Al_Caughey / Google Meet Grid View & Attendance

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Google Meet Grid View & Attendance
// @namespace
// @version      0.1.2
// @description  Builds upon Chris Gamble's Grid View script to register whether or not invitees actually joined the Meet
// @author       Al Caughey
// @include*
// @grant        none
// @license      MIT
// @run-at       document-idle
// ==/UserScript==

// see for Chris' original Grid View script
// My enhancements are prefaced by a comment with my name
// currrently using Google Meet Grid View v1.14 

;(function() {
  // Translations
  const translations = {
    ca: {
      showOnlyVideo: 'Mostra només els participants amb video',
      highlightSpeaker: 'Ressalta el que parla',
      includeOwnVideo: 'Inclou el meu video a la graella',
    de: {
      showOnlyVideo: 'Nur Teilnehmer mit Video anzeigen',
      highlightSpeaker: 'Sprecher hervorheben',
      includeOwnVideo: 'Mich im Raster anzeigen',
    en: {
      showOnlyVideo: 'Only show participants with video',
      highlightSpeaker: 'Highlight speakers',
      includeOwnVideo: 'Include yourself in the grid',
    es: {
      showOnlyVideo: 'Unicamente mostrar participantes con video',
      highlightSpeaker: 'Resaltar participantes',
      includeOwnVideo: 'Incluir mi video en el grid',
    fr: {
      showOnlyVideo: 'Ne montrer que les participants avec caméra',
      highlightSpeaker: 'Surligner ceux qui parlent',
      includeOwnVideo: 'Vous inclure dans la grille',
    hr: {
      showOnlyVideo: 'Prikaži samo sudionike sa kamerom',
      highlightSpeaker: 'Naglasi govornike',
      includeOwnVideo: 'Uključi sebe u mrežnom prikazu',
    it: {
      showOnlyVideo: 'Mostra solo i partecipanti con la fotocamera attiva',
      highlightSpeaker: 'Illumina chi sta parlando',
      includeOwnVideo: 'Includi te stesso nella griglia',
    nl: {
      showOnlyVideo: 'Toon alleen deelnemers met video',
      highlightSpeaker: 'Highlight sprekers',
      includeOwnVideo: 'Toon jezelf in het raster',
    pl: {
      showOnlyVideo: 'Pokaż tylko uczestników z wideo',
      highlightSpeaker: 'Wyróżnij osobę prezentującą',
      includeOwnVideo: 'Uwzględnij siebie',
    pt: {
      showOnlyVideo: 'Mostrar somente participantes com vídeo',
      highlightSpeaker: 'Destacar quem está falando',
      includeOwnVideo: 'Incluir meu vídeo no grid',
    sv: {
      showOnlyVideo: 'Visa endast deltagare med video',
      highlightSpeaker: 'Markera/följ talare',
      includeOwnVideo: 'Inkludera mig i rutnätet',
    zh: {
      showOnlyVideo: '仅显示有视讯的与会者',
      highlightSpeaker: '强调发言者',
      includeOwnVideo: '将自己的视讯显示于网格中',
    'zh-TW': {
      showOnlyVideo: '僅顯示有視訊的與會者',
      highlightSpeaker: '強調發言者',
      includeOwnVideo: '將自己的視訊顯示於網格中',
  const T = key =>
      .map(l => (translations[l] && translations[l][key]) || (translations[l.split('-')[0]] && translations[l.split('-')[0]][key]))
      .find(t => t)

