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'use strict'; // ==UserScript== // @name Dislike Estimator // @description Estimates the number of dislikes on a YouTube video // @version 1.1 // @author AUser0 // @match* // @grant none // @updateURL // @downloadURL // @require // @namespace // @license GPL-3.0-or-later // ==/UserScript== const prcTotalReactions = 3; // Average percent of people who like or dislike the video const prcRandomDislikes = 0.25; // There is always that someone who dislikes the video for no reason // Don't change anything below unless you know what you are doing. window.addEventListener('load', function () { estimateDislikes(); }); function estimateDislikes() { try { const dBtn = $('#top-level-buttons-computed ytd-toggle-button-renderer:eq(1) a yt-formatted-string')[0]; // Find the dislike element let amtLikes = $('#top-level-buttons-computed ytd-toggle-button-renderer:eq(0) a yt-formatted-string')[0].ariaLabel.replace(/\,/g, "").replace(/\./g, ""); // Find the amount of likes if (!isInteger(amtLikes)) { // When the amount of likes is more than 1000 const regex = /([+-]?(?=\.\d|\d)(?:\d+)?(?:\.?\d*))(?:[eE]([+-]?\d+))?/i; const match = regex.exec(amtLikes); if (match != null) { amtLikes = Number(match[0]); } } const amtViews = $(".view-count")[0].innerText.replace(" ", " ").split(" ")[0].replace(/\,/g, "").replace(/\./g, ""); // Find the amount of views let estDislikes = (amtViews * prcTotalReactions / 100) - amtLikes; if (estDislikes < 0) { estDislikes = 0; } estDislikes += Math.ceil(amtViews * prcRandomDislikes / 100); let estDislikesStr = Math.round(estDislikes); if (estDislikes >= 1000000) { estDislikesStr = `${Math.round(estDislikes / 1000000)}M`; } else if (estDislikes >= 1000) { estDislikesStr = `${Math.round(estDislikes / 1000)}k`; } dBtn.innerText = estDislikesStr; setLikeBar(amtLikes, estDislikes); } catch (e) {} setTimeout(estimateDislikes, 1000); } function setLikeBar(amtLikes, amtDislikes) { // Adding a likebar const likebarWidth = $("#top-level-buttons-computed").children()[0].clientWidth + $("#top-level-buttons-computed").children()[1].clientWidth + 6; const likeBar = ` <ytd-sentiment-bar-renderer id="sentiment" class="style-scope ytd-video-primary-info-renderer" system-icons="" style="width: ${likebarWidth}px"> <div id="like-bar" class="style-scope ytd-sentiment-bar-renderer"</div> </div> <tp-yt-paper-tooltip position="top" class="style-scope ytd-sentiment-bar-renderer" role="tooltip" tabindex="-1"> <div id="tooltip" class="style-scope tp-yt-paper-tooltip"> </div> </tp-yt-paper-tooltip> </ytd-sentiment-bar-renderer>`; $("#sentiment")[0].outerHTML = likeBar; const likeRatio = (amtLikes / (amtLikes + amtDislikes)) * 100; $("#like-bar").css("width", `${likeRatio}%`); } function isInteger(value) { return /^\d+$/.test(value); }