Marti Admin

I really don't want to host images.


One I use is Since this site can be tied into GitHub I'll probably host there directly (already doing this for some tests) and perhaps SourceForge eventually.

OMG! there are anchor name attributes for header tags!!! (well at least h2's... I haven't checked any others) Bless you! :)

You can also go to flagged to see anything others...

The correct linkage should be flagged when you are logged in.

Markdown takes a bit to get used to. :)

Those urls return 404 for me and I can't find any links on my profile page.

Should be in bright orange

Hmm I'd be interested in this too. Difficult to guess how to fix things unless I do some trial and error locally. I have Linux and Win7 with a few dedicated Linux test machines to toy with so bash scripts are easily done without terminal emulation on Windows.

And now I long for the ability to edit comments...

Bah! Editing comments is overrated. ;) j/k I am missing your preview button from UCF though. Makes one think really deep and multiple proof readings before posting for sure.

Still not able to sync my GH repo into here too. I know others have been able to but I don't think I did anything out of the ordinary. Even tried a clean profile with no luck.

Anyhow... looking better all the time even with a few bumps. :)

This is just a test discussion... although a user.js to do laundry would be fantastic. :)

Hello one and all. Just thought I'd give the Garage a whirl.