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// ==UserScript== // @name twitter-to-bsky // @version 0.11 // @description Crosspost from Twitter/X to Bluesky and Mastodon // @author 59de44955ebd // @license MIT // @namespace 59de44955ebd // @match* // @icon // @resource cross_icon // @grant GM_getResourceURL // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM_openInTab // @grant GM_notification // @updateURL // @downloadURL // @homepageURL // @supportURL // @run-at document-body // @inject-into page // ==/UserScript== /*jshint esversion: 8 */ (function() { 'use strict'; // Config const NAV_SELECTOR = 'header nav[role="navigation"]:not(.bsky-navbar)'; const POST_TOOLBAR_SELECTOR = 'div[data-testid="toolBar"] > nav:not(.bsky-toolbar)'; const POST_BUTTON_SELECTOR = 'div[data-testid="tweetButton"]:not(.bsky-button), div[data-testid="tweetButtonInline"]:not(.bsky-button)'; const POST_TEXT_AREA_SELECTOR = '[data-testid="tweetTextarea_0"]'; const POST_ATTACHMENTS_SELECTOR = '[data-testid="attachments"]'; const BSKY_PDS_URL = ''; const BSKY_IMAGE_MAX_BYTES = 1000000; // 10 MB const MASTODON_IMAGE_MAX_BYTES = 8000000; // 8 MB const MASTODON_VIDEO_MAX_BYTES = 40000000; // 40 MB const icon_url = GM_getResourceURL('cross_icon', false); const css = ` .bsky-nav { padding: 12px; cursor: pointer; } .bsky-nav a { width: 1.75rem; height: 1.75rem; background-image: url(${icon_url}); background-size: cover; display: block; } @media (min-width: 1265px) { .bsky-nav a:after { content: "Crosspost"; font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 20px; font-weight: 400; margin-left: 46px; color: rgb(15, 20, 25); } } @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { .bsky-nav a { filter: invert(1); } .bsky-nav a:after { font-weight: 500; } } .cross-checkbox { margin-left: 5px; } .cross-checkbox input { cursor: pointer; } .cross-checkbox span { font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: bold; font-size: 11px; cursor: pointer; } .cross-checkbox input:disabled, .cross-checkbox input:disabled + span { color: #ccc; cursor: default; } .bsky-settings { position: fixed; width: 280px; background: inherit; padding: 10px; border: 2px solid #0085FF; box-sizing: border-box; font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13.3333px } .bsky-settings fieldset { margin-bottom: 5px; padding-bottom: 2px; } .bsky-settings legend { font-size: 11px; font-weight: bold; margin-bottom: 5px; } .bsky-settings input[type="text"], .bsky-settings input[type="url"], .bsky-settings input[type="password"] { display: block; box-sizing: border-box; width: 100%; margin-bottom: 10px } .bsky-settings label { display: block; cursor: pointer; } .bsky-settings button { margin-top: 10px } `; // Mastodon stuff let mastodon_client = null; let mastodon_instance_url = GM_getValue('mastodon_instance_url', ''); let mastodon_api_key = GM_getValue('mastodon_api_key', ''); let mastodon_crosspost_enabled = mastodon_instance_url != '' && mastodon_api_key != ''; let mastodon_crosspost_checked = GM_getValue('mastodon_crosspost_checked', false); // Bluesky stuff let bsky_client = null; let bsky_handle = GM_getValue('bsky_handle', ''); let bsky_app_password = GM_getValue('bsky_app_password', ''); let bsky_session = GM_getValue('bsky_session', null); let bsky_crosspost_enabled = bsky_handle != '' && bsky_app_password != ''; let bsky_crosspost_checked = GM_getValue('bsky_crosspost_checked', false); let crosspost_show_notifications = GM_getValue('crosspost_show_notifications', true); let crosspost_open_tabs = GM_getValue('crosspost_open_tabs', false); let settings_div = null; let media_card = null; let is_cross_posted = false; const debug = function(...toLog) { console.debug('[BSKY]', ...toLog); }; const notify = function(message) { if (crosspost_show_notifications) { GM_notification(message, 'twitter-to-bsky', icon_url); } }; class Mastodon { // Parameters are optional constructor(mastodon_api_root_url, mastodon_api_key) { this._mastodon_api_root_url = mastodon_api_root_url; this._mastodon_api_key = mastodon_api_key; } set_credentials(mastodon_api_root_url, mastodon_api_key) { this._mastodon_api_root_url = mastodon_api_root_url; this._mastodon_api_key = mastodon_api_key; } async upload_image(image_url) { return fetch(image_url) .then(res => res.blob()) .then(blob => { if (blob.size > MASTODON_IMAGE_MAX_BYTES) { throw new Error(`Size of image ${} exceeds max. allowed size (${MASTODON_IMAGE_MAX_BYTES})`); } const formData = new FormData(); formData.append('file', blob); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: 'POST', url: this._mastodon_api_root_url + '/api/v1/media', headers: { 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + