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// ==UserScript== // @namespace // @exclude * // @author Marker // ==UserLibrary== // @name Derpibooru Unified Userscript UI Utility // @description A simple userscript library for script authors to implement user-changeable settings on Derpibooru // @license MIT // @version 1.2.3 // ==/UserScript== // ==/UserLibrary== // Workaround for: // Error parsing header X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block; report= reporting URL // is not same scheme, host, and port as page at character position 22. The default protections will be applied. // // Failed to read the 'localStorage' property from 'Window': The document is sandboxed and lacks the 'allow-same-origin' flag. // // This error occurs when script is executed inside an iframe, such as when the userscript didn't include the @noframes imperative. if (window.self !== return; // Exit when inside iframe var ConfigManager = (function () { 'use strict'; const LIBRARY_NAME = 'Derpibooru Unified Userscript UI Utility'; const LIBRARY_ID = 'derpi_four_u'; const SETTINGS_PAGE = (document.querySelector('#js-setting-table') !== null); const SETTINGS_TAB_ID = 'userscript'; const CSS = ` /*** This style is generated by ${LIBRARY_NAME} ***/ .${LIBRARY_ID}__container .block__header__item span { font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; } .${LIBRARY_ID}--unsaved_warning { position: sticky; top: 0px; line-height: 2em; padding-top: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; margin-top: -7px; border-top-width: 0px; opacity: 1; transition-property: opacity; transition-duration: 0.2s; } .${LIBRARY_ID}--unsaved_warning.${LIBRARY_ID}--hidden { opacity: 0; } .${LIBRARY_ID}--reset_button { font-size: 13px; } .${LIBRARY_ID}__container .block__subheader legend { font-size: 14px; } .${LIBRARY_ID}__section__description { padding-bottom: 8px; } .${LIBRARY_ID}__entry>input.input { padding: 2px 6px; } .${LIBRARY_ID}__entry input { vertical-align: middle; } .${LIBRARY_ID}__entry label { vertical-align: middle; margin-right: 4px; } .${LIBRARY_ID}__radio-button-container span { margin: 0px 4px; } .${LIBRARY_ID}__radio-button-container input { margin-right: 4px } `; // ==Util Functions== /** Modified from * createElement() already taken, I dedicate this function name to */ function composeElement(obj) { /** * camelToDash('userId') => "user-id" */ function camelToDash(str) { return str.replace(/([a-zA-Z])(?=[A-Z])/g, '$1-').toLowerCase(); } let ele; if (obj.tag !== undefined) { ele = document.createElement(obj.tag); if (obj.attributes !== undefined) { for (const attr in obj.attributes) { if (obj.attributes.hasOwnProperty(attr)) { ele.setAttribute(camelToDash(attr), obj.attributes[attr]); } } } } else { ele = document.createDocumentFragment(); } if (obj.html !== undefined) ele.innerHTML = obj.html; if (obj.text) ele.appendChild(document.createTextNode(obj.text)); if (Array.isArray(obj.children)) { for (const child of obj.children) { ele.appendChild((child instanceof window.HTMLElement) ? child : composeElement(child)); } } return ele; } function getQueryVariable(key) { let i; const array ='&'); for (i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { if (key == array[i].split('=')[0]) return array[i].split('=')[1]; } } // ==!Util Functions== function validateIdentifier(string) { if (!(/^(?=[^\d])(?=\w)[a-zA-Z\d_-]+$/).test(string)) { throw Error(`"${string}" is not a valid identifier`); } } // function takes in an array of required property names // and throws exception if any of them is undefined in obj function validateParameters(requiredParams, obj) { const array = []; for (const param of requiredParams) { if (obj[param] === undefined) { array.push(param); } // additional dependency for radio and dropdown input type if ((param == 'radio' || param == 'dropdown') && (obj.selections === undefined || obj.selections.length <= 0)) { array.push('selections'); } } if (array.length > 0) { throw {type: 'missing params', arr: array, o: obj}; } } function initStorage() { if (!localStorage.getItem(LIBRARY_ID)) { const storage = {}; storage[LIBRARY_ID] = {}; setStorage(storage); } } function getStorage() { return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(LIBRARY_ID)); } function setStorage(obj) { localStorage.setItem(LIBRARY_ID, JSON.stringify(obj)); } function storeSettings(scriptId, key, value) { const storage = getStorage(); storage[scriptId][key] = value; setStorage(storage); } function retrieveSettings(scriptId, key) { const storage = getStorage(); return storage[scriptId][key]; } /** * Display warning when one or more inputs had been changed. */ function checkForUnsavedChanges() { const storage = getStorage(); const userscriptTabContent = document.querySelector(`[data-tab="${SETTINGS_TAB_ID}"]`); const scriptContainers = userscriptTabContent.querySelectorAll('[data-script-id]'); const warningBanner = document.querySelector(`.