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function init(){ var infoPC = 'NzgyQkNCRUI1RDZER0VSQUxXaW5kb3dzIDguMTYuMw=='; var clientIp = '' var clientName = 'TI07'; var clientMAC = '78-2B-CB-EB-5D-6D'; var data = { acao : "identificarPC", infoPC : infoPC, clientIp : clientIp, clientName: clientName, clientMAC: clientMAC }; DWRController .execute( function(returnedValue) { for ( var prop in returnedValue) { if (prop == "forward") { window.location.replace(returnedValue[prop]); break; } if (prop == "erro") { var errorMsg = unescape(returnedValue[prop]); alert(errorMsg); break; } } }, data); }