this._mastodon_api_key, }, fetch: true, data: formData, onload: (response) => { const res = JSON.parse(response.responseText); if (res.error) { reject(res.error); } resolve(res); }, onerror: reject, }); }); }); } async upload_video(video_object) { return fetch(video_object.currentSrc) .then(res => res.blob()) .then(blob => { if (blob.size > MASTODON_VIDEO_MAX_BYTES) { throw new Error(`Size of video ${} exceeds max. allowed size (${MASTODON_VIDEO_MAX_BYTES})`); } const formData = new FormData(); formData.append('file', blob); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: 'POST', url: this._mastodon_api_root_url + '/api/v1/media', headers: { 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + this._mastodon_api_key, }, fetch: true, data: formData, onload: (response) => { const res = JSON.parse(response.responseText); if (res.error) { reject(res.error); } resolve(res); }, onerror: reject, }); }); }); } async create_post(post_text, media_ids) { const post = { status: post_text, }; if (media_ids && media_ids.length) { post.media_ids = media_ids; } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "POST", url: this._mastodon_api_root_url + '/api/v1/statuses', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + this._mastodon_api_key, }, fetch: true, data: JSON.stringify(post), onload: (response) => { const res = JSON.parse(response.responseText); if (res.error) { reject(res.error); } resolve(res); }, onerror: reject, }); }); } } class BSKY { // All parameters are optional constructor(bsky_handle, bsky_app_password, bsky_session) { this._bsky_handle = bsky_handle; this._bsky_app_password = bsky_app_password; this._session = bsky_session; } set_credentials(bsky_handle, bsky_app_password) { this._bsky_handle = bsky_handle; this._bsky_app_password = bsky_app_password; this._session = null; } async login() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "POST", url: BSKY_PDS_URL + '/xrpc/com.atproto.server.createSession', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, data: JSON.stringify({ identifier: this._bsky_handle, password: this._bsky_app_password, }), onload: (response) => { const session = JSON.parse(response.responseText); if (session.error) { reject(session.message); } this._session = session; resolve(session); }, onerror: reject, }); }); } async refresh_session() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "POST", url: BSKY_PDS_URL + '/xrpc/com.atproto.server.refreshSession', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + this._session.refreshJwt, }, onload: (response) => { const session = JSON.parse(response.responseText); if (session.error) { reject(session.message); } this._session = session; resolve(session); }, onerror: reject, }); }); } // Utility function async verify_session() { if (this._session) { try { return await this.refresh_session(); } catch (err) { return await this.login(); } } else { return this.login(); } } async upload_image(image_url) { return fetch(image_url) .then(res => res.blob()) .then(blob => { if (blob.size > BSKY_IMAGE_MAX_BYTES) { throw new Error(`Size of image ${} exceeds max. allowed size (${BSKY_IMAGE_MAX_BYTES})`); } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "POST", url: BSKY_PDS_URL + '/xrpc/com.atproto.repo.uploadBlob', headers: { 'Content-Type': blob.type, 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + this._session.accessJwt, }, fetch: true, data: blob, onload: (response) => { const res = JSON.parse(response.responseText); if (res.error) { reject(res.message); } resolve(res); }, onerror: reject, }); }); }); } async create_post(post_text, post_images, post_embed) { const now = (new Date()).toISOString(); // Required fields that each post must include const post = { '$type': '', 'text': post_text, 'createdAt': now, }; if (post_images && post_images.images.length) { post.embed = post_images; } else if (post_embed) { post.embed = post_embed; } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "POST", url: BSKY_PDS_URL + '/xrpc/com.atproto.repo.createRecord', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + this._session.accessJwt, }, fetch: true, data: JSON.stringify({ repo: this._session.did, collection: '', record: post, }), onload: (response) => { const res = JSON.parse(response.responseText); if (res.error) { reject(res.message); } resolve(res); }, onerror: reject, }); }); } } /* * Adds new cross icon to navbar for changing crosspost settings. */ const extend_navbar = function(nav) { const a = document.createElement('a'); a.title = 'Crosspost Settings'; a.addEventListener('click', function() { if (settings_div) { document.body.removeChild(settings_div); settings_div = null; return; } const r = a.getBoundingClientRect(); settings_div = document.createElement('div'); settings_div.className = 'bsky-settings'; = `left:${r.right + 5}px;top:${}px;`; settings_div.innerHTML = ` <fieldset> <legend>Mastodon</legend> <input type="url" name="mastodon_instance_url" placeholder="Mastodon Instance URL" autocomplete="section-mastodon url" value="${mastodon_instance_url}"> <input type="password" name="mastodon_api_key" placeholder="Mastodon Access Token" autocomplete="section-mastodon current-password" value="${mastodon_api_key}"> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Bluesky</legend> <input type="text" name="bsky_handle" placeholder="Bluesky Handle" autocomplete="section-bsky username" value="${bsky_handle}"> <input type="password" name="bsky_app_password" placeholder="Bluesky App Password" autocomplete="section-bsky current-password" value="${bsky_app_password}"> </fieldset> <label><input type="checkbox" name="crosspost_show_notifications"${crosspost_show_notifications ? ' checked' : ''}>Show crosspost notifications?</label> <label><input type="checkbox" name="crosspost_open_tabs"${crosspost_open_tabs ? ' checked' : ''}>Open crossposts in new tab?</label> `; const btn = document.createElement('button'); btn.innerText = 'Save'; settings_div.appendChild(btn); btn.addEventListener('click', function() { mastodon_instance_url = settings_div.querySelector('[name="mastodon_instance_url"]').value; mastodon_api_key = settings_div.querySelector('[name="mastodon_api_key"]').value; bsky_handle = settings_div.querySelector('[name="bsky_handle"]').value; bsky_app_password = settings_div.querySelector('[name="bsky_app_password"]').value; crosspost_show_notifications = settings_div.querySelector('[name="crosspost_show_notifications"]').checked; crosspost_open_tabs = settings_div.querySelector('[name="crosspost_open_tabs"]').checked; document.body.removeChild(settings_div); settings_div = null; GM_setValue('mastodon_instance_url', mastodon_instance_url); GM_setValue('mastodon_api_key', mastodon_api_key); GM_setValue('bsky_handle', bsky_handle); GM_setValue('bsky_app_password', bsky_app_password); GM_setValue('crosspost_show_notifications', crosspost_show_notifications); GM_setValue('crosspost_open_tabs', crosspost_open_tabs); mastodon_client.set_credentials(mastodon_instance_url, mastodon_api_key); mastodon_crosspost_enabled = mastodon_instance_url != '' && mastodon_api_key != ''; // Update disabled state of all checkboxes for (let el of document.querySelectorAll('.mastodon-checkbox input')) { el.disabled = !mastodon_crosspost_enabled; } bsky_client.set_credentials(bsky_handle, bsky_app_password); bsky_crosspost_enabled = bsky_handle != '' && bsky_app_password != ''; // Update disabled state of all checkboxes for (let el of document.querySelectorAll('.bsky-checkbox input')) { el.disabled = !bsky_crosspost_enabled; } }); document.body.appendChild(settings_div); return false; }); const div = document.createElement('div'); div.className = 'bsky-nav'; div.appendChild(a); nav.appendChild(div); }; /* * Adds new Bluesky and Mastodon checkboxes to post toolbars */ const create_crosspost_checkboxes = function(toolbar) { const label_m = document.createElement('label'); label_m.className = 'cross-checkbox mastodon-checkbox'; label_m.title = 'Crosspost to Mastodon?'; const checkbox_m = document.createElement('input'); checkbox_m.type = 'checkbox'; checkbox_m.checked = mastodon_crosspost_checked; checkbox_m.disabled = !mastodon_crosspost_enabled; checkbox_m.addEventListener('click', function() { mastodon_crosspost_checked = this.checked; GM_setValue('mastodon_crosspost_checked', mastodon_crosspost_checked); for (let el of document.querySelectorAll('.mastodon-checkbox input')) { el.checked = mastodon_crosspost_checked; } }); label_m.appendChild(checkbox_m); const span_m = document.createElement('span'); span_m.innerText = 'Mastodon'; label_m.appendChild(span_m); toolbar.appendChild(label_m); const label_b = document.createElement('label'); label_b.className = 'cross-checkbox bsky-checkbox'; label_b.title = 'Crosspost to Bluesky?'; const checkbox_b = document.createElement('input'); checkbox_b.type = 'checkbox'; checkbox_b.checked = bsky_crosspost_checked; checkbox_b.disabled = !bsky_crosspost_enabled; checkbox_b.addEventListener('click', function() { bsky_crosspost_checked = this.checked; GM_setValue('bsky_crosspost_checked', bsky_crosspost_checked); for (let el of document.querySelectorAll('.bsky-checkbox input')) { el.checked = bsky_crosspost_checked; } }); label_b.appendChild(checkbox_b); const span_b = document.createElement('span'); span_b.innerText = 'Bluesky'; label_b.appendChild(span_b); toolbar.appendChild(label_b); }; /* * Intercepts