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// ==UserScript== // @name Canvas Unlimited Quiz Helper // @namespace // @version 0.1 // @description easily finish unlimited attempt quizzes on Canvas // @author Alon Jacobson // @include*/quizzes/* // @icon // @license MIT // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // ==/UserScript== function questionEltToData(e) { const header = e.querySelector(".header").children[0]; const isIncorrect = header.children.length >= 1; const questionName = isIncorrect ? header.childNodes[1].nodeValue : header.innerText; const id = e.querySelector(".display_question").id; const questionDesc = e.querySelector(".question_text").innerText; const answerElts = [...e.querySelector(".answers_wrapper").querySelectorAll(".select_answer")]; const answers = => ({ desc: answerElt.innerText.trim(), selected: answerElt.children[0].checked })); return { isIncorrect: isIncorrect, name: questionName, desc: questionDesc, answers: answers, id: id }; } function fillInAnswers(answersData) { for (const info of answersData) { const e = document.getElementById(; const selectedAnswersDescs = info.answers.filter(x => x.selected) .map(x => x.desc) const answersElts = e.querySelectorAll(".answer"); for (const answerElt of answersElts) { if (selectedAnswersDescs.includes(answerElt.innerText)) { if (info.isIncorrect) answerElt.querySelector("input").checked = true; else answerElt.querySelector("input").click(); } } const flagElt = e.querySelector(".flag_question"); const flagIsChecked = flagElt.getAttribute("aria-checked") == "true"; if (info.isIncorrect !== flagIsChecked) {; } } } (function() { const re = /(\d+)\/quizzes\/(\d+)/; const matches = window.location.href.match(re); if (matches === null) return; const answersID = "answersData" + matches[0] + "_" + matches[1]; const afterTakingQuiz = document.querySelector(".quiz_score") !== null; if (afterTakingQuiz) { // after quiz taken const canTakeAgain = document.getElementById("take_quiz_link") !== null; const questionsElts = [...document.querySelectorAll(".quiz_sortable")]; if (questionsElts.length > 0) { //canTakeAgain && console.log("can get data from previous attempt"); const button = document.createElement('button'); button.onclick = function() { const answersData =; const questionsDataString = JSON.stringify(answersData); GM_setValue(answersID, questionsDataString); }; button.innerHTML = 'save answers'; document.querySelector('.quiz-header').appendChild(button); } } else { // taking the quiz const questionsElts = [...document.querySelectorAll(".quiz_sortable")]; const answersDataString = GM_getValue(answersID); if (questionsElts.length > 0 ) {///&& answersDataString !== undefined const answersData = JSON.parse(answersDataString); const button = document.createElement('button'); button.onclick = function() { fillInAnswers(answersData); }; button.innerHTML = 'populate answers'; document.querySelector('.quiz-header').appendChild(button); } } })();