 0 && this.builds[4] < 28 ) Renta[12] = 0; else Renta[12] = ProdUp[12] / Cout_C_CEF; if( Renta[4] * 10000 < 4 ) Renta[12] = ProdUp[12] / Cout_C_CEF; Renta[113] = ProdUp[113] / Cout_C_NRJ; if( Cout_C_Sat == 0 || (Nb_sat + this.builds[212]) > this.level_max[212] || Nb_sat < 0 ) Renta[212] = 0; else Renta[212] = ProdUp[212] / Cout_C_Sat; var reste_energie_apres = ''; var Energie_en_plus = 0; var id,level_up = 1; if( Renta[4] >= Renta[12] && Renta[4] >= Renta[113] && Renta[4] >= Renta[212] ) id = 4; else if( Renta[12] >= Renta[4] && Renta[12] >= Renta[113] && Renta[12] >= Renta[212] ) id = 12; else if( Renta[113] >= Renta[4] && Renta[113] >= Renta[12] && Renta[113] >= Renta[212] ) id = 113; else if( Renta[212] >= Renta[4] && Renta[212] >= Renta[12] && Renta[212] >= Renta[113] ) { id = 212; level_up = Nb_sat; } if(id) { Energie_en_plus = ProdUp[id]; reste_energie_apres = Reste_energie_actu + Energie_en_plus; } var P_CEF = pourcentCEF(Manque_energie, this.builds[12], this.builds[113], this.builds['12_percent']); var diff = Math.floor(10 * (P_CEF - this.builds['12_percent'])) / 10; if(diff) { reste_energie_apres = Conso_plus+Build.prodCEF(this.builds[12],this.builds[113],diff); id = '12_percent'; level_up = diff; } return {id:id,level_up:level_up,reste:reste_energie_apres}; }; this.Gestion_temps = function() { var Facteur_div_robo = (1 + this.builds[14] + (2)) / (1 + this.builds[14]); var Facteur_div_nanite = 2; var Cout_up_robo = Math.pow(1.3,this.builds[14]) * new Build(14).getCost(this.builds[15] + 1).c; var Cout_up_nanite = new Build(15).getCost(this.builds[15] + 1).c; var Renta = []; if( this.level_max[14] < this.builds[14] + 1 ) Renta[14] = 0; else Renta[14] = Facteur_div_robo / Cout_up_robo; if( this.level_max[15] < (this.builds[15] + 1) || this.builds[14] < 10 ) Renta[15] = 0; else Renta[15] = Facteur_div_nanite / Cout_up_nanite; if(Renta[14] || Renta[15]) { if( Renta[14] > Renta[15] ) return {build_id:14,level:(this.builds[14] + 1)}; else if( Renta[15] >= Renta[14] ) return {build_id:15,level:(this.builds[15] + 1)}; } return {build_id:null,build_level:null}; }; this.Mine_a_faire = function() { var cost_build = {}; $.each(Build.mines,function(i,v) { cost_build[v] = new Build(v).getCost(self.builds[v]+1); }); cost_build[122] = new Build(122).getCost(this.builds[122]+1); cost_build[124] = new Build(124).getCost(this.builds[124]+1); if(this.builds[124]%2) cost_build[124].add(new Build(124).getCost(this.builds[124]+2)); var CostPond = []; CostPond[1] = 1.5 * cost_build[1].c; CostPond[2] = 1.1 * cost_build[2].c; CostPond[3] = 2 * cost_build[3].c; CostPond[124] = cost_build[124].c * (3/2)/(this.nb_planet+1); CostPond[122] = 10*cost_build[122].c *2/this.nb_planet; var Temps_maxi = 999 * 24; var Conso_actu = []; $.each(Build.mines,function(i,v) { Conso_actu[v] = consoEnergie(v,self.builds[v]); }); var Conso_actu_total = Conso_actu[1] + Conso_actu[2] + Conso_actu[3]; var ProdNRJ = []; ProdNRJ[4] = Build.prodCES(this.builds[4]); ProdNRJ[12] = Build.prodCEF(this.builds[12],this.builds[113],this.builds['12_percent']); ProdNRJ[212] = Build.prodSat(this.builds[212]); var Prod_actu_total = ProdNRJ[4] + ProdNRJ[12] + ProdNRJ[212]; var Reste_energie_actu = Prod_actu_total - Conso_actu_total; var Temps; var Conso_en_plus; var id,level_up = 1; if( CostPond[1] <= CostPond[2] && CostPond[1] <= CostPond[3]) id = 1; else if( CostPond[3] < CostPond[1] && CostPond[3] <= CostPond[2] ) id = 3; else id = 2; Conso_en_plus = consoEnergie(id, this.builds[id]+1) - Conso_actu[id]; var reste_after = Reste_energie_actu - Conso_en_plus; //TODO a supprimer => BuildLevel.getTimeBuild function tempsConstruction(M_C, Robo, Nanite) { return (M_C) / 5000 * 2 / (Robo + 1) * Math.pow(0.5,Nanite) / eg.metas.get('universeSpeed'); } Temps = tempsConstruction(cost_build[id].m+cost_build[id].c, this.builds[14], this.builds[15]); if($.inArray(id,[1,2])>=0 && CostPond[122] <= CostPond[id]) id = 122; else if(CostPond[124] <= CostPond[id]) id = 124; if(id == 124 || id == 122) { reste_after = Reste_energie_actu; Temps = 0; } if( Temps > Temps_maxi ) { var data = this.Gestion_temps(); id =; level_up = data.level_up; } else { var P_CEF = pourcentCEF(-reste_after, this.builds[12], this.builds[113], this.builds['12_percent']); var diff = Math.floor(10*(P_CEF - this.builds['12_percent']))/10; if(diff) { reste_after = Reste_energie_actu-ProdNRJ[12]+Build.prodCEF(this.builds[12],this.builds[113],P_CEF); id = '12_percent'; level_up = diff; } else if(reste_after < 0 ) return this.Gestion_energie(Reste_energie_actu,Conso_en_plus); } return {id:id,level_up:level_up,reste:reste_after}; }; this.init(); } function Hidden() {} Hidden.prototype = { Selector: function (key) { return $('[type="hidden"][name="' + key + '"]'); }, exists: function (key) { return this.Selector(key).length; 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is_array = true; } $childrens.each(function() { var subArray = API.prototype.xml2array(this,this.tagName); var subTag = this.tagName; if($.inArray(tag,['techs','missions','planets','positions'])>=0) { if($.inArray(tag,['techs','missions'])>=0) data[] = subArray.value; else if(tag == 'planets') data[] = subArray; else if(tag == 'positions') data[subArray.type] = subArray; } else if(is_array) { var o = {}; o[subTag] = subArray; data.push(o); } else data[subTag] = subArray; }); } return data; }, callback: function(xml,name,params) { var data = this.xml2array(xml,name)[name];'api.'+name+(params?'.'+$.param(params):'')+'.lastupdate',$.now());'api.'+name+(params?'.'+$.param(params):''),data); }, check: function() { var self = this; $.each([ {deltaUpdate:8,name:'playerData',params:{id:eg.metas.get('playerId')}}, {deltaUpdate:24*6,name:'localization'}, {deltaUpdate:24*6,name:'serverData'} ],function(i,v) { var data = self.get(, v.params); if(($.now()-data.lastupdate)/(1000*3600) >= v.deltaUpdate) self.load(, v.params); }) }, load: function(name,params) { var self = this; $.ajax( { type: "GET", url: makeUrlAPI(name,params), dataType: "xml", success: function(xml) { self.callback(xml,name,params); } }); }, get: function(name,params) { return { lastupdate: eg.bdd.load('api.'+name+(params?'.'+$.param(params):'')+'.lastupdate',0), data: eg.bdd.load('api.'+name+(params?'.'+$.param(params):''),{}) }; }, dataLocalization: function() { return this.get('localization').data; }, dataServerData: function() { return this.get('serverData').data; } }; function Premium() { var self = this; $('#officers').find('a').each(function () { self[this.href.pick(/openDetail=([0-9]+)/)] = $(this).hasClass('on'); }); } Premium.prototype = { enabled: function (key) { if (key == 'commandant') key = '2'; else if (key == 'amiral') key = '3'; else if (key == 'ingenieur') key = '4'; else if (key == 'geologue') key = '5'; else if (key == 'technocrate') key = '6'; return this[key]; } }; try { var hidden = new Hidden(); if(eg.gbdd.load('dateinstallMaJ',0) == 0)'dateinstallMaJ',$.now()); if( == 'game') { Planets.update(); Technos.update(); var api = new API(); var premium = new Premium(); if(Planets.getUrlsInstall().length || Technos.getUrlInstall().length) { $(function() { var url = $.merge(Planets.getUrlsInstall(),Technos.getUrlInstall()); var timeactua = random(1300,3500); timeactua.toFixed(2); $('#menuTable').append('<li id="menuscript"></li>'); $('#menuscript').addStyle({ padding: '5px', width: '126px', height:'inherit', background: 'rgb(10, 13, 15)', 'border-radius': '5px', 'text-align':'center' }).html('Installation<br /><br />'+Math.round(10000*(Planets.nbUrlVisit())/(Planets.nbUrlVisitTotal()))/100+' %'); setTimeout(function() { window.location.replace(url[0]); },timeactua); }); } else { var fleet_manager = new FleetManager(); if(eg.bdd.load('hide_mmogame',1) == 1) { $('').addStyle({ backgroundPosition:'0% 0',margin: '0'}); $('#mmonetbar').addStyle('display','none'); $(' .contentBoxBody').addStyle('top','0'); } if(eg.bdd.load('hide_build_faster',1) == 1) $('.build-faster').addStyle('display','none'); 