  // SVGs
  const gridOff =
    '<path fill="currentColor" d="M0,2.77L1.28,1.5L22.5,22.72L21.23,24L19.23,22H4C2.92,22 2,21.1 2,20V4.77L0,2.77M10,4V7.68L8,5.68V4H6.32L4.32,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V19.7L20,17.7V16H18.32L16.32,14H20V10H16V13.68L14,11.68V10H12.32L10.32,8H14V4H10M16,4V8H20V4H16M16,20H17.23L16,18.77V20M4,8H5.23L4,6.77V8M10,14H11.23L10,12.77V14M14,20V16.77L13.23,16H10V20H14M8,20V16H4V20H8M8,14V10.77L7.23,10H4V14H8Z" />'
  const gridOn =
    '<path fill="currentColor" d="M10,4V8H14V4H10M16,4V8H20V4H16M16,10V14H20V10H16M16,16V20H20V16H16M14,20V16H10V20H14M8,20V16H4V20H8M8,14V10H4V14H8M8,8V4H4V8H8M10,14H14V10H10V14M4,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V20A2,2 0 0,1 20,22H4C2.92,22 2,21.1 2,20V4A2,2 0 0,1 4,2Z" />'

  // Create the styles we need
  const s = document.createElement('style')
  s.innerText = `
    .__gmgv-vid-container {
      display: grid;
      grid-auto-rows: 1fr;
      top: 50px !important;
      right: 2px !important;
      left: 2px !important;
      bottom: 2px !important;
    .__gmgv-vid-container.__gmgv-chat-enabled {
      right: 325px !important;
    .__gmgv-vid-container > div {
      position: relative !important;
      margin-top: 0 !important;
      top: 0 !important;
      left: 0 !important;
      height: 100% !important;
      width: 100% !important;
      background: 0 0 !important;
    .__gmgv-vid-container > div:after {
      content: "";
      display: block;
      position: absolute;
      top: 0;
      left: 0;
      right: 0;
      bottom: 0;
      border: 0.4em solid #64ffda;
      box-sizing: border-box;

      transition: opacity 300ms linear 500ms;
      opacity: 0;
    .__gmgv-vid-container > div.__gmgv-speaking:after {
      transition: opacity 60ms linear;
      opacity: 1;
    .__gmgv-button {
      overflow: visible !important;
    .__gmgv-button > div {
      box-sizing: border-box;
      display: none;
      position: absolute;
      top: 40px;
      left: 0;
      width: 300px;
      padding: 12px;
      background: white;
      border-radius: 0 0 0 8px;
      text-align: left;
      cursor: auto;
    .__gmgv-button:hover > div {
      display: block;
    .__gmgv-button > div label {
      display: block;
      line-height: 24px;
      cursor: pointer;
      bottom: 88px;
    #Attendance-div p{
      border-radius: 4px 0 0 0 ;
      padding:0 0 0 4px;
    #Attendance-div p span{
      cursor: pointer;
      margin: 0 4px;
      opacity: .75;
      white-space: nowrap;
    #Attendance-div.empty, #Attendance-div:hover, #Attendance-div p span:hover {
      opacity: 1;
    .empty #Attendance-List, #Attendance-div:hover #Attendance-List {
      max-height: calc( 100% - 144px);
      transition: height 0.5s ease-out;
    #Attendance-List:focus {
      max-height: calc( 100% - 144px);
      width: 228px;

  //Al Caughey - create a text field where you can paste the list of invitees
  // if nothing is entered into the field, the list of attendees will be automatically appended (with designation `not invited`)
  const atd = document.createElement("div");
  document.body.appendChild(atd) = "Attendance-div";
  const atp = document.createElement("p");
  atp.innerHTML='Class List'
  const atb1 = document.createElement("span");
  atb1.title='Clear the attendance checks'
  const atb2 = document.createElement("span");
  atb2.title='Clear this field'

  const atl = document.createElement("textarea"); = "Attendance-List";
  atl.cols = "14";
  atl.rows = "32";
  atl.placeholder="Paste your class list here..."

