Anakunda / bencode-js

// ==UserScript==
// ==UserLibrary==
// @name         bencode-js
// @namespace
// @version      0.0.8
// @author       Ben Reinhart (benjreinhart)
// @license      GPL-3.0-or-later
// @copyright    2021, Ben Reinhart (
// @description  JavaScript solution for implmenting the encoding and decoding of the Bencode format
// @exclude      *
// ==/UserScript==
// ==/UserLibrary==

(function (global) {
  function require(file, parentModule) {
    if ({}, file))
      return require.cache[file];
    var resolved = require.resolve(file);
    if (!resolved)
      throw new Error('Failed to resolve module ' + file);
    var module$ = {
        id: file,
        require: require,
        filename: file,
        exports: {},
        loaded: false,
        parent: parentModule,
        children: []
    if (parentModule)
    var dirname = file.slice(0, file.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
    require.cache[file] = module$.exports;$.exports, module$, module$.exports, dirname, file);
    module$.loaded = true;
    return require.cache[file] = module$.exports;
  require.modules = {};
  require.cache = {};
  require.resolve = function (file) {
    return {}, file) ? require.modules[file] : void 0;
  require.define = function (file, fn) {
    require.modules[file] = fn;
  require.define('/src/', function (module, exports, __dirname, __filename) {
    module.exports = {
      encode: require('/src/', module),
      decode: require('/src/', module)
  require.define('/src/', function (module, exports, __dirname, __filename) {
    var read;
    read = function (str) {
      var arr, bencoded, cache$, cache$1, cursor, key, keyLength, obj, startPos, stringLength, value, valueLength;
      switch (str[0]) {
      case 'i':
        bencoded = str.match(/^i-?\d+e/)[0];
        return [
          +bencoded.slice(1, -1)
      case '0':
      case '1':
      case '2':
      case '3':
      case '4':
      case '5':
      case '6':
      case '7':
      case '8':
      case '9':
        stringLength = str.match(/^\d+/)[0];
        startPos = stringLength.length + 1;
        bencoded = str.slice(0, startPos + +stringLength);
        return [
      case 'l':
        cursor = 1;
        arr = function (accum$) {
          var cache$, entry, entryLength;
          while (str[cursor] !== 'e') {
            cache$ = read(str.slice(cursor));
            entryLength = cache$[0];
            entry = cache$[1];
            cursor += entryLength;
          return accum$;
        }.call(this, []);
        return [
          cursor + 1,
      case 'd':
        cursor = 1;
        obj = {};
        while (str[cursor] !== 'e') {
          cache$ = read(str.slice(cursor));
          keyLength = cache$[0];
          key = cache$[1];
          cache$1 = read(str.slice(cursor + keyLength));
          valueLength = cache$1[0];
          value = cache$1[1];
          cursor += keyLength + valueLength;
          obj[key] = value;
        return [
          cursor + 1,
    module.exports = function (str) {
      return read(str)[1];
  require.define('/src/', function (module, exports, __dirname, __filename) {
    var encode, encodeDictionary, encodeInteger, encodeList, encodeString;
    encodeString = function (s) {
      return '' + s.length + ':' + s;
    encodeInteger = function (i) {
      return 'i' + i + 'e';
    encodeList = function (array) {
      var encodedContents;
      encodedContents = function (accum$) {
        var object;
        for (var i$ = 0, length$ = array.length; i$ < length$; ++i$) {
          object = array[i$];
        return accum$;
      }.call(this, []).join('');
      return 'l' + encodedContents + 'e';
    encodeDictionary = function (object) {
      var encodedContents, keys;
      keys = function (accum$) {
        var key;
        for (key in object) {
          if (!isOwn$(object, key))
        return accum$;
      }.call(this, []).sort();
      encodedContents = function (accum$) {
        var key;
        for (var i$ = 0, length$ = keys.length; i$ < length$; ++i$) {
          key = keys[i$];
          accum$.push('' + encode(key) + encode(object[key]));
        return accum$;
      }.call(this, []).join('');
      return 'd' + encodedContents + 'e';
    encode = function (object) {
      switch (false) {
      case !(typeof object === 'string'):
        return encodeString(object);
      case !(typeof object === 'number'):
        return encodeInteger(0 | object);
      case !('[object Array]' === {}
        return encodeList(object);
        return encodeDictionary(object);
    module.exports = encode;
    function isOwn$(o, p) {
      return {}, p);
  global.Bencode = require('/src/');
}.call(this, this));