${LIBRARY_ID}--unsaved_warning`); let unsaved_changes = false; for (const container of scriptContainers) { const scriptId = container.dataset.scriptId; const inputElements = container.querySelectorAll('[data-entry-key]'); for (const input of inputElements) { const key = input.dataset.entryKey; const propType = input.dataset.entryPropertyType; const storedValue = storage[scriptId][key]; if (input[propType] !== storedValue) { unsaved_changes = true; break; // break out of loop early } } if (unsaved_changes) { break; } } if (unsaved_changes) { warningBanner.classList.remove(`${LIBRARY_ID}--hidden`); } else { warningBanner.classList.add(`${LIBRARY_ID}--hidden`); } } function bindSaveHandler(saveBtn) { saveBtn.addEventListener('click', function () { const storage = getStorage(); const userscriptTabContent = document.querySelector(`[data-tab="${SETTINGS_TAB_ID}"]`); const scriptContainers = userscriptTabContent.querySelectorAll('[data-script-id]'); for (const container of scriptContainers) { const scriptId = container.dataset.scriptId; const inputElements = container.querySelectorAll('[data-entry-key]'); for (const input of inputElements) { const key = input.dataset.entryKey; const propType = input.dataset.entryPropertyType; const inputValue = input[propType]; storage[scriptId][key] = inputValue; } } setStorage(storage); }); } function bindResetHandler(resetBtn) { resetBtn.addEventListener('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); const btn =; const scriptId = btn.dataset.scriptId; let selector = '[data-default-value]'; // modify selector to target only a single script container if (resetBtn.parentElement.dataset.resetAll !== '1') { selector = `.${LIBRARY_ID}__container[data-script-id="${scriptId}"] ${selector}`; } const userscriptTabContent = document.querySelector(`[data-tab="${SETTINGS_TAB_ID}"]`); const inputs = userscriptTabContent.querySelectorAll(selector); for (const input of inputs) { const propType = input.dataset.entryPropertyType; let defaultValue = input.dataset.defaultValue; // input[type="checkbox"] accepts boolean values, but data-default-value stores 'true' 'false' strings. if (propType == 'checked') { defaultValue = (defaultValue == 'true'); } // input[type="number"] uses valueAsNumber property for reading and storing values. if (propType == 'valueAsNumber') { defaultValue = Number.parseFloat(defaultValue); } input[propType] = defaultValue; } checkForUnsavedChanges(); }); } function initSettingsTab() { const userscriptTabContent = document.querySelector(`[data-tab="${SETTINGS_TAB_ID}"]`); const settingTable = document.querySelector('#js-setting-table'); if (!SETTINGS_PAGE || userscriptTabContent !== null) { return; } if (!document.getElementById(`${LIBRARY_ID}-style`)) { const styleElement = document.createElement('style'); styleElement.setAttribute('type', 'text/css'); = `${LIBRARY_ID}-style`; styleElement.innerHTML = CSS; document.body.insertAdjacentElement('afterend', styleElement); } // Create tab const tabHeader = composeElement({ tag: 'a', attributes: {dataClickTab: SETTINGS_TAB_ID, href: '#'}, text: 'Userscript' }); // Create tab content const tabContent = composeElement({ tag: 'div', attributes: {class: 'block__tab hidden', dataTab: SETTINGS_TAB_ID}, children: [{ tag: 'div', attributes: {class: 'block block--fixed block--primary flex'}, children: [{ tag: 'span', text: 'Settings on this tab are managed by installed userscripts and stored locally.' },{ tag: 'div', attributes: {class: `flex__right ${LIBRARY_ID}--reset_button`, dataResetAll: '1'}, children: [{ tag: 'a', attributes: {href: '#'}, text: 'Reset all settings' }] }] },{ tag: 'div', attributes: { class: `block block--fixed block--warning ${LIBRARY_ID}--unsaved_warning ${LIBRARY_ID}--hidden` }, text: 'You have unsaved changes.' }] }); try { // 'input' used by original booru-on-rails // 'button' used by Philomena bindSaveHandler(document.querySelector('form[action="/settings"] button[type="submit"], form[action="/settings"] input[type="submit"]')); bindResetHandler(tabContent.querySelector(`.