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alert(texte); }); }); } else if(page == 'galaxyContent') { if(!premium.enabled('commandant')) { var $galaxytable = $('#galaxytable'); var galaxy = toInt($'galaxy')); var system = toInt($'system')); var url_base = makeUrl('fleet1','galaxy='+galaxy+'&system='+system); $galaxytable.find('.row').each(function() { var $row = $(this); var $planet = $row.find('.microplanet'); var $debris = $row.find('.debris'); var $moon = $row.find('.moon'); var $player = $row.find('.playername'); var position = toInt($row.find('.position').html()); var recy = Math.min(toInt($debris.find('.debris-recyclers').html()),new Build(209).getValue()); if(recy) { var $debris_link = $debris.find('.ListLinks').find('a'); $debris_link.attr('href',url_base+'&position='+position+'&type=2&mission=8&am209='+recy); $debris_link.removeAttr('onclick'); } if($planet.length && !$player.hasClass('vacation') && !$player.hasClass('js_no_action') && !$player.hasClass('noob')) { var $planet_link = $planet.find('.ListLinks'); var $crach_link = $('<a>'); $crach_link.attr('href',url_base+'&position='+position+'&type=1&mission=1&am210=1'); $crach_link.html('Crach sonde'); $planet_link.append($crach_link); $planet_link.find('li:last').next().wrap('<li>'); if($moon.length) { var $moon_link = $moon.find('.ListLinks'); if($moon_link.length) { var $spy_link = $('<a>'); $ { window.sendShips(6,galaxy,system,position,3,10); return false; }).html('Espionner').attr('href','javascript:void(0);'); $moon_link.append($spy_link).find('li:last').next().wrap('<li>'); $crach_link = $('<a>'); $crach_link.attr('href',url_base+'&position='+position+'&type=3&mission=1&am210=1'); $crach_link.html('Crach sonde'); $moon_link.append($crach_link); $moon_link.find('li:last').next().wrap('<li>'); } } } }); } } else if($.inArray(page,['resources','shipyard','defense','research'])>=0) { $(function() { var build_id = $('[name="type"]','#detail').val(); var cost = new Build(build_id).getCost(1); var tab = [],max; $.each(Cost.key,function(i,v) { if(cost[v]) tab.push(Planets.Current().getResource(v).available/cost[v]); }); if(!tab.length) max = 0; else { max = tab[0]; var length = tab.length; for (var i = 1; i < length; i++) if (tab[i] < max) max = tab[i]; } max = Math.floor(max); var $number = $('#number'); if(!premium.enabled('commandant') && eg.bdd.load('show_button_max',1) == 1) { $('#costs .enter p br','#detail').after('[<a id="maxlink" class="tooltipRight tooltipRight" title="Nombre maximum" href="javascript:void(0);"></a>]'); $('#maxlink').html('max. '+max).click(function() { $number.val(max).trigger('change'); }); } $number.on('keyup change focus',function() { var index = 0; var local_cost = cost.clone().multiply($(this).val() || 1); var styles = local_cost.styles(Planets.Current().getAvailable()); $.each(Cost.key,function(i,v) { if(local_cost[v]) $('.cost:eq('+(index++)+')').html(AddPoint(local_cost[v])).css(styles[v]); }); $('#transpo_build').html(AddPoint(local_cost.usefulTransport())); }); var $action = $('#action'); var $li = $('<li>'); $li.html('Nombre de transporteur: '); var $span = $('<span>',{class:'time',id:'transpo_build'}); var level; if( == 'resources' && build_id != 212 || == 'research') { if( == 'research') level = Technos.get(build_id) + 1; else level = new Build(build_id).getValue() + 1; } else level = 1; var cost_level_next = new Build(build_id).getCost(level); $span.html(AddPoint(cost_level_next.usefulTransport())); $li.append($span); $action.find('ul').append($li); }); } }); fleet_page.init(); if( == 'resources') { new BuildSuggest(); $('.detail_button').click(function() { setTimeout(function() { if($('#detail').css('display') == 'none') $('#minesafaire').show(); else $('#minesafaire').hide(); },200); }); } $(function() { try { $(ActionManager); } catch(e) { eg.log(e,'ActionManager'); } if( == 'overview') { new Changelog(); stock_ress.init(); } }); } } } catch(e) { eg.log(e,'script'); } })( unsafeWindow|| window);