Marti / uso - Anchor Bookmarks


Version: updated

Summary: Converts anchor tags with no attributes into bookmarks via the next available text node line




Homepage: Bookmarks


Copyright: 2010+, Marti Martz (

License: GPL-3.0-or-later;

License: CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0;

no screenshots at this time

| Compatibility Matrix | Overview | Usage


  • Since markdown doesn't support empty anchors this script will not work when composing a post in markdown. Please use presentational html.

Compatibility Matrix

Mozilla Firefox Mozilla Seamonkey Apple Safari Opera Software Opera Microsoft Internet Explorer Chromium Projects ChromiumGoogle Chrome                     
Linux Greasemonkey Greasemonkey prc uso - installWith Greasemonkey Port uso - installWith Vioent monkey TamperMonkey
Macintosh Greasemonkey Greasemonkey prc uso - installWith Greasemonkey Port uso - installWith Vioent monkey TamperMonkey
Windows Greasemonkey Greasemonkey prc uso - installWith Greasemonkey Port uso - installWith Vioent monkey TamperMonkey
  • Use this compatibility matrix to determine if this script is right for your system. Find the platform on the left and find your browser on the top. Where they intersect is the compatibility.


This script converts anchor tags with no attributes into bookmarks via the next available text node line. This is a workaround until and if the admins get around to allowing the id and name attributes in an anchor tag. See also this topic⁸⁰⁸⁰ in this post⁸⁰⁸⁰.

Test link... this should take the browser directly to the Query String Parameters (QSP⁸⁰⁸⁰) section after installation.

If you are using alternate CSS⁸⁰⁸⁰, Anchor Bookmarks must be run AFTER that script. If you are using Chromium/Chrome good luck on getting the order correct as their interface doesn't support reordering scripts. Opera users should just be able to rename this scripts file to run after it.

This script is intended to be used in Mozilla products however I have made allowances for some of the other child browsers to have it work in those. This is not a guarantee that this script will always work in other browsers. I am rarely outside of Mozilla products so users will need to report in the ERRATA topic if this becomes broken.


In any post, guide or script summary edit box simply just type:

<h3><a></a> Usage<h3>

and the rest is done for you!

NOTE: You can choose something else besides Usage and you are not restricted to using it between h3 tags. You are however limited to ~64 characters (pre formatting) that it will choose based off what you type. The preceding code snippet is how I generated this h3 tag header block in this script usage header⁸⁰⁸⁰. :)

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