AIMGamesDaler / Myoot

// ==UserScript==
// @name        Myoot
// @description Prevents any stray audio clips from automatically playing on AIM games.
// @namespace
// @include*
// @version     1.9
// @icon
// ==/UserScript==
var loaded = false;
var poster = [];
var clips_stopped = 0;

if (!loaded) {
    for (var mute = 0; mute < document.getElementsByTagName('audio').length; mute++) {
        document.getElementsByTagName('audio')[mute].muted = 1; //mute
        document.getElementsByTagName('audio')[mute].loop = false; //disable loop
        try { //no way to be sure with html
            poster[mute] = document.getElementsByTagName('audio')[mute].parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.children[0].children[0].children[1].children[0].children[0].children[0].innerHTML;
        } catch (err) {
            console.log('audio ' + mute + ' not in post');

loaded = true;
console.log(clips_stopped + ' clips stopped!');
if (clips_stopped == 1 && poster.length > 0) { // not in a preview page and audio is in a spoiler
    window.alert(clips_stopped + ' clips stopped!\nThe URL for the clip is: ' + document.getElementsByTagName('audio')[0].currentSrc + '\nThe asshole cunt dickbag motherfucker is: ' + poster[0]);
} else if (clips_stopped > 1 && poster.length > 0) { // not in a preview page and audio is in a spoiler
    var asshole_dickbag_cunt_motherfucker = '';
    for (var i in poster) { // add every dickbag motherfucker to the list
        asshole_dickbag_cunt_motherfucker += poster[mute];
        if (i != poster.length)
            asshole_dickbag_cunt_motherfucker += ', '; // make it look shiny
    window.alert(clips_stopped + ' clips stopped!\nThe URL for the first clip is: ' + document.getElementsByTagName('audio')[0].currentSrc + '\nThe asshole cunt dickbag motherfuckers are: ' + asshole_dickbag_cunt_motherfucker);
} else if (clips_stopped > 1) { // in a preview page or audio isn't in a spoiler
    window.alert(clips_stopped + " clips stopped! Couldn't automatically identify the asshat.");
} else {