  // Variables
  let runInterval = null
  let container = null
  let toggleButtonSVG = null
  let pinnedIndex = -1
  let showOnlyVideo = localStorage.getItem('gmgv-show-only-video') === 'true'
  let highlightSpeaker = localStorage.getItem('gmgv-highlight-speaker') === 'true'
  let includeOwnVideo = localStorage.getItem('gmgv-include-own-video') === 'true'
  //Al Caughey - define array to record who attended & set oldn to zero to detect number of attendees
  let attendees=[]
  let oldn=0
  // This continually probes the number of participants & screen size to ensure videos are max possible size regardless of window layout
  const gridUpdateLoop = () => {
    const w = innerWidth / 16
    const h = (innerHeight - 48) / 9
    let n = container.children.length
  //Al Caughey - exit if the number of participants has not changed
    if (oldn===n) return
    if (pinnedIndex >= 0 && pinnedIndex < n) {
      // Simulate having an extra quarter of videos so we can dedicate a quarter to the pinned video
      n = Math.ceil((4 / 3) * (n - 1))
    let size = 0
    let col
    for (col = 1; col < 9; col++) {
      let s = Math.min(w / col, h / Math.ceil(n / col))
      if (s < size) {
      size = s
    } = `repeat(${col}, 1fr)`
    for (let v of container.children) {
	  // Al Caughey - add new attendees to the array
      if(!attendees.includes(v.innerText)) attendees.push(v.innerText)
      if (+v.dataset.allocationIndex === pinnedIndex) {
        const span = Math.ceil(col / 2) = -1 = `span ${span} / span ${span}`
      } else { = v.dataset.allocationIndex = ''

    //Al Caughey - when the number of attendees changes, iterate through the list and
    // update the contents of the Attendee List field
    // append just `joined` if the name appears in the list
    // add 'not invited?!?' otherwise
    console.log('number of attendees changed', n)
    var textarea = document.getElementById("Attendance-List");
    let tal=textarea.value
    let tallc=tal.toLowerCase()
    for (let aa of attendees){
        let lc=aa.toLowerCase()
        if(lc=='you' || lc.indexOf('presenting')>0 || lc.indexOf('presentation')>0) continue
            console.log(aa + ' joined (unexpectedly)')
            tal+='\n? '+aa + ' (not invited?!?)'
        else if(tallc.indexOf('? '+ lc)>=0){
            continue // already uninvited
        else if(tallc.indexOf('✔ '+ lc)>=0){
            continue // already marked present
         else if(tallc.indexOf('✔ '+ lc)==-1){
            const pattern=new RegExp(aa, 'i')
            console.log(aa + ' joined (as expected)', pattern)
            tal=tal.replace(pattern,'✔ '+aa)
            console.log('WTF - ' + aa)
    //Al Caughey - update the list and trigger the change event
    // (so that the empty class is removed and the field is minimized)
    textarea.value=tal.trim().replace('✔ ✔ ','✔ ')
  //Al Caughey - function to check whether the Attendance List is empty or not
  const listChanged = () => {
      var textarea = document.getElementById("Attendance-List");
      let ct=textarea.value
      ct.trim()=='' ? atd.classList.add('empty') : atd.classList.remove('empty')
  //Al Caughey - function to clear those who are marked present
  const clearPresent = () => {
      var textarea = document.getElementById("Attendance-List");
      let ct=textarea.value
      textarea.value=ct.replace(/[✔\?] /g,'')

  //Al Caughey - function to the list of attendees
  const clearList= () => {

  // Define run functions
  const disableGrid = () => {
    runInterval = null
    toggleButtonSVG.innerHTML = gridOff
  const enableGrid = () => {
    if (runInterval) clearInterval(runInterval)
    runInterval = setInterval(gridUpdateLoop, 250)
    toggleButtonSVG.innerHTML = gridOn
  const toggleGrid = () => {
    runInterval ? disableGrid() : enableGrid()

