yoloanonyme User

Hello, thank you for your comments.
I don't have any idea about Javascript, I thought that the script was writen in CSS.
I looked at the script and well, with 2700 lines of codes, it'll be too complicated to rewrite.
I don't think someone would be interested in my idea, maybe I'll try to learn Javascript and rewrite your script. I'll tell you when I get ready to do that.
By the way, I am somewhat a novice programmer, I have done some Python and R, but for data analysis, not really IT stuff. If you want to take a programming class, Python could be a good language to start with.
Best regards,

I have used your script for 2 years and I found it very useful to me. But yesterday when I looked at my block list, I found out that it contains several thousands sites, much more than the number of sites useful to me. So I came up with an idea : the script should block all search results by default and whitelist just a certain number of sites.
Unfortunately, I don't have much knowledge in CSS for now (I'd like to learn it the future) so it's difficult to me to realize a script like that. Could you please check if a feature like that could be added to the script ? If not, could you give me a piece of advice to modify your script ? I will try to learn some CSS basis in that case.
Sorry for my bad English
Best regards,