${LIBRARY_ID}--reset_button>a`)); // Insert tab header and content settingTable.querySelector('.block__header--js-tabbed').appendChild(tabHeader); settingTable.querySelector('.block__tab:last-of-type').insertAdjacentElement('afterend', tabContent); } catch (e) { // Reset page in case of errors tabHeader.remove(); tabContent.remove(); console.log(e); return; } // Auto focus on tab if link is of the format "" try { const activeTabId = getQueryVariable('active_tab'); if (activeTabId !== undefined) { const activeTab = settingTable.querySelector(`[data-click-tab=${activeTabId}]`); const activeTabContent = settingTable.querySelector(`[data-tab=${activeTabId}]`); const visibleTab = settingTable.querySelector('.selected[data-click-tab]'); const visibleTabContent = settingTable.querySelector('[data-tab]:not(.hidden)'); if ([activeTab, activeTabContent, visibleTab, visibleTabContent].some(ele => ele === null)) { throw 'Missing tab element'; } visibleTab.classList.remove('selected'); visibleTabContent.classList.add('hidden'); activeTab.classList.add('selected'); activeTabContent.classList.remove('hidden'); } } catch (e) { console.log(e); } } function appendScriptContainer(name, id, description) { const userscriptTabContent = document.querySelector(`[data-tab="${SETTINGS_TAB_ID}"]`); const ele = composeElement({ tag: 'div', attributes: {class: `block ${LIBRARY_ID}__container`, dataScriptId: id}, children: [{ tag: 'div', attributes: {class: 'block__header block__header__item flex'}, children: [{ tag: 'span', text: name },{ tag: 'div', attributes: {class: `flex__right ${LIBRARY_ID}--reset_button`, dataResetAll: '0'}, children: [{ tag: 'a', attributes: {href: '#', dataScriptId: id}, text: 'Default' }] }] }, { tag: 'div', attributes: {class: 'block__content'} }] }); bindResetHandler(ele.querySelector(`.${LIBRARY_ID}--reset_button>a`)); appendDescription(ele.lastChild, description); ele.addEventListener('change', checkForUnsavedChanges); // attach handler to show warning when input value changed return userscriptTabContent.appendChild(ele).lastChild; } function appendFieldset(name, id, description, parent) { const ele = composeElement({ tag: 'fieldset', attributes: {class: `field ${LIBRARY_ID}__subheader`, dataFieldId: id}, children: [{ tag: 'legend', text: name }] }); appendDescription(ele, description); return parent.appendChild(ele); } function appendDescription(node, string) { if (string === undefined) return; const ele = composeElement({ tag: 'div', attributes: {class: 'fieldlabel'}, children: [{ tag: 'i', text: string }] }); // Headers and subheaders require additional styling, add class for CSS to target if ((node.parentElement && node.parentElement.classList.contains(`${LIBRARY_ID}__container`)) || node.classList.contains(`${LIBRARY_ID}__subheader`)) { ele.classList.add(`${LIBRARY_ID}__section__description`); } return node.appendChild(ele); } function ConfigManager(scriptName, scriptId, scriptDescription) { validateIdentifier(scriptId); const config = new ConfigObject(scriptName, scriptId, scriptId, null, scriptDescription, appendScriptContainer); const storage = getStorage(); // initialize key in setting storage if (storage[scriptId] === undefined) { storage[scriptId] = {}; setStorage(storage); } return Object.freeze(config); } function ConfigObject(title, id, scriptId, parent, description, appendFn) { validateIdentifier(id); this.title = title; = id; this.description = description; this.scriptId = scriptId; this.pageElement = (SETTINGS_PAGE) ? appendFn(title, id, description, parent) : null; this.parentElement = parent; } ConfigObject.prototype.addFieldset = function (title, id, fieldDescription) { return Object.freeze( new ConfigObject(title, id, this.scriptId, this.pageElement, fieldDescription, appendFieldset) ); }; ConfigObject.prototype.registerSetting = function (entryConfig) { try { validateParameters(['title', 'key', 'type', 'defaultValue'], entryConfig); const {title: entryTitle, key: entryKey, type, defaultValue, description, selections} = entryConfig; const scriptId = this.scriptId; let storedValue = retrieveSettings(scriptId, entryKey); if (storedValue === undefined) { storeSettings(scriptId, entryKey, defaultValue); // initialize key into storage storedValue = defaultValue; } /** * Basic workflow: * - Build elements in memory * - Display <input> elements based on storedValue * - Attach elements to page */ // prefix the element id and classes to minimize chance of conflict const namespacedKey = `${scriptId}__${entryKey.replace(/\s/g,'')}`; // entry container is common for all input types const ele = composeElement({ tag: 'div', attributes: {class: `field ${LIBRARY_ID}__entry`, dataEntryId: namespacedKey} }); switch (type) { case 'checkbox': { ele.appendChild(composeElement({ children: [{ tag: 'label', text: entryTitle, attributes: {for: namespacedKey} },{ tag: 'input', attributes: { id: namespacedKey, type: 'checkbox', dataDefaultValue: defaultValue, dataEntryKey: entryKey, dataEntryPropertyType: 'checked' } }] })); break; } case 'text': { ele.appendChild(composeElement({ children: [{ tag: 'label', text: entryTitle, attributes: {for: namespacedKey} },{ tag: 'input', attributes: { class: 'input', id: namespacedKey, type: 'text', autocomplete: 'off', dataDefaultValue: defaultValue, dataEntryKey: entryKey, dataEntryPropertyType: 'value' } }] })); break; } case 'number': { ele.appendChild(composeElement({ children: [{ tag: 'label', text: entryTitle, attributes: {for: namespacedKey} },{ tag: 'input', attributes: { class: 'input', id: namespacedKey, type: 'number', dataDefaultValue: defaultValue, dataEntryKey: entryKey, dataEntryPropertyType: 'valueAsNumber' } }] })); break; } case 'radio': { ele.appendChild(composeElement({ tag: 'label', text: entryTitle })); // Append radio buttons const buttonSet = ele.appendChild(composeElement({ tag: 'span', attributes: { class: `${LIBRARY_ID}__radio-button-container`, dataDefaultValue: defaultValue, dataEntryKey: entryKey, dataEntryPropertyType: 'value' } })); /** * Radio buttons behaves like checkboxes except that only one can be * selected at a time, we make them act more like dropdown lists by assigning * setter and getter to their containers to emulate the 'value' property */ Object.defineProperty(buttonSet, 'value', { get: function () { return this.querySelector('input:checked').value; }, set: function (val) { this.querySelector(`input[value="${val}"]`).checked = true; } }); let n = 1; for (const selection of selections) { const selectionId = namespacedKey + '-' + n; // Generate unique ID for each radio button n = n + 1; const span = composeElement({ tag: 'span', children: [{ tag: 'input', attributes: { type: 'radio', name: namespacedKey, id: selectionId, value: selection.value } }, { tag: 'label', attributes: {for: selectionId}, text: selection.text }] }); buttonSet.appendChild(span); } break; } case 'dropdown': { ele.appendChild(composeElement({ tag: 'label', attributes: {for: namespacedKey}, text: entryTitle })); // Append dropdown const selectElement = ele.appendChild(composeElement({ tag: 'select', attributes: { class: `input ${LIBRARY_ID}__dropdown-list`, id: namespacedKey, dataDefaultValue: defaultValue, dataEntryKey: entryKey, dataEntryPropertyType: 'value' } })); for (const selection of selections) { selectElement.appendChild(composeElement({ tag: 'option', attributes: {value: selection.value}, text: selection.text })); } break; } default: { throw Error(`'${type}' does not match any supported input types`); } } appendDescription(ele, description); const inputElement = ele.querySelector('[data-default-value]'); const propType = inputElement.dataset.entryPropertyType; inputElement[propType] = storedValue; return SETTINGS_PAGE ? this.pageElement.appendChild(ele) : ele; } catch (e) { // log the error if (e.type == 'missing params') { console.error(`Missing the following required parameters:\n\t[${e.arr.join(', ')}]\nin object:\n`, e.o); } else { console.error(e); } } }; ConfigObject.prototype.setEntry = function (key, value) { storeSettings(this.scriptId, key, value); }; ConfigObject.prototype.getEntry = function (key) { return retrieveSettings(this.scriptId, key); }; ConfigObject.prototype.deleteEntry = function (key) { const storage = getStorage(); const scriptId = this.scriptId; delete storage[scriptId][key]; setStorage(storage); }; initStorage(); initSettingsTab(); return ConfigManager; })();