  // Make the button to perform the toggle
  // This runs on a loop since you can join/leave the meeting repeatedly without changing the page
  setInterval(() => {
    // Find the UI elements we need to modify. If they don't exist we haven't entered the meeting yet and will try again later
    const participantVideo = document.querySelector('[data-allocation-index]')
    const _container = participantVideo && participantVideo.parentElement
    if (_container && _container !== container) {
      container = _container
      if (runInterval) enableGrid() // When someone starts a presentation `container` will change under us, so we need to restart the grid

    const ownVideoPreview = document.querySelector('[data-fps-request-screencast-cap]')
    const buttons = ownVideoPreview && ownVideoPreview.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement
    if (buttons && !buttons.__grid_ran) {
      buttons.__grid_ran = true

      // Find the button container element and copy the divider

      // Add our button to to enable/disable the grid
      const toggleButton = document.createElement('div')
      toggleButton.classList = buttons.children[1].classList
      toggleButton.classList.add('__gmgv-button') = 'flex'
      toggleButton.onclick = toggleGrid

      toggleButtonSVG = document.createElementNS('', 'svg') = '24px' = '24px'
      toggleButtonSVG.setAttribute('viewBox', '0 0 24 24')
      toggleButtonSVG.innerHTML = gridOff

      // Add checkboxes for all our additional options
      const additionalOptions = document.createElement('div')
      additionalOptions.onclick = e => e.stopPropagation()

      const showOnlyVideoL = document.createElement('label')
      const showOnlyVideoI = document.createElement('input')
      showOnlyVideoI.type = 'checkbox'
      showOnlyVideoI.checked = showOnlyVideo
      showOnlyVideoI.onchange = e => {
        showOnlyVideo =
        localStorage.setItem('gmgv-show-only-video', showOnlyVideo)
      showOnlyVideoL.innerText = T('showOnlyVideo')

      const highlightSpeakerL = document.createElement('label')
      const highlightSpeakerI = document.createElement('input')
      highlightSpeakerI.type = 'checkbox'
      highlightSpeakerI.checked = highlightSpeaker
      highlightSpeakerI.onchange = e => {
        highlightSpeaker =
        localStorage.setItem('gmgv-highlight-speaker', highlightSpeaker)
      highlightSpeakerL.innerText = T('highlightSpeaker')

      const includeOwnVideoL = document.createElement('label')
      const includeOwnVideoI = document.createElement('input')
      includeOwnVideoI.type = 'checkbox'
      includeOwnVideoI.checked = includeOwnVideo
      includeOwnVideoI.onchange = e => {
        includeOwnVideo =
        localStorage.setItem('gmgv-include-own-video', includeOwnVideo)
      includeOwnVideoL.innerText = T('includeOwnVideo')

    // Find the functions inside google meets code that we need to override for our functionality
    // Notably we're looking for the function that handles video layout, and the function that detects volume
    // This code is fairly hairy but basically just iterates through all the exposed functions until we find the
    // ones that roughly match the code we're looking for by running regexs on the function source code.
    // We can then parse that code to get variable names out and use javascript Proxys to override them.
    if (window.default_MeetingsUi) {
      let m

      //Al Caughey - attached the onchange function to the Attendance List field
      document.getElementById("Attendance-List").onchange= listChanged
      //Al Caughey - attached the onclicks to the buttons
      atb1.onclick = clearPresent
      atb2.onclick = clearList
      for (let [_k, v] of Object.entries(window.default_MeetingsUi)) {
        if (v && v.prototype) {
          for (let k of Object.keys(v.prototype)) {
            const p = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(v.prototype, k)
            if (p && p.value && !v.prototype[k].__grid_ran) {
              // this.XX.get(_).YY(this._)
              m = /this\.([A-Za-z]+)\.get\([A-Za-z]+\)\.([A-Za-z]+)\(this\.[A-Za-z]+\)/.exec(p.value.toString())
              if (m) {
                console.log('[google-meet-grid-view] Successfully hooked into rendering pipeline', v.prototype[k])
                const p = new Proxy(v.prototype[k], RefreshVideoProxyHandler(m[1], m[2]))
                p.__grid_ran = true
                v.prototype[k] = p