post requests, possibly first posts to Mastodon and/or Bluesky, then to Twitter/X. */ const post_button_handler = async function(e) { debug('POST BUTTON clicked'); if (this.firstChild.getAttribute('aria-disabled')) { e.stopPropagation(); return; } if (!is_cross_posted && ((mastodon_crosspost_enabled && mastodon_crosspost_checked) || (bsky_crosspost_enabled && bsky_crosspost_checked))) { // First crosspost e.stopPropagation(); let post_text = ''; const div_text = document.querySelector(POST_TEXT_AREA_SELECTOR); if (div_text) { post_text = div_text.innerText; } // Mastodon if (mastodon_crosspost_enabled && mastodon_crosspost_checked) { try { // Get media attachments const media_ids = []; const div_attachments = document.querySelector(POST_ATTACHMENTS_SELECTOR); if (div_attachments) { const images = div_attachments.querySelectorAll('img'); if (images.length) { for (let img of images) { await mastodon_client.upload_image(img.src) .then((res) => { media_ids.push(; }); } } const videos = div_attachments.querySelectorAll('video'); if (videos.length) { for (let vid of videos) { await mastodon_client.upload_video(vid) .then((res) => { media_ids.push(; }); } } } debug('Posting to Mastodon...'); await mastodon_client.create_post(post_text, media_ids) .then((res) => { notify('Post was successfully crossposted to Mastodon'); if (crosspost_open_tabs && res.url) { GM_openInTab(res.url, {active: true}); } }); } catch (error) { debug(error); notify(`Error: crossposting to Mastodon failed: \n${error}`); } } // Bluesky if (bsky_crosspost_enabled && bsky_crosspost_checked) { const post_images = { '$type': 'app.bsky.embed.images', 'images': [], }; let post_card = null; try { await bsky_client.verify_session() .then((session) => { if (session.error) { throw new Error(session.message); } GM_setValue('bsky_session', session); }); // Get images const div_attachments = document.querySelector(POST_ATTACHMENTS_SELECTOR); if (div_attachments) { for (let img of div_attachments.querySelectorAll('img')) { await bsky_client.upload_image(img.src) .then((res) => { post_images.images.push({ alt: '', image: res.blob }); }); } } // Get card (Bluesky only allows either images or card) if (!post_images.images.length && media_card && post_text.includes(media_card.url)) { post_card = { '$type': 'app.bsky.embed.external', 'external': { uri: media_card.url, title: media_card.title, description: media_card.description, }, }; if (media_card.image) { await bsky_client.upload_image(media_card.image) .then((res) => { post_card.external.thumb = res.blob; // post_text = post_text.replace(media_card.url, ''); }); } } debug('Posting to Bluesky...'); await bsky_client.create_post(post_text, post_images, post_card) .then((res) => { notify('Post was successfully crossposted to Bluesky'); if (crosspost_open_tabs && res.uri) { GM_openInTab(`${bsky_handle}/post/` + res.uri.split('/').pop(), {active: true}); } }); } catch (error) { debug(error); notify(`Error: crossposting to Bluesky failed: \n${error.message}`); } } is_cross_posted = true; // Now forward click event to actually post on Twitter/X; } else { is_cross_posted = false; } }; GM_addStyle(css); /* * Observer that watches page for dynamic updates and injects elements and event handlers */ const pageObserver = new MutationObserver(() => { const navbar = document.querySelector(NAV_SELECTOR); if (navbar && !navbar.querySelector('.bsky-nav')) { debug('NAVBAR found'); navbar.classList.toggle('bsky-navbar', true); extend_navbar(navbar); } const toolbar = document.querySelector(POST_TOOLBAR_SELECTOR); if (toolbar) { debug('POST_TOOLBAR found'); toolbar.classList.toggle('bsky-toolbar', true); create_crosspost_checkboxes(toolbar); } const button = document.querySelector(POST_BUTTON_SELECTOR); if (button) { debug('POST_BUTTON found'); button.classList.toggle('bsky-button', true); button.addEventListener('click', post_button_handler, true); } }); pageObserver.observe(document.body, { childList: true, subtree: true }); mastodon_client = new Mastodon(mastodon_instance_url, mastodon_api_key); bsky_client = new BSKY(bsky_handle, bsky_app_password, bsky_session); // Hook into native XMLHttpRequest to capture card data unsafeWindow.XMLHttpRequest.prototype._open =; = function(...args) { if (args[1].includes('/cards/')) { this.addEventListener("readystatechange", function() { if (this.readyState === 4) { const res = JSON.parse(this.response); if (res.card) { media_card = { url: res.card.url, title: res.card.binding_values.title.string_value, description: res.card.binding_values.description.string_value, image: res.card.binding_values.thumbnail_image_original.image_value.url, }; } } }, false); } this._open(...args); }; })();