Nintendo_Maniac_64 User

...I'm gussing that the .80a version didn't count as a "next release" but was instead a quick hotfix patch or something?

I just realized that, on large resolution displays, the opposite kind of occurs.

Normally the webpage would be centered, but when the Pixiv++ menu is open, the webpage is shifted to the left. If you close the menu and then reload the page, the weppage will still be shifted to the left.

Simply put, if you close the Pixiv++ menu and then reload the page, the webpage will still be shifted to the right as if the Pixiv++ menu was still open.

Re: @typofixer:
If you're a Firefox/Pale Moon/etc user, you can use the extension "NoSquint" to customize the 'read' and 'unread' link colors on a per-website or per-domain basis.

If you click the illustration title after you have loaded the preview image, you will be taken to an error page.

By comparison, if you click the illustration title before or without loading the preview image, you will go to the image's own page as you would expect.