              // this.XX.getVolume()
              m = /this\.([A-Za-z]+)\.getVolume\(\)/.exec(p.value.toString())
              if (m) {
                console.log('[google-meet-grid-view] Successfully hooked into volume detection', v.prototype[k])
                const p = new Proxy(v.prototype[k], VolumeDetectionProxyHandler(m[1]))
                p.__grid_ran = true
                v.prototype[k] = p
        if (v && typeof v === 'function' && !v.__grid_ran) {
          m = /function\(a,b,c\){return!0===c\?/.exec(v.toString())
          if (m) {
            console.log('[google-meet-grid-view] Successfully hooked into chat toggle', v)
            const p = new Proxy(v, ToggleProxyHandler())
            p.__grid_ran = true
            window.default_MeetingsUi[_k] = p
  }, 250)

  // This overrides the function that handles laying out video.
  // All we do here is install another proxy on the Map that returns which layout to use
  function RefreshVideoProxyHandler(objKey, funcKey) {
    return {
      apply: function(target, thisArg, argumentsList) {
        if (!thisArg[objKey].__grid_ran) {
          const p = new Proxy(thisArg[objKey], LayoutVideoProxyHandler(thisArg, funcKey))
          p.__grid_ran = true
          thisArg[objKey] = p
        return target.apply(thisArg, argumentsList)

  // This overrides the Map that returns which layout to use, as called by the above Proxy
  // If grid view is enabled we always try to call our custom layout function.
  // If our layout function errors, or grid view is disabled, we return the actual function.
  function LayoutVideoProxyHandler(parent, funcKey) {
    return {
      get: function(target, name) {
        let ret = Reflect.get(target, name)
        if (typeof ret === 'function') {
          ret = ret.bind(target)

        if (runInterval && name == 'get') {
          return idx => ({
            [funcKey]: input => {
              try {
                return, input)
              } catch (e) {
                return ret(idx)[funcKey](input)

        return ret

  // This overrides the volume detection code that powers the wiggly bars next to each participant's name
  // We still call the underlying function, but if grid view is enabled we also add or remove a class to the
  // video container depending on volume level. This allows us to add visual effects like a border.
  function VolumeDetectionProxyHandler(objKey) {
    return {
      apply: function(target, thisArg, argumentsList) {
        if (!thisArg.isDisposed()) {
          if (!thisArg.__grid_videoElem) {
            for (let v of Object.values(thisArg)) {
              if (v instanceof HTMLElement) {
                thisArg.__grid_videoElem = v.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement
          if (thisArg.__grid_videoElem.dataset.allocationIndex) {
            if (thisArg[objKey].getVolume() > 0 && runInterval && highlightSpeaker) {
            } else {
        return target.apply(thisArg, argumentsList)

  function ToggleProxyHandler() {
    return {
      apply: function(target, thisArg, argumentsList) {
        if (argumentsList.length === 3 && container) {
          const elems = Object.values(argumentsList[0])
            .filter(v => Array.isArray(v))
            .filter(v => v instanceof HTMLElement)
          const v = argumentsList[2]
          if (elems.length === 1) {
            const el = elems[0]
            if (el.parentElement === container.parentElement.parentElement && el.clientWidth === 320) {
              container.classList.toggle('__gmgv-chat-enabled', v)
        return target.apply(thisArg, argumentsList)

  // This is a custom layout function to power grid view.
  // Notably it forces every participant to load (or just those with video in only-video mode)
  // and consistently sorts by participant name (rather than who has talked last)
  function GridLayout(orderingInput) {
    // Extract constructors from the Meets code
    const VideoList = orderingInput.constructor
    const VideoElem = Object.values(window.default_MeetingsUi)
      .filter(i => typeof i === 'function')
      .filter(i => i.toString().includes('.attribution'))[0]

