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// This was all not my code, I just edited the word replacement part // mozilla folks rejected it because performance issues, but were nice // and gave me replacement code to make it faster function xkcdMunge(doc) { var substitutions = { "Witnesses": "These dudes I know", "witnesses": "these dudes I know", "WITNESSES": "THESE DUDE I KNOW", "Allegedly": "Kinda probably", "allegedly": "kinda probably", "ALLEGEDLY": "KINDA PROBABLY", "New Study": "Tumblr Post", "new Study": "Tumblr Post", "New study": "Tumblr post", "NEW STUDY": "TUMBLR POST", "new study": "Tumblr post", "Rebuild": "Avenge", "rebuild": "avenge", "REBUILD": "AVENGE", "Space": "Spaaace", "space": "spaaace", "SPACE": "SPAACE", "Google Glass": "Virtual Boy", "Google glass": "Virtual boy", "google Glass": "virtual Boy", "google glass": "virtual boy", "GOOGLE GLASS": "VIRTUAL BOY", "Smartphone": "Pokédex", "smartphone": "pokédex", "SMARTPHONE": "POKÉDEX", "Electric": "Atomic", "electric": "atomic", "ELECTRIC": "ATOMIC", "Senator": "Elf-lord", "senator": "elf-lord", "SENATOR": "ELF-LORD", "Car": "Cat", "car": "cat", "CAR": "CAT", "Election": "Eating contest", "election": "eating contest", "ELECTION": "EATING CONTEST", "Congressional Leaders": "River Spirits", "Congressional leaders": "River spirits", "congressional Leaders": "river Spirits", "congressional leaders": "river spirits", "CONGRESSIONAL LEADERS": "RIVER SPIRITS", "Homeland Security": "Homestar Runner", "Homeland security": "Homestar runner", "homeland Security": "homestar Runner", "homeland security": "homestar runner", "HOMELAND SECURITY": "HOMESTAR RUNNER", "Could not be reached for comment": "Is guilty and everyone knows it", "could not be reached for comment": "is guilty and everyone knows it", "Debate": "Dance-off", "debate": "dance-off", "Self driving": "Uncontrollably swerving", "self driving": "uncontrollably swerving", "Poll": "Psychic reading", "poll": "psychic reading", "Candidate": "Airbender", "candidate": "airbender", "Drone": "Dog", "drone": "dog", "Vows to": "Probably won't", "vows to": "probably won't", "At large": "Very large", "at large": "very large", "Successfully": "Suddenly", "successfully": "suddenly", "Expands": "Physically expands", "expands": "physically expands", "First-degree": "Friggin' awful", "first-degree": "friggin' awful", "Second-degree": "Friggin' awful", "second-degree": "friggin' awful", "Third-degree": "Friggin' awful", "third-degree": "friggin' awful", "An unknown number": "Like hundreds", "an unknown number": "like hundreds", "Front runner": "Blade runner", "front runner": "blade runner", "Global": "Spherical", "global": "spherical", "Years": "Minutes", "years": "minutes", "Minutes": "Years", "minutes": "years", "No indication": "Lots of signs", "no indication": "lots of signs", "Urged restraint by": "Drunkenly egged on", "urged restraint by": "drunkenly egged on", "keyboard": "leopard", "Keyboard": "Leopard", "KEYBOARD": "LEOPARD", "force": "horse", "Force": "Horse", "FORCE": "HORSE", }; var xpath = "//text()[" + Object.keys(substitutions) .map(s => 'contains(., "' + s + '")') .join(" or ") + "]"; var pattern = RegExp("\\b(" + Object.keys(substitutions) .join("|") + ")\\b", "g"); for (let node in findXPath(xpath, doc.body || doc.documentElement)) node.textContent = node.textContent.replace(pattern, (m0, m1) => substitutions[m1]); function findXPath(expression, elem) { let doc = elem.ownerDocument || elem; let resolver = n => null; let iterator = doc.evaluate(expression, elem, resolver, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null); for (let i = 0; i < iterator.snapshotLength; i++) yield iterator.snapshotItem(i); } }