    // Figure out what field of VideoElem is used to store the participant data
    const magicKey = Object.entries(new VideoElem(999)).find(e => e[1] === 999)[0]

    // Convert participant data to a VideoElem and add to the list
    // but only if it hasn't already been added. Also run a callback if provided.
    const addUniqueVideoElem = (a, b, c) => {
      if (b && !a.some(e => e[magicKey] === b)) {
        const d = new VideoElem(b, { attribution: true })
        if (c) c(d)

    // Convience function
    const isSpacesStr = i => typeof i === 'string' && i.startsWith('spaces/')

    // This allows us to set values without knowing the property key
    // Important because the keys keep changing but the types don't.
    // magicSet(true) enables the "You're presenting to everyone" screen
    // magicSet(1 || 2) ensures multiple screens can be shown. Unsure the difference between 1 and 2
    const magicSet = val => {
      return elem => {
        for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(elem)) {
          if (typeof v === typeof val && k !== 'attribution') {
            elem[k] = val

    // Finds the listing of map keys, and the object that contains it
    let videoKeys, importantObject
    for (let v of Object.values(this)) {
      if (v && typeof v === 'object') {
        for (let vv of Object.values(v)) {
          if (Array.isArray(vv) && vv.length && vv.every(isSpacesStr)) {
            if (videoKeys && vv != videoKeys) {
              console.log('Invalid videoKeys search!', videoKeys, vv)
              throw new Error('Failed')
            } else {
              videoKeys = vv
              importantObject = v
    if (!importantObject) {
      throw new Error('No other participants, using default layout')

    // Reusing the object we found earlier, find the map of participant data
    let videoMap
    for (let v of Object.values(importantObject)) {
      if (v instanceof Map && v.size && Array.from(v.keys()).every(isSpacesStr)) {
        videoMap = v

    // Find our own participant data
    let ownVideo = null
    for (let v of Object.values(importantObject)) {
      if (v && typeof v === 'object' && v.$goog_Thenable) {
        for (let vv of Object.values(v)) {
          if (isSpacesStr(vv)) {
            ownVideo = videoMap.get(vv) || null

    // Use the map & map keys we found earlier to add every participant
    let ret = []
    for (const v of videoKeys) {
      addUniqueVideoElem(ret, videoMap.get(v), magicSet(2))
    if (includeOwnVideo) {
      addUniqueVideoElem(ret, ownVideo, magicSet(2))

    // If in only-video mode, remove any without video
    if (showOnlyVideo) {
      // ret[idx][magicKey].wr.Aa.Aa.Ca.Ea.Ws.Ea.state // mu (no) li (yes)
      const tests = [/\.call\(this\)/, /\.call\(this,.*,"a"\)/, /new Set;this\.\w+=new _/, /new Map.*new Set/, /"un".*"li"/, /new Map/, /Object/]
      ret = ret.filter(e => {
        let values = [e[magicKey]]
        for (let t of tests) {
          let newValues = []
          for (let v of values) {
            newValues = newValues.concat(Object.values(v).filter(vv => vv && vv.constructor && t.test(vv.constructor.toString())))
          values = newValues
        return values.some(v => v && v.state && v.state === 'li')

    // If there are no participants, add ourselves
    if (!ret.length) {
      addUniqueVideoElem(ret, ownVideo)

    // sort by participant name, or video id if the name is the same (when someone is presenting)
    ret.sort((a, b) => a[magicKey].name.localeCompare(b[magicKey].name) || a[magicKey].id.localeCompare(b[magicKey].id))

    // Set Pinned Index for use in CSS loop. If there is no pin, use the presenter if available
    pinnedIndex = ret.findIndex(v => v[magicKey].isPinned())
    if (pinnedIndex < 0) {
      pinnedIndex = ret.findIndex(v => !!v[magicKey].parent)

    // Build a video list from the ordered output
    return new VideoList(ret)